Training Opportunities & Events

Summit Biz Bootcamp powered by CO.Starters
10 week program starting June 18| More info and register here
If you’re interested in launching or growing your business, check out the Summit Biz Bootcamp program with a new curriculum – using CO.STARTERS CORE program. The Summit Biz Bootcamp program provides tools, mentoring, support and a framework to get organized and focus on growing your business. Offered by Summit Prosperity Initiative, a program of the Summit Chamber.

State Demography Office Quarterly Webinar: Review of 2020 Census Date Release
June 17, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Register here. Discuss reapportionment data; Discuss current schedule of redistricting data file and other data releases; Discuss SDO data dissemination plans/tools.

Leveraging Mobility Date in your Downtown
June 17 9:00AM-10:00AM | Register here | Offered by Downtown Colorado, Inc.
Mobility data can provide powerful and actionable insights into who is visiting your downtown and answer critical questions such as where are people coming from and what is the breakdown between locals, regional visitors and tourists? How long are they staying? What are the peak days/hours for pedestrian traffic? Who are they? Demographics from Census data; How do events affect visitor origins and behaviors?

Colorado City & County Management Association Conference
June 23-25 in Glenwood Springs | More info here.

Workplace Succession/Employee Development Planning
June 24 at 3 p.m. | Register here. Offered by the Northwest Colorado SBDC. Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available. Because of its importance for the business and its continuity, succession planning must be an ongoing process that is part of the business’s overall talent management strategy.

Local V. Local: What does Local Shopping Mean?
July 1 9:00-10:00AM | Register here | Offered by Downtown Colorado, Inc.
What does shopping local mean? How do you keep your spending circulating into your local economy? How can we support our own schools and the services we use? What does leakage mean? Why is it important to put your money where your house is? Moderator: Reeves Brown, Building a Better Colorado 

Welcome to Colorado: Creating an Inclusive Community for New Arrivals
July 8 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am | Register here | Offered by Downtown Colorado, Inc.
Imagine integrating into a Colorado community as a new American citizen. As a relocated refugee family, there is a process for learning a new community, support systems, and exploring the opportunities to contribute skills and ideas to your new community. We are pleased to explore the process, infrastructure, and partnerships that exist to integrate into a Colorado community. Join this dynamic discussion of five tips to make your community more accessible to new arrivals.

West Slope Startup Week
July 12-16 | Register here. Techstars Startup Week West Slope is a free, multi-day, “choose your own adventure” meeting of the entrepreneurial minds and celebration of the #WestSlopeBestSlope way of doing business.

Colorado Municipal League Special Conference
Sept. 22-24 at the Westin in Westminster, CO | More info here.

Drive, Lead, Succeed Conference
Oct. 20-22 in Steamboat Springs, CO | Economic Development Council of Colorado | More info here.
Our Annual Drive | Lead | Succeed Conferences aim to provide the knowledge, tools, and connections that are vital to foster a growing Colorado economy.

2021 State Demography Office Annual Demography Summit
November 5. This year's event will be virtual and free of charge. Save the date.
Funding & Technical Assistance

CLIMBER Lender Webinar
June 17 from 10 to 11 am | Register here
The CLIMBER Loan Fund is a statewide program that provides up to $250 million in working capital loans to Colorado small businesses. CLIMBER is a COVID-response program focused on businesses that were financially stable before the pandemic but now need help to survive. In this webinar, we’ll cover program eligibility and the various lending options, including credit enhancements, loan participation, and direct lending.

USDA Drought Disaster Emergency Farm Loans
Deadline: November 15 | More info here. The Emergency loan program is triggered when a natural disaster is designated by the Secretary of Agriculture or a natural disaster or emergency is declared by the President under the Stafford Act. These loans help producers who suffer qualifying farm related losses directly caused by the disaster in a county declared or designated as a primary disaster or quarantine area. Also, farmers located in counties that are contiguous to the declared, designated, or quarantined area may qualify for Emergency loans.

National Center for Mobility Management Funding Opportunity
Deadline: July 23 | More info here. Community Mobility Design Challenge 2021 grants to support communities seeking innovative ways to improve transportation access for community members who face transportation barriers in advancing their personal well-being. Grants of up to $25,000 will be available for design and planning purposes and applicant organizations must be non-profits or government agencies.

NextFifty Initiative Flexible Support
Deadline: July 16 | Learn more here. Flexible Support grants are for organizations or programs that serve (or seek to serve) older adults, but funds can be used flexibly. Instead of being asked to articulate a specific project plan and budget, Flexible Support grant applicants will be asked: what need do you see in the aging community and how will these funds help you address it?

Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Fund
Deadline: September 3. DOLA. More info here. The purpose of the EIAF Program is to assist political subdivisions that are socially and/or economically impacted by the development, processing, or energy conversion of minerals and mineral fuels. Funds come from the state severance tax on energy and mineral production and from a portion of the state's share of royalties paid to the federal government for mining and drilling of minerals and mineral fuels on federally-owned land.
Volunteer Firefighter Pension Program
Deadline: Oct. 31. More info here. This program is designed to help local governments provide a retirement benefit to attract volunteers. All volunteer firefighting entities, which provide a volunteer firefighter pension, are eligible to receive a state match.

Protect Our Neighbors Grants
Deadline: Sept. 18 & Oct. 2. More info here. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Local public health agencies can apply for a Planning Grant of up to $50,000. These funds can be used to engage consultants, community partners, and finance community engagement efforts such as listening and planning sessions with communities impacted by and at increased risk of COVID-19.
If counties have already engaged with impacted communities, completed needs assessments and planning activities and identified infrastructure needs they may apply for Infrastructure Strengthening Grant. These grants will require local matching funds and can be spent on investments such as technology, community resource coordination, communication activities to increase compliance with the public health orders, funding for community-based partners and cultural brokers, and enhanced prevention and containment efforts. 
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Economic Development District |