"Our ability is one thing. What we do with it is quite another...It was the combination of passion and perseverance that made high achievers special. In a word, they had grit."
Angela Duckworth - Grit: The Power of Passion And Perseverance
NVOT Spring 2019 Newsletter
June 25, 2019

Dear Parents, Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Thank you for your tremendous spirit of cooperation throughout the 2018-2019 school year. Special thanks to Ms. Gloria Cerrato, Administrative Assistant to the Principal, for coordination and publication of four informative, quality Newsletters and to all contributors to this year's Newsletters.

The Class of 2019 has enjoyed acceptances to outstanding universities, the result of the commitment and ability of our students, as well as the instructional skills and dedication of our faculty and staff.

We are proud of the academic and extra-curricular accomplishments of all of our students. Perhaps most significantly, by working together to reinforce the lifetime skills of great effort, work ethic, integrity, and perseverance, we continued to inspire our students to be the best that they can be.

With the end of the 2018-19 school year, we would like to take some time to reflect on a very productive year and thank the students, parents, teachers and staff for their hard work and support. Please click on the links to access highlights of student and staff achievement.
In true Northern Valley fashion, our community has worked together to accomplish great things in the classroom, athletic fields, music halls and on the stage. We have also seen tremendous acts of good will and kindness displayed by our students and staff throughout the year. We are extremely proud of the work ethic and commitment to excellence our students have made.
This school year has seen great accomplishments at our school and district including, but not limited to: 

*Career Day presented by professionals from within and outside of our communities
*Dr. Mykee Fowlin  You Don't Know Me Until You Know Me  all-school assembly
*Holocaust survivor Mr. Paul Galan all-school assembly
*Black History Month all-school assembly
*Darryl Strawberry pre-prom parent program
*Ganley Foundation Depression/suicide prevention all-school assembly/parent program
*Implementation of our Biomedical 2 program which is dual enrolled with NJIT
*Continued implementation of our Biotechnology Career and Technical Education programs
*Continued success in our 1:1 Teaching and Learning
*Curriculum expansion
*New electives and AP courses in the areas of Theater Arts, Social Studies, English, Science
*Continued Dual Enrollment Program opportunities for all students
*Career Pathways and Senior Options programs
*Continued success of our Structured Learning Experiences for students
*Writing and Math Centers
*Theatrical/Musical Production nominations and awards
*Fine Arts Festival and fine arts recognition/awards
*State/Region Band and Choral Recognition
*Saturday Knight Lights Band Festival
*Co-Curricular Club excellence: DECA, FBLA, STEM, Debate, Math/Science Teams
* The Lance - online school newspaper - excellence in journalism
* Excalibur - excellence in Yearbook publication
* Letters About Literature Awards
*Northern Valley Coalition Talent Show/Student Activities
*NJSIAA Sportsmanship Banner
*Sectional or County Championships in Volleyball, Softball, Boys Track, Boys Golf

Congratulations to the Class of 2019. Commencement on Thursday, June 20, 2019 was a wonderful celebration, photos of which are included in this newsletter.

We look forward to facilitating the ability of our students to attain their academic and career goals in 2019-2020.

Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable summer.


Bruce R. Sabatini, Ed.D.
Congratulations to the Class of 2019
Graduation June 20, 2019 - Congratulations
The Summit House-Graduation June 14, 2019
Congratulations to these Golden Knight graduates of The Summit House:
Jaclyn Rose Barila, Alexander J. Canova
Dustin Leonard DeRienzo,
Thomas John Dunn, Luke Tyler Garrison, Daniel W. Parseghian, Michele J. Sasena and John. K. Terranova. Congratulations to Ms. Battaglia, Ms.Vuoncino, Ms. Schoales, Ms. Ballan and Ms. Avellan.
2019 NVOT Retirees

Best Wishes to the following faculty and staff that will be retiring in June 2019 from the Northern Valley Regional High School District:

Ms. Elizabeth McNamara - Math
Ms. Joyce Trivisani - Science
Mr. Janice Cooper - Library Media Specialist
Mr. Lawrence Treuer - Science
Mr. Michael Peri - English
Ms. Judy Bell - Instructional Aide
Dr. Joseph Graybill - Child Study Team
Mr. Gary Pangione - Maintenance
BCPO Heroin Education Initiative

