NSU Law Student Newsletter - August 2020
NSU Law Welcomes Jóse Roberto (Beto) Juárez, Jr.
Welcome from Dean Juárez - Letter to Alumni
Thank you for the warm welcome from the NSU Law Community. I have already had an opportunity to interact with a small group of NSU Law alumni, and I am impressed and grateful to the alumni community for your support of NSU Law. I look forward to meeting many more of you in person or virtually. NSU Law faculty, staff, and administration are focused on providing a first-rate education to our current students during the current pandemic. We have prioritized supporting our graduates who will be taking the online bar examination and on ensuring that we are preparing our students to pass the bar examination the first time they take it – about which you will hear much more in the coming months. Thank you for your continued support of NSU Law!
Highlights from the 2019-2020 Academic Year
On August 10, NSU Law welcomed the class of JD 2023. Even as we gear up for the coming year, we are delighted to share the many accomplishments from the past year:
National Rankings
- NSU Law Legal Research and Writing program has been ranked 18th nationally and 2nd in Florida by U.S. News and World Report peer recognition.
- U.S. News and World Report has ranked NSU Law with a national ranking at 54 for the Health Care Law program, tied for 1st in Florida.
- The NSU Trial Advocacy program moved up 50 spots and is now ranked 50th nationally. See the news highlight below about the Trial Advocacy Summer Institute.
- The ABA has changed its accreditation regulations and released national data on bar passage. NSU Law’s cumulative bar passage rate (measured after two years) is 90.3%, placing NSU Law among the top half in overall bar passage success among all U.S. law schools.
NSU Law Alumni
NSU Law continues to make an impact in the legal community locally, nationally and internationally.
- 61% of the Broward County Bar Association Executive Board and BCBA Young Lawyers Officers are NSU Law alumni. NSU Law alumni hold leadership positions in the major South Florida voluntary bar associations.
- 128 NSU Law Alumni are members of the judiciary with more to be listed following the August and November elections.
- 100's of alumni send us class actions each year. We wish we could list all of your accomplishments, too! Thank you for staying in touch with NSU Law.
6th NSU Trial Advocacy Summer Institute
TASI leaned in to the “new normal” that is online advocacy. 40 students and 22 TASI faculty focused on how to litigate through video conferencing platforms while teaching how to achieve success on each portion of a case. Students were taught the art and skill of trying a case using online technologies and tele-lawyering. TASI participants experienced how well NSU law attorneys have adapted to rapidly changing times. Students ZOOM-ed into the courtroom with nationwide practicing attorneys who dedicated their time to teach opening statements, direct and cross examinations, closing arguments, and etiquette specific to conducting themselves professionally and online. The NSU Trial Association executive board was assisted by Professor Megan Chaney
Thank you to the 17th judicial circuit judges who presided over the students' final trials.
The Honorable Betsy Benson (J.D. 1984)
The Honorable Kal Evans (J.D. 2003)
The Honorable Phoebee Francois
The Honorable Yael Gamm (J.D. 2001)
The Honorable Peter Holden (J.D. 1989)
The Honorable Kathleen McHugh (J.D. 1994)
The Honorable Carol-Lisa Phillips (J.D. 1989)
The Honorable Ari Abraham Porth (J.D. 1995)
The Honorable Christopher Pole (J.D. 1980)
The Honorable Jacqueline Powell (J.D. 2003)
Thank you to the alumni and friends of NSU Law who served as faculty during the 4-day Trial Advocacy Summer Institute.
Christine Adler, Esq. (J.D. 1988)
Berkin Aslan, Esq. (J.D. 2015)
Yineth Sanchez Aslan, Esq. (J.D. 2016)
Jessica A. Bartell, Esq. (J.D. 2014)
The Honorable Robert F. Diaz (J.D. 1984)
Brandon Dinetz, Esq. (J.D. 2016)
Jessica Etienne, Esq.
Michael Hersh, Esq.
Eric Hoecker, Esq.
Brooke Latta, Esq. (J.D. 2013)
Armand Murach, Esq. (J.D. 2013)
Patyl Oflazian, Esq. (J.D. 2010)
H. Seth Rosenthal, Esq. (J.D. 2014)
Andrew Sando, Esq. (J.D. 2013)
Vanessa Seblano, Esq. (J.D. 2014)
Maria Schneider, Esq. (J.D. 1987)
Jihad Sheikha, J.D. (J.D. 2020)
Daniel Taub, Esq. (J.D. 2016)
John Tolley, Esq. (J.D. 2013)
Kimberly Wald, Esq. (J.D. 2014)
Jacarri Walker, Esq. (J.D. 2018)
H. Dohn Williams, Esq.
NSU Law Alumni Leadership
Congratulations to the following alumni for their proud leadership of the Caribbean Bar Association.
