Mission Council Member Selection
Dear Friends in the NW Region,

Below is a reminder of the selection for the Mission Council Members. The selection will be open through Friday evening. The link and information is below.

In Peace,

Northwest Region Mission Council Members
Each Region must select one clergy and one lay member, and alternates, to serve on the ECCT Mission Council. We have one Lay and two Clergy nominations. Please use this link to make your selections:

Northwest Region Lay Nomination

Paul Manfredi
New Milford , CT
I have been a member of St. John’s in New Milford for over 15 years. During that time, I have been on the parish’s vestry, stewardship and other committees. I am an active member of the Northwest Regional Leadership Team. And completing my first term as Northwest Region Mission council member.
In addition to my ECCT and parish commitments, I also volunteer with other local community groups while maintaining a full time job.
During this time a Covid-19 virus, I have been amazed about how this region has come together and has not stopped. We have online services, choirs and Zoom meetings. Our reach has expanded beyond our doors and buildings and we are making new connections within our region and beyond.
 I am excited to be part of the ground breaking Joining Jesus in this new Missional Age and participating in God’s Mission.
Northwest Region Clergy Nominations

Tuesday Jane Rupp
Woodbury, CT
A Portland, Oregon native, my first career was in music as a singer, choral conductor, and recording artist. During that time I began to discern a call to ordained ministry. I entered seminary at Berkeley Divinity School/Yale Divinity School/Institute of Sacred Music in 2010. While in New Haven, I continued my discernment through the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, where I continue to be canonically resident.
On graduation in 2013, I moved to New York City to become the Director of Children and Family Ministries at the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest. When I was ordained to the transitional diaconate in 2016, I became Associate Rector for Christian Formation and Arts Ministries at CHR. In August of 2018 I moved to Woodbury, Connecticut, as I was blessed to become the Rector of St. Paul’s. I was ordained to the Presbyterate at St. Paul’s on October 30th of that year.
In my move to NW CT, I brought with me a deeper love of the way art and music can both enhance and reveal our experience of God and God’s love, as well as a firm commitment to social justice and racial equality. It has been a particular joy to work with our NW Region missionary, Dylan Mello, as well as with my fantastic congregation. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began I have been sharing morning prayer and compline through Zoom every day. The Benedictine inflection of my life as a Christian and as a priest has been very powerful and moving.
Here in beautiful Woodbury I enjoy spending my free time walking my dog Pancake, petting my cat Feona, running slow 14-minute miles along Main Street, and baking bread. I love making music with my fiancée the Rev. Tony Lorenzen, UUA, and sharing meals with my friends.

Lisa Hahneman
Kent, CT.
I have been a weekender in Kent (and the Northwest Region) since 2008, while living in the Southwest Region and working in the South Central Region since 2005.
I am grateful to finally be a full time resident in Kent as of 2018 when I became Interim at St. James' in Danbury (a blessed time that ended March 1 2020) and am now working on finding a new parish to call home in the Northwest Region.
Deep listening and discerning "what's next" is a true joy for me. I served as the clergy member of Mission Council for the South Central Region and am strongly driven by the hope, care, compassion, and purpose that nears such amazing fruit as we collaborate within and across our communities. We are a diocese alive and aware of living in the midst of a new and unfolding life with God.
This in between time of what was and what will be is (in my humble opinion) the BEST time to strengthen our ties with one another and with the One who loves us always. I would be honored to serve our great cloud of witnesses in the Northwest Region in any way I can.