As part of the Northern Valley Regional High School District's continued commitment to providing relevant substance awareness education, a program coordinated by Mr. Dennis Calo, Acting Bergen County Prosecutor, the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office's Narcotics Task Force once again made its Heroin Education Initiative presentation to NVOT 9th graders on Friday, May 3, 2019.
This presentation educated students  on the dangers of experimentation with prescription medication, specifically Opiates, and how it corresponds directly with the increase in Heroin use by young people.  Presenters provided first-hand accounts and examples of Heroin-related arrests, overdoses, and deaths throughout Bergen County. Students left with a practical, real-world education on the chilling effects Heroin can have on their lives and  the importance of good decision making during this approximately one hour program for 9th graders. The BCPO has been conducting this program at high schools throughout Bergen County.
DUI - Simulation: Vision - Impaired Goggles Program

With the goal of continuing to provide appropriate substance awareness education, a DUI Simulation with 10th graders driving golf carts while wearing vision-impaired goggles, was once again conducted at NVOT on Thursday, May 9th. Sophomores were asked to drive the golf carts through a course while wearing the vision-impaired goggles designed to create the effect of driving under the influence of substances. The program was coordinated/supervised by the Old Tappan, Northvale, Norwood, and Harrington Park Police Departments as well as the NVOT Driver Education teachers.

The DUI Simulation program is part of Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan's commitment to educate students on the dangers and ramifications of substance use.
2019 BEST Communities for Music Education

 Congrats NVOT/NVD Music Departments-NVRHS District has once again been awarded the designation of a Best Community for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation-1 of just 623 school districts nationwide, 40 in NJ, 6 in Bergen County chosen for this honor!
Thank you to Columbia Bank:
Mr. Thomas Kemly, Mr. Richard Graff, Ms. Minoska Mateo - donated $10,000 to NVOT PTSO who in turn donated the funds to NVOT to purchase items related to security and Media Center upgrades.
Educational Viewpoints: Designing STEM Career Pathways for Student Success
Congratulations to Northern Valley Regional High School District Supervisors on publication of article- Designing STEM Career Pathways for Student Success - A Step-by-Step Approach in Educational Viewpoints (page 44) :
Ms. Jennifer Cusmano-Science
Mr. David Janosz-Technology
Ms. April Vella-Mathematics
Congratulations to Mr. Jeffrey Train, English teacher, recognized as NVOT's Teacher of the Year,
with Mrs. Brie Train at the BCEA/BCSA Luncheon at the
Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe on the left and below all three teachers recognized during the '18-19 school year: l to r: Mr. Jeffrey Train-English - Teacher of the Year; Dr. Arpi Lajinian- Math - Finalist, Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teacher; Ms. Laura Rupp-Guidance Counselor - Educational Services Professional of the Year.
Congratulations/Thank You to the Northern Valley Coalition on an outstanding 3rd Annual Valley's Got Talent Show at NVOT 5/11/19 - great cause, great message - continue to make good decisions that will positively impact our lives!
Valley's Got Talent
NV Coalition-Valley's Got Talent Show : Twenty-three 23 outstanding performances from NV grammar schools, K to 8, NVOT, NVD: support great message - make good choices. Thank you to Ms. Driscoll, Ms. Kayserian, Ms. Stratton, Ms. Ibrahimaj and Mayors, Councilman for serving as judges!
Memorial Day Observance 2019

Our annual Memorial Day Observance took place at NVOT at the flag pole outside the high school's media center on May 23rd. NVOT students, staff, and community leaders expressed appreciation to veterans for their commitment and sacrifice enabling us to enjoy the gift of freedom. NVOT recognized the sacrifice and service of all veterans.
Japanese Cultural Exchange

Our annual Japan Cultural Exchange program with Okayama Hakuryo Jr./Sr. High School also occurred in March. Eight students from Japan and one teacher chaperone arrived on Saturday, March 23rd . They spent the weekend with host families visiting local sites and getting to know one another. On Monday, the Japanese visitors shadowed their host brother
or sister in the morning at NVOT. In the afternoon, with help from NVOT Japanese students, a cultural festival was held in the South Cafeteria.

