February 2021
Your monthly news & updates
The theme this month in worship, religious education and small groups is "Beloved Community"

To receive a copy of this month's "Soulful Home" packet for how to add elements of ritual and spirituality to daily family life especially with younger children, please email the request to minister@nuuc.org
Do You Have an Immediate Financial Need?

These are hard times for so many people right now. If you have an immediate financial need, please reach out to Rev. Susan Ritchie at minister@nuuc.org. The church maintains a confidential Minister's Discretionary Fund to help NUUC members and staff with short term financial emergencies.
Helping Those in Need

Are you looking for a way to translate your stimulus check in to help for those who need it the most? Or perhaps, you are more generally looking for a way to provide immediate relief to persons in our community? Please consider donating to the Minister's Discretionary Fund, which offers temporary emergency funds to NUUC members and staff. To donate either donate online by clicking here, or, send a check with Minister's Discretionary Fund in the memo line to NUUC, PO Box 541, Lewis Center OH 43035. If you are looking for other ways to donate locally, we recommend Standing Up for Racial Justice as a local group consistent with our anti-racist commitments. You can reach them by clicking here.
Ways to Connect
New Opportunity: Creative Fellowship
Are you longing for connection in these difficult times? Do you have unfinished craft/art/sewing/knitting or other projects that you would like to work on but haven’t? If so please join Commissioned Lay Minister Teri Cornell in Creative Fellowship! We will have a zoom meeting once a month (the first Thursday of each month from 6:30PM-8:00PM) and we can work on our projects, exercise our creativity, and talk about whatever is on our minds and hearts. No need to sign up, just drop by using the same Zoom link that we use for regular NUUC worship service (see below).

The Second Monday Morning Covenant Group, meets from 10:00 until noon via “Zoom.” For a link, contact Marty Keith at martykeith @zoho.com. The next meeting is Feb. 8, when the topic for discussion will be "What We Know of What We Know."

Soul Matters Small Groups
We currently have three different Soul Matters Small Groups virtually meeting, for regular in depth check ins, and for exploring together different spiritual themes. New members are welcome at any time, write to minister@nuuc.org

Wednesday Noon Check In
Join us using the regular NUUC zoom connection at noon everyday Wednesday for informal check- ins and chat with your fellow members. Use the regular Sunday morning Zoom login, or write minister@nuuc.org for a direct link.
Food for the Spirit
by Liora Gubkin Malicdem, Ministerial Intern
 Looking for an opportunity to connect with your North community and attend to your own spiritual development? Food for the Spirit, provides a space for us to come together and share how we feed our spirits. I look forward to this opportunity for us to be together. Email lioragmalicdem@gmail.com with your intentions to attend so we can send you the zoom link.
 Saturday, February 13, 1-2:30 p.m.
Ritual and Celebration. We’ll exercise our collective creativity to communally connect with the Spirit of Life in our midst.

NUUC's Women's Group Want the Zoom link to participate in our monthly meeting? Please contact Marty Keith at marthkeith@zoho.com for a Zoom link. The group meets the last Sunday of the month at noon. The next meeting is Feb. 28, where the conversation will focus on health care inequalities in the United States.

Interested in the Once a Month Brown Bag Books? Contact rutharusk@gmail.com for a zoom link. Meets the third Tuesday at noon. The next meeting is Feb. 16 at noon. The discussion will focus on Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man."


STAND FOR JUSTICE UU Justice Ohio Benefit Concert

Saturday, March 6, 2021
8 to 9 p.m.
Hal Walker Concert for Peace & Justice & Loving Your Neighbor

All of the funds raised by this concert will be used to help UUJO continue its efforts for economic justice, racial justice, criminal justice reform and its new environmental justice initiative. In 2021, UU Justice Ohio needs to raise funds to help organize Earth Ministry interest groups in all Ohio UU congregations and create environmental justice educational opportunities for all Ohioans.

