NWCCOG Economic Development District

Resources Bulletin

August 9, 2023

All Resources Bulletins are archived HERE.

Training Opportunities & Events

Understanding Proposition 123 Webinars

Details here. The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), in partnership with the Office of Economic

Development and International Trade and the Colorado Housing Finance Authority,

is offering free technical assistance to help local governments understand Prop 123,

establish their baselines, and file their commitments in order to opt in to Prop 123.

Each of these webinars is tailored to different types of communities and local government representatives. Attending one of these webinars will be a prerequisite to receiving more tailored

technical assistance, which will take the form of small-group work sessions for regional


All sessions will be recorded and posted to DOLA’s Prop 123 website at

Opioid Abatement Conference

Aug. 16-18 in Montrose | Details and register here. Colorado Opioid Abatement Council

invites leaders and stakeholders from across the state to the second Opioid Abatement Conference. This

interactive, three-day conference will include collaborative break-out rooms and networking sessions, and presentations on best practices for addressing the opioid crisis and how to leverage state and national resources. There is no cost to attend.

MT2030 Climate Solutions Summit

Vail, Colorado October 18-19, 2023 | More info and Register HERE

The Mountain Towns 2030 Climate Solutions Summit is the annual gathering of key stakeholders from our mountain and outdoor communities: local government elected officials, staff and sustainability teams, ski resorts, business and community leaders to collaborate on achievable solutions that accelerate a collective movement to zero-carbon emissions.

Placemaking: Making it Happen Virtual Training- Project for Public Spaces

Sept. 5 - 21 | Register here. Experience multiple sessions that dive into Project for Public Spaces' essential tools and principles for improving public spaces together with local communities. 

Colorado Governor's Tourism Conference

Sept. 27-29 in Fort Collins | More info and register here. Offered by the Colorado Tourism Office.

American Planning Association - Colorado Conference

September 27-29, Colorado Springs | Details and register here. This conference is the premier learning and networking event for planners in Colorado.

Colorado Outdoor Industry Leadership Summit

October 5-7 in Steamboat Springs | More info and register here. The annual Colorado Outdoor Industry Leadership Summit (COILS) is a two-day event of networking, idea sharing, and expert discussions to build and sustain the outdoor industry in Colorado. Offered by the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade.

Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) | Drive, Lead, Succeed Conference

Oct. 18-20 | Grand Junction | Details and register here. At this annual conference, EDCC aims to provide the knowledge, tools, and connections that are vital to foster a growing Colorado economy: Gather the industry’s top influencers and thought leaders together to share knowledge and answer questions that no one else can; Offer new and vital tools and solutions to pressing economic issues facing Colorado’s professional economic development community; Facilitate quality collaboration and opportunity to exchange fresh, new ideas among Colorado’s leading Economic Development professionals, business and non-profit leaders, government officials and more.

Small Business Development Center

Full events and workshops calendar including webinars can be found HERE.

Funding & Technical Assistance

Federal Funding Opportunities

Clean School Bus Program Grants - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Deadline: Aug. 22 | Full details here. EPA anticipates awarding approximately $400 million in competitive grant funding under the Clean School Bus (CSB) Grants Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The program is soliciting applications nationwide for a grant competition to fund the replacement of existing school buses with clean and zero-emission (ZE) school buses.

Dept. of Transportation - Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program (IIJA)

Deadline: August 18 | Details here. The PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program provides broad applicant eligibility for all levels of government to be direct recipients of funds. States, MPOs, local governments, and Indian Tribes can apply directly to FHWA. The vision of the PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program is to fund projects that address the climate crisis by improving the resilience of the surface transportation system, including highways, public transportation, ports, and intercity passenger rail. 

State Funding Opportunities

Land Banking Program Grants | Affordable Housing Financing Fund

Letter of Interest Deadline: August 21 | Details here. The Land Banking program provides grants to eligible local governments and forgivable loans to eligible nonprofits with a demonstrated history of providing affordable housing. These funds must be used to acquire and preserve land for affordable for-sale housing or affordable rental housing. Mixed use may be allowed so long as the predominate use is affordable housing. To be eligible, affordable housing projects seeking support from the Affordable Housing Financing Fund must be located in a jurisdiction that has completed a Proposition 123 Local Government Affordable Housing Commitment with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs − Division of Housing. To be eligible to apply for the Land Banking program, a Letter of Intent (LOI) must be submitted to CHFA at prior to the submission of an application

State Law Enforcement grants

  • Mission for Assistance in Recruiting and Training (SMART) Grant Program Deadline: August 16 | Details here. The goal of the SMART Grant Program is to provide grants to law enforcement agencies to increase the number of P.O.S.T.-certified and non-certified law enforcement officers who are representative of the communities they serve and to provide training for those additional law enforcement officers.
  • Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Tuition Grant Program Deadline: August 16 | Details here. Goals of the program are to assist Law Enforcement Agencies in addressing workforce shortages, improve the training given to POST certified Peace Officers, and improve relationships between Law Enforcement and impacted communities. 

Strong Communities Grant Program - Colorado Dept. of Local Affairs

The program creates two grant programs to support Colorado communities:

Planning grants (NOFA opens Aug. 1) will help communities align policies and regulations to locate affordable housing in infill locations near jobs, transit, and everyday services.

Infrastructure grants (LOI due Aug. 18) will provide funding to local governments for infrastructure associated with the development of community benefit-driven infill affordable housing that meets critical housing needs as identified by the local government. Colorado municipalities and counties are eligible.

Broadband Ready Community Program - Colorado Broadband Office

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) will start taking applications for the BEAD funding in 2024 through the Advance Colorado Broadband grant program. Want to be ready? Ensure your community is “Broadband Ready.” Learn more about the program and check out the CBO’s Broadband Ready Community Checklist

Energy Code Adoption and Enforcement Grant Program – Colorado Energy Office

Initial funding round opens Sept. 1; additional deadlines in Dec. 2023, March 2024, May 2024 | Full details here. The Colorado Energy Office is launching a new grant program to support local governments with adopting, implementing, and enforcing the latest building energy codes. As of July 1, 2023, local governments adopting or updating any building code will be required to adopt the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as well as the Colorado model electric ready and solar ready code. These grants will support local governments in adopting and enforcing these codes or improving enforcement of previously adopted energy codes that meet or exceed the state's minimum requirements. 

Advance Colorado Broadband - Capital Projects Fund

These grants will fund broadband projects that will connect nearly 18,000 unserved Colorado homes to high-speed internet. Learn more.

Other Funding Opportunities

Colorado Loans to Increase Mainstreet Business Economic Recovery (CLIMBER) program

Small businesses with up to 99 employees may apply for working-capital loans between $10,000 and $500,000. For more information on the program or to apply, go to

T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program: To Refresh Community Spaces in Small Towns

Deadline: Sept. 30 | Details here. The T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program funds community projects in small towns across the United States. Each quarter, 25 grants of up to $50,000 are provided for shovel-ready projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in small towns. Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to, adaptive uses of older and historic buildings into community gathering spaces, improvements to outdoor parks or trails, and technology projects for public libraries. Applications are accepted from elected officials, town managers or employees, tribal leaders, or nonprofit community leaders from small towns with populations of less than 50,000.

Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Economic Development District |

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