Teachers signed up their classes to visit the South Cafeteria and experience Japanese traditional games and other cultural practices, such as kimono wearing. That evening a formal welcoming dinner took place for the visiting students and the host families in the North Cafeteria. On Wednesday, the Superintendent greeted the students at a breakfast and
presented gifts from NVOT to the visitors prior to their departure.

Special thanks to NVOT teacher of Japanese language/culture, Ms. Fukuda, and Mr. Buoye, District Supervisor of World Languages, for organizing the visit and to the NVOT building administrators for their participation.
Great Day to be a Knight!
NVOT students at DECA International Career Development Conference in Florida, Mr. Marino-advisor: Ryan Choi, Lauren DeGennaro, Dante Furletti, Alexandria Morrissey, Sofia Brockman, Shayna. Salomon, Doris Vazacopoulos, Y Lee, Chloe Manenti.

NVOT senior Dana Schoolsky and NVD senior Dustin Rosenfeld were honored at Kean University on April 5, 2019 by New Jersey DECA for their year as State President and State Recording Secretary respectively!
Congratulations Ms. O'Sullivan, and Mr. Corso, Advisors and the following FBLA students who qualified and competed at State Leadership Conference in Atlantic City in March: Seung Chan Yun-Accounting 1; Chloe Manenti-Advertising; Kayla Drucker, Tala Areiqat-Introduction to FBLA;William Boyce and Caroline Rutigilano-Introduction to Business Communications
Congratulations to Chloe Manenti, who placed 3rd in Advertising - eligible to attend FBLA Nationa l Conference in San Antonio, Texas in June! Pictured: Dr. Sabatini and Chloe Manenti
NVOT Math Team /
TSA Team

The two teams that competed in this year's TSA-TEAMS qualified for the National TSA-TEAMS Competition to be held in Washington, DC, June 28-July 1. 

Team A: Brian Walker, Celia Lane, Jin David Sebastian, Kyuhyuk Cha, Won Hyuk Do, Yathushan Nadanapathan, Ashley Chung, Steve Lee
Team B: Eunhye (Grace) Bae, Kathleen Bailey, Alexis Bobae Choi, Maria Chung, Seoyeon (Julie) Jeong, Rosangelica Mancini-Lander, Tudor Rus, Insung Yu

Insung Yu placed 1st in Group 6 in Bergen County on the Bergen County Math League Competition.
The top scoring Bergen County Math Team
member s: Yathushan Nadanapathan, Sang Hyun (Joseph) Back, Maria Chung, Won Hyuk Do, Yeju (Amy) Lee, Insung Yu, Seung Han (Martin) Han, Hogan Choi. Not pictured: Tudor Rus and Ashley Chung.

Insung Yu and Seoyeon (Julie) Jeong placed third in the 42nd Annual AMTNJ Math Contest, and the NVOT team: Insung Yu, Seoyeon (Julie) Jeong, placed third in the Pi Division of Schools in NJ.  
TSA State Championship

Congratulations to NVOT students on top finishes at Technology Student Association State Conference at TCNJ:
Alex Klapowitz, Ace Kim, Stephen Kymn - 1st -Eng. Des.
Andrew Choi - 2nd - CAD Eng. Des.
Eli Levenshus, Brian Ju, Joe LaVine, Dylan McBride, Alex Bedoya - 2nd - Biomimicry.
Ms. Myung Jin Lee,NVOT teacher of Korean language & culture, Mr. Jim Buoye, NVRHSD Supervisor of World Languages, Dr. Bruce Sabatini, NVOT Principal, congratulate Hannah Jung-recipient of Korean Education Center of NY Scholarship to study/experience Korea this summer.
NVOT Latin 4 Honors students recognized for performance on National Latin Exam : Magna Cum Laude Certificates--Alexander Karanikitas and Suren Sudharsan with Ms. Carrie Opdebeck, Latin teacher and Mr. James Buoye, District Supervisor World Language
Consider highlighting products or services, sales or promotions, personal bios, and more. Use images that complement your message, and link your images to supporting resources.
Letters About Literature
Ms. Anne Paolucci, Northern Valley Regional High School District Supervisor of English, is proud to announce that the following Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan students received awards for their essays entered in the New Jersey Center for the Book/Library of Congress  Letters About Literature
competition on May 15, 2019 at the Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Student Center. Congratulations to Juliana Abdi, Brooke Ackerman, Tala Areiqat, Matthias Choi, Tomislav Curko, Yuna Jung, Nicholas Orecchio, Siddhi Samant, Mia Setrakian and Alexandra Whalen.
Siddhi Samant is pictured receiving her award.
SOPE Save Our Planet Earth
Students from NVOT's SOPE Club helped clean up the Harrington Park woods. On Saturday April 6th, with the help of the Harrington Park Environmental Commission and local residents, students were able to clean up our part of the Hackensack River Watershed.
Bingo Night
The NVOT Volunteens hosted their 4th annual Senior Citizens Bingo Night. The night was a great success with over 70 local seniors enjoying a night of bingo, refreshments and big prizes. Students did a great job of hosting, welcoming, and entertaining the group.
School Newspaper- The Lance
N VOT's student newspaper  The Lance  continued with another year of prolific reporting and writing both in print and online www.thelancenews.com .
The Lance  is student-led and created by sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Journalism I, II Honors and III Honors classes. During the 2018-2019 school year, student journalists published two print editions (with a third forthcoming), and upwards of a hundred pieces online. In addition, students had the opportunity to meet reporter and anchor Jenna Flanagan of Metrofocus on WNET when she visited their class in March.

