Funding & Technical Assistance

Colorado COVID-19 Relief Fund
Deadline: December 3, 2020. Seventh round of giving will open on November 12. Through this Fund, eligible community-based organizations across Colorado may receive a general operating grant of up to $25,000. We will also be accepting applications for collaborative proposals, something we started in the last round. Collaborative efforts must align with criteria for the Impact priority area. Funding criteria for collaborative efforts must include three or more organizations to encourage community and regional coordination. Eligibility requirements and more information can be found here.

EDA SPRINT Challenge
Deadline: December 3, 2020. More information here. Scaling Pandemic Resilience through Innovation and Technology (SPRINT) Challenge. EDA is seeking applications from eligible organizations working to rapidly address the economic, health, and safety risks caused by the coronavirus pandemic through entrepreneurship and innovation. This $25 million national competition is designed to support the development, creation, or expansion of programs that accelerate technology-based economic development in pursuit of vibrant, innovative economies and economic growth, and respond to the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. 

FEMA: Two Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant - These grants are used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings that are insured by the National Flood Insurance Program
Building Resilient Communities and Infrastructure Grant - BRIC will offer $500 million in grants to help support states, tribes, territories and communities throughout the nation as they design and begin new infrastructure projects – projects that will reduce future disaster recovery costs and help save lives. Both grant applications will be open from Sept. 30 - Jan. 21, 2021.

Grants for Criminal Justice Reform
The Public Welfare Foundation supports efforts to advance justice and opportunity for people in need by investing in nonprofit organizations that are advancing a new, transformative system of justice.

First Responders Mental Health Grants Program
Movember's First Responders Mental Health Grants Program is offering support to nonprofit organizations that address mental health and suicide prevention issues impacting first responders and their families. The purpose of the funding is to identify those current programs showing promise in improving the mental health of men in these groups and to build the evidence for effective intervention. Letters of intent are due November 23, 2020; the deadline for invited proposals is February 6, 2021. Visit the Movember website to download the request for proposals and review the FAQs (PDF).

Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations program
This program provides support to implement and evaluate community interventions testing the impacts of mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups. The program also supports the implementation or evaluation of existing, new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial, behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic on the health of these groups. The application deadline is December 1, 2020. More information here.

GOCO Resilient Communities Program
Deadline: Rolling. Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) has launched a $15 million Resilient Communities Program to help fund one-time, immediate needs or opportunities that have emerged in direct response to the pandemic, which include: capacity and operations support, stewardship, community vitality, and urgent and emergent land acquisitions. For more information, including eligibility criteria and application forms, please visit GOCO website.

The Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program
Deadline: December 1, 2020. Seeks to promote rural health care services by enhancing health care delivery to rural underserved populations in the local community or region. Program goals include expanding the delivery of health care services to include new and enhanced services exclusively in rural communities. More information here.

Training Opportunities

Shopify For Beginners: Build your online business
Wed. Oct. 28 from 12 - 1 pm | Register here | FREE offered by the Northwest SBDC
Since the COVID pandemic you are trying to pivot your business to online but you don't have an e-commerce platform.... Enter Shopify. In this presentation, you'll get a comprehensive overview of Shopify including how to set up your platform and get your first products loaded. We'll cover both customer facing view and show you the back-end to be able to manage sales reports and other important data. If you still need assistance, we can support your growth with free local consulting to help you on your online journey.

Mountain Pitch Summit
Wed. Oct. 28 @ noon | Register here
Offered by Coventure and Roaring Fork Angels. Watch local businesses pitch for venture capital.

13th Annual Veterans Small Business Conference
November 5 | Virtual and FREE | 8 a.m. m- 2:30 p.m. | Register here.
Join the Colorado Small Business Development Center for a virtual day full of training and resources. Looking to start a business? Learn how to utilize your skill set to lay the foundation for a successful venture. Already have a business? Explore options to grow your current operation such as government contracting, improved marketing, certifications and more.

The Future of Entrepreneurship
November 10 | Register here. Offered by Downtown Colorado, Inc.

The Future of Housing
November 17 | Register here. Offered by Downtown Colorado, Inc.

Write a Grant in a Day (Virtually)
November 18 & 19 | Register here. Do you want to feel more confident in the grant proposals you submit? Join JVA trainer and grantwriter extraordinaire Lisa Cirincione online from 9 a.m. to noon November 18th and 19th as she leads our next Write a Grant in a Day (Virtually) training. She'll help you hone your storytelling and writing skills so you create clear narratives that get to the heart of your work, as well as the heart of the application questions.

Hot Issues in Health Conference
December 11 | Virtual and FREE | Click here for more information and to watch for registration details
In the wake of a monumental election and against the backdrop of a global pandemic, we’ll gather online for a reimagined but equally relevant version of our popular Hot Issues in Health conference. Mark your calendars for Friday, December 11. We may not be able to gather in person, but that doesn’t mean we can’t bring you the context, insight, and health policy analysis you’ve come to expect from Hot Issues and CHI.

Access to Capital

SBA & Treasury Announce Simpler PPP Forgiveness for Loans of $50K or Less
The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, released a simpler loan forgiveness application for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $50,000 or less. This action streamlines the PPP forgiveness process to provide financial and administrative relief to America’s smallest businesses while also ensuring sound stewardship of taxpayer dollars. More info here.


Resources to Support the Arts
In Colorado and around the world, artists and arts and culture organizations have been hit hard by COVID-19, losing revenues due to canceled events and loss of sales, and facing reduced contributions indefinitely. Colorado Creative Industries is updating its Resources to Support the Arts during COVID-19 in real time. This page is a collaborative effort among Colorado cultural leaders to provide a central hub of resources to support artists, creative businesses, and arts & culture organizations. 

Virtual Mentoring and Training
Offices around the country may be closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but SCORE, Small Business Development Centers, Women’s Business Centers, Veterans Business Outreach Centers and other resource partners are providing free business mentoring and training by phone, email, and video. Find a SBA Resource Partner near you.
Census 2020 Update

The 2020 is officially over, as of October 15, 2020. This article from the Colorado Sun that recently came out reports on its abrupt end. According to the article, "Between the coronavirus pandemic, concerns around the bureau’s attempt in 2019 to add a question asking for citizenship, and the shifts in timeline — a months-long delay to start, then a deadline extended and shortened multiple times prior to Tuesday’s ruling — it has not been a normal census in any sense."

The Census Bureau has until Dec. 31 to clean up the data. This process includes doing a statistical analysis called imputation, as well as consolidating any duplicate responses and using administrative records to fill in gaps when absolutely necessary. The bureau will also double check its work with post-enumeration surveys, which go to certain neighborhoods to assess the accuracy of the final count. NWCCOG will work with the Colorado State Demography Office on reporting official Census numbers for the region once they are official; they are set to be released March 31, 2021.
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Economic Development District |