2021 Schedule
Specialized Classes
Breaching, Shield and Room Entry for Patrol
Sold out

With the many incidents that require an immediate response from the officer on patrol. this has led to agencies equipping squad cars with breaching equipment and shields. This 8-hour class will cover various techniques and applications of using shields, breaching tactics and room entry geared for the patrol officer.

May 26, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $125

Pursuit Biennial Update
Sold out

This 4-hour 2019-2021 Pursuit Biennium training will address a number of issues affecting public and officer safety. It will include: reviewing basic EVOC skills that might be used during emergency response and/or pursuits and reviewing the steps for conducting a high-risk contact at the end of a pursuit.

Attendees need to furnish own squad car.

May 27, 2021
2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Cost: $65

Boat Patrol Essentials
Sold out

This course is one day in the classroom and one day on the water.

As an officer engaged in waterborne patrol, you recognize that the Academy didn’t prepare you for the job you chose. Your job is different now than it was on the street. If you want to excel, you’ll have to take what you learned street side and apply it in a radically different environment. Your daily patrols include underway operations and search and rescue response. As a result, you’ll have to learn to use very different equipment. In this class, you’ll learn best practices for waterborne patrol.

Classroom and underway topics will include:
  • Underway communication and team coordination
  • Open and close quarter maneuvering
  • Marlinspike seamanship and line handling
  • Tactical and equipment considerations for waterborne patrol

June 7-8, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $249

ASP Trainer Certification
Sold Out

This program trains individuals to conduct ASP Instruction Certification (AIC). ASP Certified Trainers are highly skilled baton, restraint and flashlight instructors, authorized by Armament Systems and Procedures to conduct AIC Programs. These Trainers have demonstrated their ability through completion of a rigorous competency-based program involving knowledge of ASP technical data, performance skills and instruction of ASP classes.

June 22-24, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: FREE

Tactical Medicine Instructor
Presented by FLETC

The Basic Tactical Medical Instructor Training Program (BTMITP) is a highly intense training program requiring a physical demand on the student and consists of lecture, labs and skill practice. The law enforcement officer will gain knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate the loss of their life or the life of another while in an active threat environment. The skills will address treating life threatening injuries in an austere environment with limited equipment, lack of medically trained personnel and prolonged time to evacuation.
Tactical Medical is a systematic approach to dealing with casualties in a tactical environment. It is strongly influenced by the model used by the Department of Defense called Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC). As the name implies, TCCC incorporates tactical problem solving into any situation in which casualties are incurred from an armed, hostile opponent. The TCCC system focuses on saving “preventable deaths” while achieving three primary goals: Treat the Casualty, Prevent Additional Casualties and Continue the Mission.
Upon graduation from the BTMITP, students will be able to deliver training in the basic, civilianized tenets of TCCC life-saving skills addressed in the DHS Care Under Fire Education Standards.

July 7-9, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: FREE

Low Light Tactics - 4 hours

This is an abbreviated course from our 8 hour offering and will introduce students to tactical concepts when they are responding to calls and operating in diminished or low light environments. With over 60% of deadly force confrontations occurring during the hours of darkness it is imperative for officers to learn how to utilize low light level tactics. This course will help officers understand the different types of flashlights officers use and how to deploy flashlight techniques to illuminate environments and identify threats.

August 3, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Cost: $40

LESB Tactical Response Instructor

This 32 hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Tactical Response instructor.

Applicant must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course within the previous 2 years before attending, or be a currently-certified LESB Instructor, and have 3 years full-time experience. Applicant must use the Form DJ-LE336 to apply for this training. Instructions: 1. Register online below or download the Instructor Registration form at 2. Complete form DJ-LE-336 "Application to Attend Topic-Specific Instructor Course" available at 3. Email completed DJ-LE-336 form, copy of certificate of completion of a Criminal Justice Instructor Development Course (CJIDC), and registration form (if downloaded) to NWTC –Jason Weber no later than 5 days from the course start date. Confirmation to attend training will not be made until these documents have been received by NWTC

August 16-19, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $275

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Vehicle Contacts - 2 day course

This 16 hour course is designed for police officers looking to review or improve their tactical skills in a traffic stop environment. Course content will also include a dynamic look at the approach, the return, re-approach, and non-approach considerations to improve officer safety. This class will utilize isolation exercises and high level Force on Force scenarios, as a way to implement the course content into a real world application.

August 19-20, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $195

Substance Abuse Implications in the Correctional Setting/Contraband Searches

This course covers two areas that are very critical in corrections – Substance Abuse and Contraband.

The morning session will focus on the fact that the correctional setting is a mental health provider for the underserved populations that are cared for inside their walls. Correctional settings have also turned into detox and treatment facilities for substance abuse disorders and dependence issues. Providing adequate mental health and substance abuse services in the correctional setting can be a unique obstacle for the institutions and jails to navigate. The first question a correctional professional might ask themselves is how does the addiction happen in the first place? The answer is different for each person. In this session a wide variety of substances will be covered, specific correctional setting complications will be explored, and the attendees will learn what to do when dealing with someone under the influence.

In the afternoon the instructors will cover the critical component of maintaining the safety of those within the correctional facility. The instructors will focus on methods that contraband is entering our facilities and techniques that can be used to detect that prior to entry as well as through cell searches.