The newspaper is led by senior editors-in-chief Grace Choi and Danielle Mimeles, senior design editor Josh Lee, junior managing editor Olivia Franceschini, and junior public relations editor Nia Watson.  The Lance 's advisor is English teacher Kelley Kulick and assistant advisor Jeff Krapels, also from the English department.
Heroes & Cool Kids
NVOT's Heroes and Cool Kids Club, advised by Ms. Heather MacRae, in training session with Mr. Michael Spence, Montclair State U. graduate with degree in Communications - empowering lives!
Costa Rica Trip 2019
NVOT Science and World Language Departments departed to Costa Rica the week of April 15 for a educational experience.Thank you to the chaperones: Ms. Weiss, Ms. Machado, Mr. Elqariani, Ms. Pena, and Ms. Ferencevych
NVOT's Hand in Hand Club and staff celebrating National Autism Awareness Month!
Thanks to NVOT FBLA advised by Ms. O'Sullivan, Mr. Corso-collected $600 to make chemo bags filled with games,crayons, coloring books for children at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital. Mr. Rotella's Entrepreneurship class/Ms. Kipilman's Art class also contributed items!
Mrs. Fernandez and Mrs. Affinito's World Histor y classes attended a class trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on April, 25th. 
Exhibits viewed included European Art, Asian Galleries, Art of Africa and Latin America.
Wounded Warrior Project
Thank you Master Sergeant Reese Hines, US Air Force/ Wounded Warrior Project- spoke to social studies classes-personified values of perseverance, resiliency.Thanks,Brian Beddoe/Jim Oettinger-Closter Recreation and Dan Austin-NVRHS Social Studies Supervisor for facilitating.
Class of 2019 - Fashion Show
The goal of Project Graduation is to raise funds to enable the committee to provide a safe, drug and alcohol free event for the teens of Northern Valley Regional High School in Old Tappan following their graduation. Proceeds earned from the major fundraiser, the "Rock the Knight" fashion show, helps with this mission.
Thank you to the NVOT Project Graduation 2019 Parent Committee/numerous other volunteers and Congratulations to the Golden Knights Class of 2019 on an outstanding Fashion Show fundraiser!
Students of the Month
Diversity Day 2019
Congratulations to Ms. Arya Safa and the NVOT Diversity Club on a fantastic Diversity Day on April 23, 2019. Student presenters included Aaron DeNicola, " Alzheimer's, Grandmother and Me" , RIda Qureshi, "Worlds in Crises" and Nia Watson, "Black at NVOT". Faculty Presenters were Mr. Brook Zelcer, " The Problem with Elitism" and Ms. Jennifer Fernandez, "Period. End of a Sentence." There were Diversity Fair booths and many performers which included Taw Kwon Do, Chinese Ribbon Dance, Indian Dance and many more.
Congratulations to NVOT teacher of Spanish, Ms. Rabelo and all the National Spanish Exam Award recipients recognized on May 22 2019 - Over sixty students are to be commended for challenging themselves in the target language on a national assessment.
On May 17, 2019, students from NVOT participated in the 35th Annual Orlando Saa Foreign Language Poetry Recitation Contest hosted by the Department of Languages and Cultures at William Paterson University.
C. Bonhotal - Honorable. Mention Korean Beginner;
S. Gatti-2nd Japanese Intermediate.; I. Kasi-2nd Japanese Adv.;V. Lee-1st Korean Intermediate;M. Torello-Viera Hon. Mention Italian Adv.!
Kinesis Dance Showcase , is a co-curricular club, which is a student choreographed dance show, took place on May 17. Thank you Club Advisor, Ms. Christine O'Donnell.
Technology / Engineering Showcase