Tricia-Gaye L. Cotterell (J.D. 2016) President
Hilary A. Creary (J.D. 1993) Vice President
Ashleigh McKenzie (J.D. 2016) Board Member
Tshai Wright (J.D. 2018) Board Member
Loris Gayle (J.D. 2016) Board Member
NSU Law Students' Success in
The Florida Bar Foundation Law School Challenge.
NSU Law students earned runner up in the student engagement leaderboard for the 2020 Florida Pro Bono Law School Challenge. A core part of the Foundation’s mission is to promote public service among lawyers by making it an integral part of the law school experience. By connecting students with alumni to partner on pro bono cases from legal aid organizations, the Foundation increases access to justice and promotes pro bono work. We are looking forward to Spring 2021!
L-R: Dean José R. (Beto) Juárez, Jr., Jennifer Gordon, Director of Public Interest Programs and Interim Director of the Career & Professional Development Office and Dean Debra Moss Vollweiler
NSU Alumni recognized as Legal Elite
The state’s top lawyers are recognized in the 2020 edition of Florida Trend’s Florida Legal Elite™. The list of 1,071 honorees represents just over 1% of the active Florida Bar members, including attorneys in private practice as well as top government and non-profit attorneys who practice in Florida. The 62 NSU Law alumni recognized are listed on the link below.
NSU Law Student Organizations Create Welcome Videos for incoming 1L students.
NSU Law orientation was spread out over 4 days and evenings with both in-person and virtual presentations. The NSU Law student organizations coordinated to produce their own welcome videos. Please enjoy their creativity and sincerity! To view the organization videos and learn about what makes each special, click on the student org groups here:
Lucia Rodriguez J.D. 2021 (December)
Lucia E. Rodriguez was a summer federal judicial intern with the Honorable Darrin P. Gayles of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. As an intern, she attended various hearings, conducted research on an array of legal matters, and drafted and edited various orders for Judge Gayles. Lucia is a rising 2L and a member of the NSU Moot Court Society.
The NSU Martin A. Feinrider Summer Fellowship sponsored Edwyna Estime’s internship with the Broward County Cultural Division for International Human Rights. Edwyna's work involved researching human rights abuses suffered by citizens of Fort Lauderdale during the Jim Crow laws era. She was responsible for interviewing and capturing the stories of the elderly citizens of Fort Lauderdale, and finding legal theories that could be analyzed to provide legal remedies/reparations for these victims. Edwyna's work will be featured in the African American history museum Destination Sistrunk in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
The Ovid and Clare Lewis Public Interest Fellowship sponsored Natalie Ortega's summer work with the Department of Children and Families, Children's Legal Services in West Palm Beach, FL. Natalie assisted the senior and supervising attorney in drafting orders and petitions for cases involving abused or neglected children. She also observed virtual hearings including shelter hearings, as well as judicial reviews, and dependency drug court. Natalie is the secretary for the NSU Human Rights Organization and a member of the Moot Court Society, NSU Trial Association and ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law.
Nabila Rahim was the Rebecca Knox Public Interest Law fellow during the summer of 2020. "My time with the RISE Project of Legal Aid Society Broward County was an invaluable experience. Through this fellowship, I became familiar with Marsy's Law, a new amendment to the Florida Constitution which aims to ensure victims have standing in court. I was able to further develop my legal research and writing skills on various legal issues in a new area of law relating to victim's rights in Florida. I received phenomenal feedback and criticism from my mentors which will undoubtedly aid in my growth as a legal professional." Nabila is the president of the Public Interest Law Society.
15 Law Faculty presented or moderated at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference
Heather Baxter
Kathy Cerminara
Megan Chaney
Jane Cross
Olympia Duhart
Vicenç Feliú
Jon Garon
Areto Imoukhuede
Shahabudeen Khan
Camille Lamar Campbell
Joel Mintz
Kate Webber Nuñez
Roma Perez
Susan Stephan
Marilyn Uzdavines
NSU Law faculty gave over 28 presentations during the 7-day virtual conference.
Professor Heather Baxter
Panelist with Professors Jane Cross, Camille Lamar Campbell, and Kate Webber-Nuñez on “Charting New Territories: Giving Effective Feedback in an Online Environment,” during the William & Mary Virtual Conference for Excellence in Teaching Legal Research & Writing Online held on June 18 and 19, 2020.
Presented Intro to Appellate Advocacy, NSU Moot Court Workshop Series held on June 23 and 24, 2020.
Served on the NSU Law Fall 2020 Task Force, Teaching and Orientation Working Groups.
Was the Document Editor on Guidance for Conducting Moot Court Competitions 2020-2021.
Panelist with Professor Jane Cross on “Live or Memorex” NSU Law Teaching Tips, July 14, 2020.
