The NWT Chamber's board of directors, on behalf of our members and staff, expresses its deep concern for the residents and business owners of Hay River and Kátł’odeeche First Nation, forced to evacuate due to the massive wildfire nearing their communities which remained out of control as of Friday afternoon.

May 19, 2023


NWT Chamber of Commerce president Newton Grey, a member of the Yellowknife Immigration Partnership, makes a five-minute online pitch about the benefits of living and working the territory in a recent Virtual Hiring Event video meeting, a pre-arrival program for Permanent Resident status immigrants who haven't decided where they will be moving to in Canada.

Photo montage and video by James O'Connor

Pitching the Northwest Territories to skilled foreign workers: Employers wanted!

A new initiative is underway that directly connects immigrants holding Permanent Residence visas ready to move to Canada with NWT employers with openings to fill.

NWT Chamber of Commerce president Newton Grey is a member of the Yellowknife Immigration Partnership who, along with Conseil de développement économique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (CDÉTNO), is leading the two-part Connecting Canada project facilitated through ACCES Employment in Toronto.

Job outlines from NWT businesses to be considered for this free service are now being accepted and the second Connecting Canada session takes place on May 26.

"So if if there's any NWT Chamber member who has a position that they're looking (to fill), these are people who have gone through the immigration process already. They are coming to Canada with or without you and It won't cost you a penny, you don't have to pay immigration, anything,” Grey told our board at its meeting on May 17.

"If you have a vacancy to fill, it might be a nice place to come on and advertise your job. And you'll be able to do the first interview right there. And if this goes well, it attracts them to land in Yellowknife and our communities as opposed to landing in Toronto and waiting for six months to decide that it's not working in Toronto and they want to come to the North."

Join us to meet Northwest Territories employers as they look to recruit for a wide range of positions.

  • BMO
  • Canadian Armed Forces
  • Kasteel Construction and Coatings
  • Canadian North
  • Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC)
  • SSI Canada
  • Sun Dog Adventures
  • YYZ Travel North
  • North-Wright Airways
  • Air Tindi
  • Northwestel

If you would like to participate in this event please contact Recardo Rowe at

Meanwhile, see Grey making his inspired pitch in the video vault.


When Canadian North's Airlines President and CEO Michael Rodyniuk was at an Open House in Yellowknife last Friday evening, he said an announcement about a new route was imminent.

Today came the news Canadian North is launching a new route, the Arctic Capital Express, to start on June 8.

With bookings available now, the Arctic Capital Express will provide convenient same-day travel between Ottawa, Iqaluit, and Yellowknife in either direction every Tuesday and Thursday, with connections in Edmonton and Calgary to Yellowknife.

Canadian North passengers will be able to reach their destination in a single day on this direct express route, reducing the need for overnight stops. 

Canadian North is a 100% Inuit-owned airline that connects people and delivers essential goods throughout Canada’s North. 

Rodyniuk also told those assembled at the Elks Lodge that the airline is exploring code-share agreements, with details to come this summer.

He also said Canadian North will be modernizing its fleet, but will retain its Boeing 737-400C fixed 'combi' aircraft that can be used to carry both passengers and/or cargo.

Having reliable cargo transportation options are extremely important to Northern businesses and communities.


Question: The Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) wants to change its name to Prosper NWT as part of a comprehensive re-branding initiative.

For whatever reason, do you give the Prosper NWT name a thumbs up, or thumbs down?

  • Thumb's up: 85%
  • Thumb's down: 15%


"We won’t have any way to make a living if it burns down. And even if doesn’t, there won’t be revenue coming in while the town is closed. How long will it be until people will want to eat in the restaurant again?"

Woodland Wok & Grill's Xiaorong Chen, who along with co-owner Yin Yu. told Cabin Radio at the Yellowknife evacuation centre they are concerned for their restaurant and how to support their employees. They’re not sure if their insurance will cover the loss.

"Although we have the diamond mine closure on the horizon, we’ve also got the remediation stuff that seems to get bigger and bigger. Maybe we’ll weather that change in our economy a little better than we thought we would.

owner and broker of Century 21: Prospect Realty, Adrian Bell, also YK Chamber president and its rep on our board told Yellowknifer in a story about commercial real estate sales.


Friday Futures:

After an absence of two years, the NWT Chamber's golf tournament returns Friday, August 18 at the Yellowknife Golf Club. After 18 holes, participants will be treated to a reception with a silent auction and a delicious meal. More details here. Please save that date, consider being a sponsor, and start thinking of teams to enter!

To celebrate the NWT Chamber's 50th anniversary this year, a major one-day conference and evening reception is being planned for Sept. 29. Stay tuned for information.

The next NWT Chamber Board Meeting is June 21 at 11am in-person or Zoom


Inquire with the NWT Chamber's Executive Director about sponsorship and newsletter advertising opportunities. We also offer limited numbers of EBlasts to members each month and promoted social media posts can be arranged.

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