Proud of students and Technology Education/Science Departments: Ms. Hodgson, Ms. Mitlitski, Ms. Doherty, Mr. Chamuris, Mr. Pepe, Mr. Maietta and District Supervisors, Mr. Janosz/Ms. Cusmano for their d edication and commitment: amazing Showcase on June 12, 2019!
Pre-Prom Parent held on May 30, 2019
Pre-Prom Student Program held June 7, 2019
Senior Pre-Prom Parent Program / Student Program

Thank you to the Alumni In Recovery program of Bergen County and Ms. Lydia Greco, Ms. Deb Bajakian, NVOT/NVD Student Assistance Coordinators respectively, for an informative Pre-Prom Parent Program - lifetime skills/good decision-making!
Class of 2019 Senior Class trip - Whitewater Rafting on May 28. Class Advisors along with Dr. Hyman, Assistant Principal.
Jr. Prom
Sr. Prom
Thank you Ms. Marinaro and Ms. Sheehan on a successful Junior Prom held at the Old Tappan Manor. Thank you Ms. Maher and Ms. Leo for a fabulous Senior Prom held at The Terrace at Biagio's in Paramus. Good time was had by all.
Class of 2019 Senior Class trip - Whitewater Rafting on May 28. Class Advisors along with Dr. Hyman, Assistant Principal.

Thank you Ms. Maher and Ms. Leo for a fabulous Senior Prom held at The Terrace in Paramus, New Jersey. Good time was had by all.
Class of 2019 Senior Picnic / Yearbook Signing - June 19
Class of 2019
Ms. Massaro taking her turn in the Dunk Tank
Class Advisors Ms. Maher & Ms. Leo
2019 Structured Learning Experience

Congratulations to all NVRHS seniors who participated in Senior Options 2019.
a truly unique experience for all our students. Thank you to District Supervisors and Ms. Daisy Haller and Mr. Mike Henry, SLE Faculty Advisors.
NVOT Music
"Music.....can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."
Leonard Bernstein
Spring Choral Concert
The NVOT Choral students presented their annual Spring Choral Concert on April 11. The concert included all of the choral ensembles from NVOT performing pieces including a wide variety of cultures and time periods.
Prism Concert
Another outstanding Prism Concert performed by the NVOT instrumentalists: Concert Band, Wind Symphony, Jazz Band, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Ensembles, Soloists.
Tri-M Music Induction
Congratulations to the 2019 Inductees: Nora Chamesian, Amie Choe, Celia Diaz, Ty Gorman, Jesse Hopfer, Arta Kyqyakaliu, Eden Lee, Yeju Lee, Morgan Miller, Daniel Nam, Sooah Park, Ryan Ward, Marie Yamamoto and Grace Yuk.
Golden Knights Band Festival, Orlando, Florida