Enjoy the music and help Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio continue to lead the fight for economic justice, criminal justice reform, and environmental justice!
Minimum suggested donation $15.
Please Register at http://bit.ly/UUJOConcert

Hal Walker grew up in Kent, Ohio blowing the harmonica along the banks of the Cuyahoga River. He is a singer, songwriter and musical “explorer”. A natural-born musician, he is truly one-of-a-kind. His creative and passionate style engages audiences of all ages. Hal Walker writes soul-searching songs that celebrate community, diversity and the creative process. His soaring baritone voice is a Northeastern Ohio treasure. Hal has released 2 albums of his songs and one CD of instrumental music. Home in Ohio and Life Wonderful are available for purchase online and on itunes. See more about Hal at https://www.halwalkermusic.com/

If you have any questions about UUJO or the concert, please contact Rev Joan VanBecelaere at info@uujo.org
With Hope for the Future
Rev Joan VanBecelaere
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio
303-641-5896 / info@uujo.org

UU JUSTICE OHIO: Race Matters in the Supreme Court 1791-2021 
 March 9, 16, & 23 7:00 - 8:30 pm
University of Cincinnati Political Science Professor Emeritus Howard Tolley will examine Supreme Court case law involving slavery, Native American rights, racial discrimination, segregation, mass incarceration, the death penalty, affirmative action, rights of protesters and qualified immunity for law enforcement personnel. He considers the impact of race, political ideology, legal principles and personal preference on the selection of Justices and the decisions they reach. A review of cases decided in the 2020 term that ends June 30 will include a recorded oral argument.
Offered by Howard Tolley
Prior to retirement in 2011, Howard Tolley served at Wilberforce University for 12 years and then, after completing a JD, as a Professor of Political Science and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Cincinnati. For 27 years at U.C. he taught undergraduate and graduate public law courses including classes on the U.S. legal system, Supreme Court, civil liberties, and international human rights. After service to a faculty union and as an ACLU cooperating attorney, he joined rosters of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the American Arbitration Association, and the Ohio State Employment Relations Board as a neutral labor relations arbitrator, mediator, and fact finder.
Register at UUJAZ.org/register

THE INTERFAITH ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL OHIO (IACO) is made up of nine diverse faiths who have come together for one purpose: To create an interfaith community based on understanding, friendship, and trust.

IACO puts this mission into action by:

• Educating the public about customs and practices of different faith traditions.
• Advocating for social justice, peace, and human dignity.
• Promoting interfaith gatherings and events that address local and global concerns.
• Partnering with other faith and peace focused organizations.

IACO is made up of nine member faiths:

• Baha’i
• Buddhist
• Christin
• Hindu
• Islam
• Jain
• Jewish
• Sikh
• Unitarian Universalist

IACO’s council serves as its policy board. This group is made up of three representatives from each of the member faiths. The council meets every 2 months to discuss current issues to which IACO can take positive action and to plan interfaith opportunities.

In addition to the IACO governing council and executive committee, there are a variety of volunteer committees that provide opportunities for members to get involved. These committees are:

• Administrative - reviews and recommends changes to the Constitution and Bylaws; assists in fiscal operations and budget development; provides nominations for officers and committee moderators or members
• Marketing & Development – responsible for fundraising in support of IACO ; leading membership solicitation and retention; overseeing the Endowment fund; developing a marketing strategy; assisting in the creation of promotional materials; and utilizing social media (website, e-newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) as well as conventional publishing methods to promote IACO and events
• Program - Interfaith Education - provides educational opportunities for members and the public to learn about the religious and social customs and practices of IACO member faith traditions and engage in interfaith dialogue; Spiritual Education – organizes dialogue groups and other opportunities for persons of different faith traditions to exchange viewpoints and learn about other perspectives; develops partnerships with other organizations in order to expand the work of interfaith dialogue and fellowship
• Social Justice – supports IACO’s engagement in social justice advocacy and protection of religious freedom and human dignity by keeping IACO and its members informed about upcoming social justice issues and actions and collaborating with other IACO committees and community partners to plan and implement social justice activities and events.

Rev. Chris Jones-Leavy is one of the three UU representatives on the IACO Council, replacing Pam Patsch who has served on the council for 6 years. If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved with IACO, contact Chris (cjonesleavy@gmail.com) or Pam (pgp723@aol.com). 

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