Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | May 2017
In this Issue

Upcoming Events 

College of Law News

May 11 - NSU Law Commencement | More Information

May 13 - Political Resistance and the 1st Amendment One-Day Forum | More Information

May 19 - Law Center Plus CLE: PIP Defense v. Plaintiff | More Information

June 16 - Law Center Plus CLE: Representing Charities, Profit v. Non Profit | More Information

Save The Date

September 19 - Mentoring Program Breakfast | More Information
Feature Article: NSU Law Commencement Ceremony
Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 2:30 pm
Rick Case Arena, Don Taft University Center

Please join us in congratulating all of our students who will graduating from their respective NSU Law degrees.  Commencement is a recognition and celebration of academic achievement and the lasting contributions that students have made to the university.

We welcome all staff, faculty and alumni to join us for this event at which  Justice James E.C. Perry, Retired Supreme Court Justice, who was appointed as the 85th Justice to the Florida Supreme Court by Governor Charlie Crist and took office there on March 11, 2009, will be giving the commencement speech and honoring our outgoing class as they join our alumni family. Please visit the  NSUCommencement website for further information.
Political Resistance and the 1st Amendment - One Day Forum
Saturday, May 13, 2017 |  9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
3.5 CLE Credits Anticipated

In the past few months, our nation has seen a wave of protests and dissent unlike almost anything in its history. People are taking to the streets to push back against policies that attack the rights of immigrants, Muslims, women, LGBT people, and other groups. Whether you are an attorney seeking CLE credit, or just interested in learning about the state of free speech, join us for a one-day forum on protests, free speech, and the law. | More Information and to RSVP
Law Center Plus - Continuing
Your Legal Education
PIP Defense v. Plaintiff
Presented by Jamie Finizio Bascombe
and Daniel Stiffler
Friday,  May 19, 2017 |  7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
2 CLE Credits Anticipated 

This seminar is designed to educate attorneys about effectively litigating a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) case while upholding the fairness, integrity and civility of the profession.  The course aims to provide mentoring and training on courtroom decorum and generally how to treat other members of the profession with civility while at the same time, effectively advocating for your client. | RSVP
Law Center Plus - Continuing Your
Legal Education
Representing Charities, Profit v. Non Profit
Presented by Adam S. Goldberg
Friday, June 16, 2017 |  7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
2 CLE Credits Anticipated 

This seminar focuses on the proximities of serving as a board member of a charitable or tax-exempt organization; representing charitable and tax-exempt organizations as their legal counsel; and the ethical considerations for exempt organization practitioners. | RSVP
Save the Date: Mentoring Breakfast
Friday September 15, 2017 |  7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law

Each year, NSU Law offers one the nation's most successful and innovative mentoring programs. The highlight to the arrangement is a series of our group mentoring breakfasts. Over 100 NSU Alumni will join current law students to meet each other in table groups, share a deeper understanding about the practice of law, and participate in panel discussions on key topics of professional development.

Designed to prepare students on how to transition from law student to lawyer, the panel discussions emphasize valuable skills such as time management; goal-setting; creating lasting relationships with colleagues; understanding strategy management across all aspects of practicing law; and preparing strategies to address novel situations as they arise in business and the practice of law. You do not need to attend all four breakfasts to participate, but once you come we're sure you'll stay for the entire series. | More Information
February 2017 Bar Induction Ceremony
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 22 NSU Shepard Broad College of Law graduates were inducted to The Florida Bar. Hon. Robert Diaz and Hon. Kal Evans joined Dean Jon Garon, faculty, staff, family and inductees in celebrating this milestone for our graduates. 

We congratulate all of our outstanding inductees and wish them well as they commence their journeys into practicing law. | Photos
(L-R) Hon. Kal Evans, Saamia Ali Shaikh, Dean Jon Garon
19th Annual STUEY Awards 
Thursday, April 13, 2017

The 19th Annual Student Life Achievement Awards (STUEYs) for 2017, proved to be a highly successful event for all members of the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. Two of the NSU Law winners were recognized by taking home the STUEY as university-wide winners. Please join us in congratulating our winners on the night:

NSU Alumni of the Year - Hon. Kal Evans (J.D.)
NSU Student of the Year - Sammia Ali Shaikh