NVOT Music Department in Orlando,Fla.- participated in workshops run by professional teaching artists-learned about professional responsibilities to benefit future careers while producing the soundtrack to a Disney animated video!
Congratulations to Ms. Wilcox, Mr. Meszaros, student performers/NVOT Music Department on an outstanding
Tri-M Jazz Cafe which was held on March 20 student performers and the NVOT Music Department.
Congratulations to NVOT's Eric Yoon - 9th grade saxophonist on being accepted into the North Jersey School Music Association's Junior Region Jazz Band!
Dr. Hyman, Assistant Principal, Mr. Meszaros, Choral Director, congratulate NVOT music students: Mixed Chorus -Brooke Wilkins/Daniel Stein-to perform at NJEA Convention & NJPAC and Treble Chorus-Allison McGowan - to rehearse at NJMEA Confer./perform at NJPAC!
Congratulations to the talented NVOT Music Department students on an outstanding awards concert on June 6th and the well-deserved recognition!
Congrats to NVOT's Joe Rubano, recipient of a Montclair State U. Theatre Arts Foxy Award for Best Actor in a Comedy for his performance in "Don't Drink the Water." Congrats to Joe and Sophie Ferrara on their performance at awards ceremony at MSU!
Congratulations to NVOT Theatre Arts on Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star nominations for this year's musical, Chicago: Best Performance by a Featured Ensemble - "The Merry Murderesses" and Best Choreography - Ms. Alison Owusu!
Members of Valley Voices are: Dylan Cometa, Dana Connell, Alexa Farah, Sophie Ferrara,
Jesse Hopfer, Alex Humphreys, Olivia Magaraci, Allie McGowan, John McKiernan, Morgan Miller, Paolo Nunez, Thomas Simpson, Ryan Ward,
Tim Welch, Brooke Wilkins, Ryan Zangoglia and Eleni Zlatis
The select choir, Valley Voices , traveled to Rutgers University in New Brunswick to participate in the NJ American Choral Director's Association High School Festiva l. They performed for an audience of other NJ high school choral students and directors, and they were adjudicated by university professors and professional choral musicians. I'm proud to share with you that the ensemble earned the top rating of "Superior" f or their performance by the adjudicators!  As a part of the festival they also were adjudicated on their sight-singing skills. They earned the top rating of "Superior" for their sight-singing of the most challenging piece of music!
Guidance Department
"As long as we keep moving forward step by step, we are growing."
George Raveling
Ganley Foundation Assembly
On March 28, 2019, NVOT students attended a depression and suicide prevention assembly facilitated by the Ganley Foundation. One of the presenters shared his battle with depression, and his story of an attempted suicide. The presenters shared valuable information and resources with our students to help them if they or people they care about are experiencing challenges with their mental health. The presenters stressed the point that mental illness is something that affects many people. As a result of this powerful message, we encouraged students to discuss wit their parents what they felt and experienced as a result of this presentation.  At the start and conclusion of the student assemblies, students were made aware of the availability of a safe room if they felt overcome by the program or had questions at any time.
Students were reminded that if they wished to discuss the assembly further, they were to seek out a Guidance Counselor, Child Study Team member, Student Assistance Coordinator, and/or an Administrator.

We care deeply for our students and do our best to create a climate where we can comfortably talk about mental health.
NVOT Guidance Counselors for informative Junior Parent College Spring Update !
Dr. Joel Ingersoll met with our senior parents to discuss supporting students through the college transition process.   
 Dr. Ingersoll's presentation on the Transition to College - coordinated by the Northern Valley Regional High School District Guidance Department was held on May 2 at NVD.
Congratulations/Thank You to NVOT/NVD Guidance Departments for District College Admissions Panel presentation at NVOT-May 9, 2019. Colleges represented: Indiana, Michigan State, Lafayette, Franklin & Marshall, Stony Brook, Sacred Heart, Quinnipiac, Ramapo!
Junior Awards

Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan is proud of the following students who were honored at the annual Junior Awards ceremony on Friday, May 3, 2019: 
Rudra Amin - Clarkson University Certificate of Achievement Award
Kathleen Bailey- T he George Washington University - SEAS Medal Award
Jack Bernik - Dartmouth College Book Award
Natalie Buzzetti - St. Lawrence University Book Award
Hannah Chang - University of Rochester - Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology
Rebecca Choi - Rochester Institute of Computing Medal and Scholarship Program
Mia Chu - University of Rochester - George Eastman Young Leaders Medal Award
Lauren DeGennaro - Rochester Institute of Technology Innovation & Creativity Award
Matthew Dolan - Rochester Institute of Computing Medal and Scholarship Program
Sanay Doshi- Saint Michael's College Book Award for Academic Achievement & Social Conscience
Isabella Ferraro - Saint Michael's College Book Award for Academic Achievement & Social Conscience
Ron Fishman - Rochester Institute of Technology Innovation & Creativity Award
Nicholas Forcellati - Director of Guidance Award Book Award
Julie Jeong - Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Brian Ju -U niversity of Rochester/Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award
Ellie Kim - Clarkson University Certificate of Leadership Award
Sharon Lee - Cornell University Book Award
Eli Levenshus - University of Rochester - Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award
Andrea Lim - Chatham University - Rachel Carson Healthy Planet Book Award
Nicole Love - The University of Pennsylvania Book Award
Rosangelica Mancini-Lander - Furman University Scholars Program
Tyler Mulliken - Tulane University Book Award
Rida Qureshi - Brown University Book Award
Marielle Santos - The Parents Club of West Point Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award
Aayush Singh - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal Award
District College Essay Presentation

