March 2018 Newsletter
Digital marketing call Enid Chamber at 580.237.2494
Hundreds Converge in Enid for NWDJLS
The 84 th Annual Northwest District Junior Livestock Show is the biggest secret in Enid to anyone outside of the agricultural community. This week-long event brings hundreds of exhibitors and their families to town. This year 889 exhibitors are registered with over 2,400 animals entered.
“After months of feeding, grooming and working with their animal project, these students are ready to enter the show ring in Enid with the hope of walking out with a blue ribbon in hand,” said Jennifer Kisling, NWDJLS General Superintendent.
The show is open to the public and free to watch. “I encourage everyone to come out and support our area’s students as they compete,” said Kisling. “Even if you don’t know anything about the livestock industry, this is an opportunity to see some of the best and brightest youth in our area. The level of responsibility and respect in these students is unmatched. It’s fun to watch.”

Show Schedule
Tuesday, February 27: Cattle Showmanship
Wednesday, February 28: Cattle
Thursday, March 1: Sheep
Friday, March 2: Goat
Saturday, March 3: Swine Barrow
Sunday, March 4: Swine Gilt
Monday, March 5: Premium Sale
11th Annual Enid Day at the Capitol
The 11th Annual Enid Day at the Capitol was held on February 27. A large group of Enid business and school leaders attended and helped host the event. Representatives from the Enid Chamber, ERDA and the City of Enid participated in the networking breakfast along with officials from Enid Public Schools, Autry Technology Center and Enid's college campuses. Also attending were members of Leadership Greater Enid Class 27. The event was well attended by legislators, agency officials and staff. Special thanks to Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, Senator Roland Pederson and State Representatives Chad Caldwell and John Enns for speaking to our Enid group. We appreciate their participation and support.
(Left to Right) Jon Blankenship, Senator Jim Inhofe, and Enid City Commissioners George Pankonin, Jonathan Waddell and Tammy Wilson at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington D.C.
Chamber Federal Legislative Trip
April 16-19
The Enid Chamber federal legislative trip to Washington, D.C. is scheduled for April 16-19. The meetings and legislative activities will be on Tuesday, April 17, and Wednesday, April 18. Meetings at the Pentagon and meetings with our Oklahoma Congressional Delegation are planned. The Enid Chamber and the City of Enid will also host a legislative reception. The legislative trip is a great opportunity to support Vance AFB and discuss federal issues that impact Enid and Northwest Oklahoma.
Business Spotlight @ Lunch - Viability, Inc.
~ Tuesday, March 13 - Noon ~
2309 N. 10th Street, Ste. A

If you're interested in hosting a Business After Hours or Business Spotlight @ Lunch, please contact Kalea Stafford at 237-2494 or
Join us for March Ribbon Cuttings!
March 8, NOON:
INTEGRIS Cancer Institute-Enid
600 S. Monroe
March 9, 11AM:
Johnston Seed Company
125 th Anniversary
319 W. Chestnut
March 13, NOON: (during Business Spotlight)
Viability, Inc.
2309 N. 10th Street, Ste. A
March 16, NOON:
Jeff Eaton State Farm
1328 N. Van Buren

March 16, 2PM:
4RKids Mini Golf Course
710 Overland Trail
  NET TAXABLE SALES - Enid, Oklahoma - Month of December 2017

2016                   2017
$70,577,831    $71,352,363
                   1.10 %
Calendar Year to Date:
2016                     2017
$811,720,383 $814,614,268
                  0.36 %
Cost of Living Index - 2017 Annual Average 
Enid, OK: 91.1 Composite

The Cost of Living Index measures relative price levels for consumer goods and services in participating areas. The average for all participating places, both metropolitan and non-metropolitan, equals 100, and each participant's index is read as a percentage of the average for all places. The composite index is based on six components - housing, utilities, grocery items, transportation, health care and miscellaneous goods and services.
Enlisted Appreciation Night April 28
On Saturday, April 28th the Greater Enid Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee will host Enlisted Appreciation Night. This is the 51st year for the event! Recognized by the Air Force as one of the finest displays of appreciation for enlisted personnel, the event demonstrates commitment and support for VAFB and helps connect military personnel with the Enid business community. 
If you wish to contribute this year, please contact Kalea at 580.237.2494 or Businesses contributing cash or prizes will be recognized in our newsletter and at the event.
Welcome New Members!

National Wild Turkey Federation
2436 Robin Ridge Rd.
Enid, OK 73703
Reps: T. J. Goodpasture
Phone: (903) 253-1593
Business Categories: Organizations

Proof Wine & Spirits
2109 West Owen K. Garriott
Enid, OK 73703
Reps: Zach Noell
Phone: (580) 237-2132
Business Categories: Liquor Stores
LGE Class XXVII Spotlight
Name:  Brandi 'Welker' Schieber
Hometown: Kremlin, OK
Family: Married to Russell Schieber for 11 years. We have three girls - Kinason (8), Kinadee (6) and Kindree (4). 
Occupation/Profession: Owner/Agent of Schieber Insurance
Who is/was the most influential person in your life and why: My husband Russell. He has always believed in me and pushed me to be my best. If an idea comes to me, he pushes me to go for it! 
What are three things on your bucket list: I have done several bucket list things, but I am a HUGE college basketball fan. I have always wanted to go to the Final Four (it is always the weekend of my birthday) and see Duke vs. North Caroline at Duke. 
What was your all-time best Halloween costume : I hate Halloween, I don't like scary things at all. I would have to say my favorite costume was a scarecrow. 
Favorite thing about Enid: I love what they have done with Meadowlake Park. It reminds me of growing up here. My great grandparents took me to ride the train every chance they got.
Name:  Stephanie Moffitt Carr
Hometown: Anadarko, Oklahoma
Family: Single. Boy Mom of two amazing, smart, athletic and super sweet young men. Ashton is 14 years old and Peyton is 8 years old. No pets, I am just amazed I keep the kids and plants alive right now (and let's just say the plants need some attention right now). 
Occupation/Profession: Grant Administrator for the City of Enid - I am the director for the Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Program, writer and administrator of all Federal and State grants and I am the Fair Housing Coordinator for NW Oklahoma. 
Who is/was the most influential person in your life and why: There are so many, it is difficult to list just one. Everyone I meet contributes a piece of the puzzle I call life. My parents have always been very influential in my life. They are hardworking people who taught me if I want something, I need to work for it and not depend on anyone else to provide it for me but if I see someone else, unable to provide for themselves, I should help them without expectations of repayment or glory. I have met so many friends and colleagues along the way that have influenced me greatly as well. I am also a really big fan of Martin Luther King Jr. and most influenced from day one and on a daily basis by God. 
What are three things on your bucket list: Buy a motorcycle (and ride it), fly in a private jet to a beach somewhere and run a marathon
What was your all-time best Halloween costume: There are two memorable ones but my favorite would have to be when Ashton was Cookie Monster and I was a cookie.
Favorite thing about Enid: My favorite thing about Enid is the people. I have never seen so many servant hearted people concentrated into 75 square miles in my entire life. I love that Enid is a little big town. It is small enough to not cause too much anxiety yet large enough to provide awesome things for the family to do.
Thank You for Your Membership Renewal!
Your membership investment and community support make a difference for Enid!
Click on any blue member below to go directly to their web page.
Enid Chamber of Commerce | 580.237.2494 | 580.237.2497 |