Invasive Species Network Events

The following ISN events have been cancelled:
ISN ID trainings
Baby's breath workbee
Japanese knotweed workshop

ISN and partners are working on how to bring these events to you, virtually !
Keep a lookout for video resources and electronic workshops as we work to bring our knowledge to you.
Want to contribute to a resource? Contact us ! We'd love the help.

The Garlic Mustard Dumpsters in each county are still on!
This is a great way to "participate" in a virtual workbee!
Bring your bagged garlic mustard to the following sites...
and please report them online so we can keep track!

Play Clean Go Awareness Week
June 6-13 is Play Clean Go Awareness Week! As we're getting out and enjoying the outdoors, there are a lot of ways to Play Clean Go, starting with the Play Clean Go Pledge :
  • Remove plants, animals, and mud from your boots, gear, boat, trailer, and pets
  • Clean your gear before entering and leaving a recreation site
  • Drain bilge, ballast, wells and buckets before leaving the area
  • Dispose of unwanted bait in a sealed container
  • When gardening, dispose of invasive species in the trash, not the compost
  • Clean tools, including shovels and shears, between uses and sites
  • Use certified or local firewood and hay
We even made a video about the basics this spring--have you seen it yet?
Garden professionals and community partners all over ISN's service area are committing not to use or sell high-priority invasive species! While you're planning your garden and waiting for spring to really get goin, think local as you plan your shopping! Then, remember the businesses that have made the decision to Go Beyond Beauty.
Find participants on our website .