On May 23, 2019, back by popular demand, for the 5th year in a row, parents heard advice from a nationally recognized college essay adviser, Randy Levine who d iscussed the top ten mistakes students make on their College Application Essays. This district program was well attended and full of valuable information for our students.
8th Grade Social -
Great Day to be a Golden Knight!

On June 4th, Ms. Mac Rae, Guidance Counselor and Ms. Massaro, History Teacher and the NVOT Peer Mentors, welcomed our 8th graders to a picnic/ social.

Save the date :
Freshman Orientation, August 29, 2019 at 12:15 pm. Details to follow.
Golden Knights Athletics
"You need to work as hard to be a great teammate as you do to be a great player."
 Jon Gordon
GOLDEN KNIGHTS SPRING SEASON - Mr. Kaechele, Athletic Director
The NVOT Girls Lacrosse Team had a successful season with a record of 13-7. The team qualified for both the County and State Tournaments. The season ended on a great note; the team was the first NVOT Lacrosse team to have a home State Tournament Game and the 1st Lacrosse team to win a State Tournament Game.  T he following student-athletes were honored at the League meeting: First-Team: Samantha Derrico, Second-Team: Casey Rochford, Emily Walker, Emily Derrico, and Avery Linder.
Honorable Mention: Lea Rakovsky. Emily Walker (Senior) scored her 100th goal during her last varsity game against Morris Knolls. 
Brian Dunn, NVOT Girls Basketball Coach, congratulates Jackie Kelly and Noelle Gonzalez - All Bergen County Girls Basketball - honored at BCWCA Awards Dinner!
Mr. Tom Kaechele, NVOT Director of Athletics, congratulates Coach Rob Ortiz- Bergen County Wrestling Coach of Year/ Patrick Passalacqua- All Bergen County Indoor Track-Shot Put- honored at BCCA Awards Dinner!
NVOT's Allison Hargrove, recipient of NJSIAA Scholar-Athlete Award , pictured with her Field Hockey Coach, Ms. Katie Fritz.
The 2019 Golden Knights Softball team completed the season with a record of 19 wins and 9 losses. The team returned six seniors and and five juniors who led the way to a history making run in the Bergen County Tournament. After completing a tough regular season schedule, Old Tappan was ranked ninth in the County and defeated three teams ranked above them en route to the Bergen County Championship. The championship game was played before more than 300 fans, who got to witness this special group of girls make school history. This was the first time in program history that an NVOT team made it to the Bergen County final. The team played hard and excelled in all facets of the game. On defense, they turned three double plays, while the pitching held the dangerous Ramsey lineup at bay. Offensively, the team responded with hits and runs each time Ramsey took the lead. Tied at 5 in the top of the seventh, the team staged a two-run rally to take the lead for good. The pitching and defense shut Ramsey down 1-2-3 in the bottom of the inning, making the final score 7-5 and NVOT was crowned Bergen County Champions for the first time in school history. The Golden Knights were honored as County Team of the Year. Megan Weis and Rebecca Clyde were named Al County, and Coach Melissa Landeck was honored as County Coach of the Year.
NVOT Softball Team- County Team of the Year, Ms. Landeck-Coach of the Year
Coach Doherty, Megan Weiss, Rebecca Clyde, Coach Landeck at All County Dinner

