New Trier Neighbors presents:

Monday, November 13
Writers Theater

325 Tudor Court, Glencoe, IL 
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Open to the public. Tickets required. Purchase here.

In recent years, rates of gender dysphoria, especially among youth and adolescents, have exploded worldwide. In the United Kingdom, cases of gender dysphoria for girls have increased 4000% over the past ten years, an unusual increase by any measure in medicine.

Northwestern University Professor Dr. Michael Bailey and former Brown University public health researcher Dr. Lisa Littman have each brought attention to this unprecedented phenomenon, but professionally have also paid a price for their pursuit of a deeper understanding of recent trends.  
On November 13, join us at the Writers Theater in Glencoe to hear what Dr. Bailey and Dr. Littman have found thus far, the questions they hope to answer by pursuing additional research regarding this condition and the implications for the scientific method going forward.

Tickets required. Purchase here. Space is limited - get your tickets today!
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"White Anti Racist Group Co-Sponsor"
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