Invasive Species Network Events

Autumn Olive Community Workshop
Thursday, September 19 | 5:00pm-7:00pm

Autumn Olive Community Workshop
Monday, September 30 | 5:00pm-7:00pm

Partner Events
9/1 Cedar River Sunset Paddle - Leelanau
9/7 Sunset Yoga at Van's Beach - Leelanau
9/9 Walk at Arcadia Marsh - Manistee
9/14 Forest Bathing at Misty Acres - Manistee
9/16 Native Gardens Tour and Workbee - Grand Traverse
9/19 Creating a Rain Garden - Benzie
9/21 Elberta Beach Clean-up - Benzie
9/23 Native Gardens Tour and Workbee - Grand Traverse
9/30 Native Gardens Tour and Workbee - Grand Traverse

Photo courtesy: Benzie Conservation District
Hummingbirds are frequent garden visitors. Plant flowers that accommodate their long bill - such as harebell or wild columbine . Other favorites include wild bergamot and Joe pye weed .

Keep an eye out for ruby-throated hummingbirds - Michigan's only native hummingbird (pictured left, DJ Greene)
Nutchatches and Woodpeckers
Have you ever noticed how these species will visit your feeder for a mouthful and then fly away? This is because nuthatches and woodpeckers are cache birds - they look for woody plants to store their food, insects included! Plant trees like maple and oak, along with shrubs such as sumac and dogwood to attract them to your backyard.

The downy woodpecker (pictured right, Wolfgang Wander) looks similar to its larger relative, the hairy woodpecker .
Chickadees and Titmice
The black-capped chickadee and tufted titmouse (pictured left, Bill Thompson) love to eat seeds from your garden's wildflowers and the insects that pollinate them! Plant common milkweed , purple coneflower , and New England aster . Remember, it's often a good idea to leave the seed-heads all winter. Backyard birds will use them as a food source during the colder months.
Oranges are an obvious way to attract orioles to your yard, but native plants can help too! Black-eyed Susans and woodland phlox are a great place to start. Also, incorporate plants with large, juicy berries like wild strawberry .

The Baltimore oriole is the more common species in Michigan (pictured right, ebird), but also keep an eye out for the orchard oriole .
Invasive Species in the News
Battle looms over laws to slow spread of invasive species in Great Lakes - Bridge
Michigan's Sleeping Bear gets hot wake-up call - Great Lakes Echo
Zero Gravity Aerial uses drone technology to find invasive species in lakes - 9&10 News
This carnivorous plant invaded New York. That may be its only hope - The New York Times
The big impact tiny creatures have on the Great Lakes food chain - WisCONTEXT