Panelist with Professors Jane Cross and Elena Marty-Nelson on “Better PPTs,” NSU Law Teaching Tips, July 21, 2020.
Moderated the Discussion Group “Making Moot Court Matter: Best Practices and Ongoing Challenges” and “Time Hacks for Teaching Legal Writing: Ways to be More Efficient in the Classroom and Beyond” at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) 2020 Annual Conference.
Presented Adapting to Technology to Teach Appellate Advocacy at the Training Advocates Conference 2020: Our Virtual Reality on August 8, 2020.
Professor Camille Lamar Campbell
Discussant, “Best Practices for Online Instruction and Assessment” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
Published Today’s Crusades: A Therapeutic Jurisprudential Critique of Faith-Based Civil Rights in Health Care, 13 ALB. GOVT. L. REV. 1 (2020). LINK
Moderator, “Designing your Teaching Package” and “Current Topics in Bioethics and Public Health” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Megan Chaney
Was cited in the Business Law Prof Blog concerning her presentation at the 2020 SEALS conference on the topic of Jeffrey Epstein and Equity in Trust Law and Corporate Law. LINK
Was elected as the first secretary of the new National Association of Legal Advocacy Educators. The NALAE represents the interests of legal advocacy educators and any person who is engaged in teaching trial advocacy, appellate advocacy, alternative dispute resolution, client counseling, or any other skills related to litigation and trials, at the law school level.
Discussant, “Inter-topical Problem-solving: The Curious Case of the State of Jeffrey Epstein” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Doug Donoho
The Modern Law of Torts takes a very different approach to the role of cases. Each chapter starts with, and includes throughout, significant narrative explanations, laced with illustrations and guidance, rather than simply relying on a set of edited cases. Learning goals and outcomes are expressed for each chapter, followed by a clear pattern of assignments and problems that track those goals.
Associate Dean for Faculty And Student Development, Director of the Legal Research and Writing Program & Professor Olympia Duhart
Published an essay, Love in the Time of Coronavirus, in the August 2020 issue of the Legal Writing Institute LWI Lives “Shelter-in-Place Edition.”
Participated in several panels and discussions at the Virtual SEALS Conference this summer. Duhart was a discussant in “Law School as Experience: Teaching Skills, Values, and Knowledge Throughout Legal Education” and “The ‘Ethics’ of the Law School Classroom.” She also presented on Formative Assessment and Active Teaching during the panel, “Designing an Effective Law School Course” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Duhart was elected to serve on the national board for the Association of Legal Writing Directors. Her term started Aug. 1, 2020. Founded in 1996, ALWD is a non-profit professional association with members representing more than 150 law schools throughout the United States, Canada and Australia.
Duhart is also serving as a producer for the SALT Teaching Social Justice Podcast, which launched Aug. 7, 2020. The series will feature interviews with great teachers from around the country discussing the ways to integrate social justice issues in the law school classroom. On July 30, 2020, Duhart also hosted and co-moderated SALT’s Virtual Series on Social Justice in Action. The topic for the discussion was “Incorporating Anti-Racist Frameworks in Core Law School Classes.”
Professor Jon M. Garon
Discussant, “Online & Hybrid Learning Pedagogy Best Practices and Standards Development,” “Best Practices for Online Instruction and Assessment,” “The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),” and “Privacy in an Internet Era.” Presented during “Free Speech in an Era of Artificial Intelligence” and moderated “Law School Governance Surrounding Online Implementation” and “Master Class for Experienced Online Educators” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Areto Imoukhuede
Invited panelist for “NSU Town Hall and Roundtable on Eradicating Racism” organized by the College of Law Diversity and Research Deans and held on virtually June 10, 2020.
2020 John Mercer Langston Writing Workshop organizing committee member. The University of California, Berkeley, hosted the workshop virtually on June 9-10, 2020.
Associate Dean of International Programs & Professor Shahabudeen Khan
Panelist, “Making Moot Court Matter - Best Practices and Ongoing Challenges” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Kate Webber Nuñez
Discussant, “Best Practices for Online Instruction and Assessment” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye
Accepted for publication, Medical Marijuana: Implications of Evolving Trends in Regulation, 46 U. DAYTON L. REV. 1 (Fall 2020) (forthcoming).
Associate Dean of Graduate and Online Programs Susan Stephan
Conference panelist, “Master Class for Experienced Online Educators,” SEALS 2020 Conference Program (virtual), August 1, 2020.
Moderator, “Accreditation, State Regulation, and Variance Usage in Online Legal Education,” SEALS 2020 Conference Program (virtual), July 31, 2020.
Professor Marilyn Uzdavines
Discussant, “Current Trends in Health Law & Health Policy” at the SEALS 2020 Annual Conference.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services