New 2018-2019 Scale-Up Application OPEN!
Since 2011, the Iowa STEM Council has vetted high quality STEM programs available to Iowa educators in formal and informal education settings. The 2019-20 Scale-Up Program menu has been released and educators can apply now thru March 4. The Scale-Up program menu ranges from coding programs to hands-on biotechnology and agriculture projects to STEM career exploration.
Common Questions:
Who can apply?
Educators from in-school and out-of-school settings are encouraged to apply.
Can multiple educators be listed in an application?
Yes. For example, if three fourth grade teachers from the same building are interested in applying for a program, all of the educators can be listed within one application.
I would like to apply but we have not hired the educator who would teach the program.
No worries. The application allows you to put a "placeholder" in your application. Before implementing the program, however, the placeholder will need to be replaced with an actual teacher.
Can I apply for multiple school buildings in one application?
For districts interested in applying for multiple buildings, each building will need to have its own application but within the application portal, applications can be copied to make the process of applying for buildings across a district easier.
What do the programs provide?
Each program provides professional development and materials to implement the program. Some programs also provide an educator stipend, lodging and/or meals. More information about what is provided for each program can be found by clicking on the program title.
For more information about the process or the program menu, contact Kristine Bullock.
CASE - Food Science & Safety
Stimulate actual concepts and situations found in the food science and safety industry. This course offers hands-on activities, projects and problems in areas of food safety, chemistry, processing, product development and marketing.
Grade Level:
In school
Computer Science Discoveries
Inspire students as they build their own websites, apps, games and physical computing devices. This course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as programming, physical computing, HTML/CSS and data.
Level: 6-10
In school
Computer Science Fundamentals
Foster equity and diversity in the classroom, breaking down barriers and stereotypes around computer science. This course is designed to be flexible for the classroom.
Grade Level:
In school
Computer Science Principles
Introduce students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenge them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. This course is a rigorous, engaging and approachable exploration of the foundational ideas of computing.
Grade Level:
In school
Engineering Your World
Engage learners in collaborative, student-directed projects that build creative problem-solving and engineering design skills. This course is designed to teach the value of collaborating to solve complex, modern problems and create a strong foundation for future STEM learning.
Grade Level:
In school
Light and Shadow
Create new and worthwhile ideas while exploring light to create shadows through creativity and innovation. This course encourages teachers to re-envision their classroom, routines and schedules to optimize students' learning.
Grade Level:
: preK- In or out of school
Making STEM Connections
Activities that help students connect STEM to their daily lives and develop competencies essential to Iowa's future workforce. Grounded in making, safety, upcycling, creative constraints, art, and reinventing technologies. Lessons build on NGSS standards, reflect Iowa Common Core, and include National CORE Art Standards.
Grade Level:
In school and out of school
Pint Size Science
Four hands-on modules: one introductory unit and three chosen by the educator. Features Iowa Early Learning Standards/GOLD Objectives, NGSS, Iowa Common Core math and literacy and 21st Century Learning Skills. Includes kit materials, curriculum guides, website and webinar support.
Grade Level:
In school and out of school
STEM in Action
Description: Incorporate three-dimensional learning with an emphasis on authentic hands-on, problem-based learning. This curriculum follows the engineering design process of defining the problem, planning solutions, making a prototype, reflecting, communicating results and redesigning.
Grade Level:
In school and out of school
STEM Innovator
Transform the classroom into incubator spaces where student teams solve real-world problems alongside industry mentors. This course prepares students with the skills and mindset to persist in STEM education, pursue STEM careers and become innovators of the future.
Grade Level:
: In school and out of school
Applications will be open January 21 - March 4, 2019. Contact Mary Trent, NW STEM Regional Manager for any questions at