Play Clean Snow?
Winter is still a time to stop invasive species!
Written by: Katie Grzesiak, ISN Coordinator
Originally published on the Play Clean Go winter blog
In much of North America, winter is a time where we don’t think a lot about plants apart from Christmas trees, especially where there’s snow on the ground. However, it’s a key time for seeds to spread and even see the beginnings of sprouting. A
Play Clean Go
pledge is just as important in February or March as it is in June!
Winter Wonderland
Winter is a great time to get out and explore—with seasonal leaf-off, it’s easier to get to areas that might otherwise be difficult to access. It’s also a hop skip and a jump to get across frozen lakes and ponds and get a completely different view of the world. Being outdoors is also perfect for combating cabin fever. A hike, snowshoe, or ski through a natural area can boost your spirits and your health!
Hidden Hitchhikers
All that effortless access and reduced foliage means something else too—seeds clinging to stems and pods are that much easier to brush up against while you’re out touring the season. But since our minds aren’t often on weeds, it’s easy to forget to be vigilant. Play close attention to bindings, laces, and soft fabrics; when we wear a lot of slippery, water-resistant fabrics that don’t pick up much, it’s easy to forget about those nooks and crannies that do. If you have a furry friend or other gear, they need cleaning too!
Buried Boot Brushes
If you’re in an area with snow, there’s a good chance that the bootbrush stations you’ve depended on all year are now inaccessible. This means planning ahead—don’t forget to pack your pocket boot brush or throw a scrub brush in the car.