Join the DNR this spring for the Happy Little Trees 5k - all proceeds go toward replacing trees that have been killed by forest pests.
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December Enewsletter
Our December note is brief as the winter months don't supply as many impressive statistics to share. That being said, we are continuing to work diligently, completing follow-up reports to this past season's treatments and planning for next year's happenings - including some new events!
Some notable items:
The ISN team attended the annual Michigan Invasive Species Coalition meeting earlier in the month. This is a great opportunity for state-wide CISMA's to get together and discuss all things invasive species.
An additional seasonal technician was hired for winter hemlock woolly adelgid surveys. He will be introduced next month! (Also, there's still time to sign-up to have your property surveyed for free - visit our website for more information.
Read on to learn about partner events and see a breakdown of 2019. As always, don't hesitate to contact ISN with any questions or to report a sighting.