January 2025


Conservation Celebration!

Despite the winter chill, residents of the Crest of Alexandria community came out to celebrate the conservation of Piney Run’s natural habitat and scenic landscapes! This parcel of land, located within the Crest of Alexandria residential community, is nearly 20 acres of forests, meadows, and trails along Piney Run. HOA-managed recreational opportunities throughout the loop include exercise equipment, a pickleball court, and a gazebo. Collaborations between local developers, community members, county leaders, and NVCT made this happen! Read more about it here

Tank Creek

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our supporters, Tank Creek Preserve has been successfully purchased and will be forever protected by NVCT! We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this vital cause. You helped preserve a valuable natural resource for Northern Virginia and fulfilled Joyce Arndt's dream of protecting Tank Creek! To read more about this Tank Creek click here!


Conservationists of Color


Whether it be developing sustainable agricultural practices or inspiring others to connect with nature through poetry, conservationists of color have significantly impacted conservation, and we want to celebrate them!

Join us at Busboy and Poets to read, listen, learn, and be inspired!

January 26


Busboys and Poets

4251 Campbell Ave, Arlington

Arlington, VA 22206

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Species Spotlight

North American Racer

This month's find is a North American Black Racer (Coluber constrictor constrictor), a non-venomous snake species. When approached by predators, they sometimes move their tails to rustle dry leaves, imitating the sound of a rattlesnake's rattle.

Fun Fact: A colloquial name for this snake is the "hoop snake." According to an urban legend in Rappahannock County, "hoop snakes" are said to bite their tails and roll in circles, chasing after people. Beware!

Saving Nearby Nature

Pickleball for a Purpose

We are often tasked with inspiring others to take action for conservation, but there are times when it's the younger generation that inspires us. Their creative and innovative approaches to supporting conservation can be truly motivating. Last summer, high schoolers Arik Weizman, Nico Riley, Mateo Cossio, and Marco Anguizola hosted a pickleball tournament to raise funds for NVCT!

Read more to learn what inspired the students to organize and execute this event and how much they raised for NVCT!

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Lore of the Land

Ecosystem Enemies

If you aren’t a landowner who conserves property with us, you may be curious about what our land stewards do and how we ensure that our properties are taken care of. A recent site visit to a property owned by Fairfax County in Elklick provided insight into what stewards achieve on site visits and how invasive plant species are managed!

Read more for a crash course in invasives and how to manage them!

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Conservation Explored

The Climate Crisis and Conservation

The impacts of climate change are no longer a distant threat—they’re already at our doorstep. While we look to solutions like greener energy, government regulations, and small daily changes, one of the most powerful tools in our fight is something we already have: nature itself.

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