The Boys Track and Field team had a very successful spring. The boys finished with an undefeated dual meet season and went on to win the Big North Freedom division title. They went on to win the Bergen County Group Title and then finished the season with the Group 3 North 1 Sectional crown. This is the 6th time in 8 years that the boys have won a state sectional championship. 
Jason Santa Cruz finished the season undefeated in the javelin in the state of New Jersey. He finished his high school career as the overall state champion in the javelin. This is the 5th state champion for the boys track and field team in the last 3 years. Patrick Passalacqua was county champion and state sectional champion in the shot put and went on to an 8th place medal at the State Meet of Champions. Luke Conmy was county group champ and state sectional champ in the 200 meter dash. Jason and Patrick were named first team all county as well as the 4x400 meter relay of Luke Conmy, Ryan Jordan, Michael Tchertchian and Michael Pankauski. The Boys were voted Bergen County Large School Team of the Year and Head Coach Peter Dunn was named Coach of the Year by the Bergen County Coaches Association.
The 2019 Girls Spring Track and Field season enjoyed both team and individual success this season. The girls competed in arguably the toughest Girls Track and Field conference conference in the State of New Jersey where we finished third overall. The Golden Knights also finished third at both the County Relays and the State Sectional championships.
A few athletes and relays notched their several school records which include the 4 x 100 (Taylor Newman, Jola Olutiola, Taylor Dolan, Melina Kyprianou) the 4 x 200 (Taylor Newman, Jola Olutiola, Melina Kyprianou, Nia Watson) and the 3 x long jump relay (Marisa DiGia, Jola Olutiola, Julia Powell).

Individually Marisa DiGia set a new school record in the Pole Vault clearing 12' 2" which ranks her 7th All-Time in Bergen County history. For her efforts Marisa earned First Team All-County. Lastly, the Golden Knights future appears to be very bright as we enjoyed a terrific season with several 9th graders. Cara Hliboki, Holly Latz and Jola Olutiola all qualified for The Bergen County Meet of Champions and well as the State Group 3 Championships.
Boys Tennis finished with an overall 7 and 5 record. With the team playing in the toughest Division in North Jersey, they had huge wins over Ridgewood, Don Bosco and Fort Lee High School. The team qualified for the prestigious "Sweet 16" of the Bergen County Tennis Tournament. In addition, the team qualified for the State Tournament and in the first round defeated a solid Wayne Valley team by a score of 5-0. Then they lost a real tough match to a very good Wayne Hills team by a score of 3 to 2. Head Coach Eric Delaney looks forward to next season as the nucleus of the team returns.
After last year's awesome Boys Lacrosse season, the team was moved up to a tougher Division. Nonetheless, the team accepted the challenge and played with determination and heart. The team never gave up and improved every day. The team played hard throughout season. Garret Misa was named First Team All Division and finished as an Honorable Mention All County player. Thank you to Head Coach Plescia and his staff for their dedication as they look forward to continuing to build an excellent program.
Golden Knights supporting pediatric cancer research and scholarship fund raising for the Michael LaViola Foundation at the 11th Annual Varsity House Strongman Challenge on Saturday, June 15, 2019!
Softball - County Champs
Boys Track - Group 3
North 1 Sectional Champs
Old Tappan Mayor John Kramer and Councilman Guy Carnazza presented these teams with town proclamations of recognition June 17, 2019
Mr. Kaechele would like to thank all of the outstanding NVOT student-athletes and coaches for another great year and to all of our parents for their continued support. Parent support is essential to a successful process. In addition, thank you to our NVOT Building Administration, Superintendent, Mr. James Santana and the Board of Education for their unwavering support of NVOT Athletics. It means a lot to our student-athletes and coaches who spend countless hours on their passions. As always, the NVOT teams lived up to our rich athletic tradition claiming numerous Big North Division, Bergen County and State Championships. There are few, if any schools, that combine academics, activities and athletics like Northern-Valley -Old Tappan High School. Thank you again to all for your involvement and support.

A special thanks to Athletic Department Secretary Carolyn Petillo and our Athletic Trainer Melissa Nelson who display the utmost professionalism each and every day at NVOT.

T o all of our Seniors who have left an indelible mark on the NVOT record book, best of luck with all future endeavors. You have been prepared for the next level!

Dates to remember for those returning student-athletes:
  • Stay in touch with your respective coaches for Summer work-outs
  • Fall sports-the official start date of Fall Sports is Monday August 12, but some teams start later. Please check with the Head Coach
  • The date of the Fall Athletic Dinner at Seasons will be Monday January 6, 2020.
  • The Summer "Black-Out" (NO athletic activities) is August 3 -11
  • Fall Sports Registration is due July 26, 2019 in order to participate in tryouts and practices.