Training Opportunities & Events
Leading Edge Strategic Planning Series
10 week course: March 3 - May 5 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. | On-line Register here
Offered by Northwest SBDC. The Leading Edge Strategic Planning Series is an intensive training course providing business owners and entrepreneurs expert guidance in the areas of cash flow management, marketing, operations, finance, personnel, legal issues, and more.
The Economic Importance of Managed Parking (Live Webinar)
March 2 from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Offered by CML | Register here. Join this discussion about the economic importance of a well-managed parking and mobility system in your community. A well-managed parking system can boost your downtown's activity, attractiveness, and help build a story of success for your local businesses. It's an important step for your local businesses and downtown.
Smart Start: How to Start a Business
Offered by Northwest SBDC. Thinking about starting a business in Western Colorado? Starting a business takes more than being great at something or having a good idea. Learn what is required by state and local officials to get started, and the ins and outs of running a successful business. This webinar provides an overview of everything you need to know to start and grow your business.
Navigating Change in Your Business
Offered by Northwest SBDC. Whether you are creating or responding to change in your business, this workshop will highlight 7 steps toward leading and navigating thoughtful transitions. Explore these strategies for addressing opportunities and challenges at each stage of the change cycle.
Downtown Colorado Inc. Annual Conference
Get ready because we have been holding back for two years and we are going to bring the fun. Join us for the valuable peer-to-peer exchange, innovative plenaries, and dynamic tours and lunches. And don't forget the Challenge Studios, BID/DDA + URA Networking, and pitch sessions!
Colorado Municipal League Annual Conference
June 22-24 in Breckenridge. Registration opens soon! CML's 100th Annual Conference is sure to be one to remember. With over 40 sessions, two keynotes, and a 100th Conference celebrations on Wednesday, you won't want to miss it See you there!
NWCCOG Regional Economic Summit
Thursday, May 5 at the Silverthorne Pavilion | 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Join us for an engaging half day of discussion examining the dynamic forces at play in our mountain communities. Event will be kicked off by Elizabeth Garner, State Demographer setting the tone with demographic and economic trends in the region. Save the Date! Agenda and registration details coming soon!