We would also like to extend a well-deserved thank you and congratulations to all of our staff, our faculty and our community partner, who were College of Law STUEY winners and NSU finalists: 
  • Executive of the Year: Lynn Acosta 
  • Administrator of the Year: Rebecca Rich 
  • Staff Person of the Year: Karen Rose 
  • Student Government Organisation of the Year: Student Bar Association 
  • Graduate Organization of the Year: Moot Court Society 
  • Professor of the Year: Olympia Duhart 
  • Co-Curricular Adviser of the Year: Megan Chaney 
  • Corporate Sponsor of the Year: Legal Aid Service of Broward County, Inc./ Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida, Inc.                                                                        
We look forward to celebrating many more of our successes in the future.|  Photos
The Florida Bar Mentoring Program

Support for NSU law students does not end at Graduation. The Critical Skills Program (CSP) continues to assist graduates through their bar exam with a voluntary program called Florida Bar Auxiliary Program (FBAP). FBAP pairs bar exam applicants with coaches who provide support, counseling, and mentoring to help keep the students on track with the extraordinary demands of bar study.

There is still time for students to sign up for an FBAP coach. For more information, please contact Director of Critical Skills Program and Academic Support, Sara Berman J.D. via or (954)-262-6112.
Faculty News
Tim Canova
Professor Tim Canova wrote an Op-Ed called Help us stop the Sabal Trail Pipeline" in the Miami Herald, which covers a range of interrelated issues (water, climate change, energy). He also recently posted "The New Global Dis/Order in Central Banking and Public Finance", originally published in Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law, ed. By Ugo Mattei and John D. Haskell (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2015). He has also posted a book chapter related to how we finance infrastructure, as seen through the lens of New Deal History, titled "The Bottom-Up Recovery: A New Deal in Banking and Public Finance" When Government Helped (Oxford University Press, 2014).  

Professor  Kathy Cerminara and co-author Barbara Noah have accepted an offer of publication regarding our article, Removing Obstacles to a Peaceful Death, in fall 2017 issue of The Elder Law Journal, to appear in print in early 2018.

Professor Michael Masinter was featured as part of the Faculty Development Speaker Series Master Class - 'Reflections on 39 Years' where he shared his reflections, experiences and achievements with participating Faculty in a Q & A on April 6, 2017.
Florence Shu-Acquaye has had three of her articles accepted for publication including: "The African Court and Human Rights: What Lies Ahead for the Merged Court?" in the Howard Human and Civil Rights Law Review Journal (2017), "The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: The Evolution of Whistleblower Protections, Employment Contracts and Mandatory Arbitration Agreements", in the DePaul University Business & Commercial Law Journal (Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2017), "The Ebola Virus Prevention and Human Rights Implications" 12 U. Mass. L. Rev. 2 (2017) (published as the lead article).
Professor Robert M. Jarvis  was quoted in the Palm Beach Post on March 12, 2017 in an article titled, Why 30% of Florida's voting is ripe for fraud.
Professor Michael Dale and Research and Teaching Assistant Federica Turetta, co-wrote a blog piece titled "Handing Narrative Evidence at Trial: Not an Easy Task" which was published on the National Institute of Trial Advocacy website on April 19, 2017. The piece provides a look into trials and their tribulations during the presentation of 'witnesses who can describe what happened in a way that avoids objection'.
Student News
Terri Meyers and Mayda Nahas
NSU Law Student Wins High Court Copyright Lawsuit 
April 4, 2017

Terri Meyers, partner at Kluger Kaplan Silverman Katzen successfully represented Varsity Brands in their successful attempt to extend copyright protection to cheerleading uniforms before the U.S. Supreme Court. Her successful efforts were assisted by NSU Law student Mayda Nahas.  
The case adjudicated in the U.S. Supreme Court analyzed whether design elements on a cheerleading uniform could be copyright protected. This decision marks an important milestone for the fashion industry and will no doubt spawn further litigation as designers press newfound copyright protection and copycats wonder what is safe. (Daily Business Review, 2017). | Full Article

NSU Law Student Miss Florida Sets Sights on Miss USA
April 17, 2017

NSU Law student Linnette De Los Santos has set her sights on the Miss USA pageant to be hosted on May 14th, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. De Los Santos enrolled in law school as "she wants to specialize in immigration law because she wants to provide help to those who deserve to be in this country".  | Full Article  
Free Student Webinars Presented by Equal Justice Works
Throughout May, 2017

Equal Justice Works provides a continuum of programs that begin with incoming law school students and extend into later careers in the profession. They are offering free webinars to students who are interested in learning more about the following areas:

The Law Student's Summer Guide to Social Media & Digital Branding - Thursday May 11, Thursday May 18 and  Student Debt Relief Basics - Thursday May 25

These webinars are designed to provide relevant information to assist students in leveraging their time and assets during law school and after graduation.

For questions, suggestions, mentoring program information and to submit news for any future editions of Student Connections, please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services  |  954-262-6127