August 23, 2021
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $80

Street Crimes Seminar
Presented by Pat McCarthy Street Crimes

Pat McCarthy’s 3-day Street Crimes Law Enforcement Training Seminar is taught by dedicated law enforcement officials with over 25 years of actual street cop experience. Every Street Crimes instructor is a nationally recognized expert in many areas of police work. They are able to blend unique experiences in Patrol, Narcotics, Gang Crimes, Undercover Work, S.W.A.T. Team and Federal Task Forces to create the most comprehensive training tune-up for all levels of law enforcement available today.

Topics include: Improving Police & Community Relations; Officer Safety Issues; Surviving Police Ambushes; Officer Involved Shootings; How to Conduct Effective Interviews; Body Language Indicators; Gang & Drug Investigation Tactics; Developing Street Sources & Confidential Informants; Street Smart Intelligence Gathering; Interrogation Tactics; Homeland Security Issues/Domestic Threats; Covert Surveillance Techniques; First Responder Tips for Hostage Situations; Search Procedures; Courtroom Testimony Survival Tactics; De-escalation Tactics for the Mentally Distressed

August 30 - September 1, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $399

Leaking the Truth

Imagine being able to know what people are really thinking and feeling, or what their words really mean. Imagine being able to use scientifically proven techniques and clues to get to the truth in either your personal or professional life.

Behavior and language are in our DNA. Our brains tell us that we are not supposed to lie. When we do, micro expressions, body gestures, voice/verbiage changes and baseline behaviors are all affected. This is due to a conflict between cognitive thinking and emotional feelings, which causes leakage or clues of deception. Humans are unable to control most of these reactions. With the right training, you can begin to spot the clues of deception or true emotion. These are critical skills to recognize what witnesses, suspects, co-workers or even salesmen are really thinking and feeling. These skills are beneficial in every aspect of your life; whether preventing crime suspects from escaping prosecution, or even averting an act of terror.

September 2, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $149

Undercover Investigations

Undercover investigations require unique skills and safety considerations that are not taught to the average Law Enforcement Officer. This training teaches Officers the entire undercover process from organizing a safe operation to courtroom testimony.

In this course, Officers will learn how to: • Effectively organize safe undercover and controlled drug buys • Control situations while maintaining an undercover identity • Safely plan and execute search warrants and buy busts • Maximize the productivity of confidential informants • Turn minor arrests into major drug seizures • Properly document undercover actions in reports • Testify effectively in court • Preserve physical and mental well-being

September 8, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $165

LESB Instructor Development Course

This 32-hour course prepares criminal justice instructor candidates to create a learning environment that supports learners. Competencies include planning and managing learning, training and evaluation methods and delivering teaching scenarios.

The applicant should have at least 2 ½ years of full time, or at least 5,000 hours, certified occupational experience prior to attending the CJ-IDC. Please note, a completed DJ-LE-335, DJ-LE-310 and a copy of the officer’s ACADIS training transcript MUST be emailed to at least two weeks prior to the class.

September 13-16, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $275

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design/Site Security Surveys

As we have entered the 21st century we have witnessed terrible acts of violence that have been committed in a variety of locations. This has brought the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to the forefront as we work to detect, deter and delay these criminals and terrorists. The use of CPTED intertwined with threat assessments is rapidly becoming the new norm in policing and security work.

This class also will incorporate a hands-on assessment at a local business and the opportunity to pass on what was learned to the rest of the class.

This class is geared for law enforcement, loss prevention, security, community leaders, city planners, block captains, or anyone interested in learning advanced crime prevention strategies

September 14-16, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $195

Gracie Survival Tactics

Gracie Survival Tactics (GST) is a revolutionary defensive tactics system that incorporates time-tested techniques into an easy to learn system designed to help officers humanely prevail against larger and stronger opponents. The GST system is a two-tiered system designed for Law Enforcement professionals. GST is derived from the techniques of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

The GST System has recently been reviewed both medically and legally for use in law enforcement. Furthermore, although GST was developed for its tactical effectiveness, its leverage-based techniques are less likely to cause serious injury to both the officer and arrestee. Also, GST’s benign appearance has a greater acceptance from a viewing public, which has been increasingly scrutinizing televised videos of police actions.

NOTE – This is NOT an instructor course and is restricted to law enforcement and corrections officers.

September 20, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $100

Avoiding Inmate Manipulations

From nurses, to kitchen workers, to correctional officers, everyone is a target. Working in a correctional environment can open up many different vulnerability issues in staff member if not careful. The inmates that are in the institutions and jails are manipulative and looking to "play the game" if they find the right person. This session will teach attendees how to identify the manipulative inmate, the steps that they go through to reel you in, and then offer some suggestions on how to help yourself and fellow coworkers to better prepare to not be a victim to inmate manipulations.

September 20, 2021
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $80

Pepperball Armorer/Instructor

This course certifies students as PepperBall Instructors and Armorers for their individual agency, allowing them to design a course in the safe and effective use of the PepperBall system and to service and maintain their launchers. 

In addition to everything covered in the Operator course, students will develop the skills needed for the safe operation, deployment, and maintenance of the PepperBall system. They are given the knowledge and materials to build a custom PepperBall course that fits within their specific agency and adheres to their policies and procedures. The Armorer portion of the course will teach students how to maintain, break down, and assemble the various PepperBall launchers. After completion of this course, students will be able to identify, problem solve, repair, and maintain the various PepperBall launcher systems.

September 21-22, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $395 for up to 2 people

Crisis Intervention Partners - Corrections

CIP serves as training for students to learn about and use trauma informed care (TIC) attitudes, beliefs, and verbal/non-verbal skills as part of their responses to crisis situations

September 22, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $129

Communications Training Officer refresher

Communication training officers need to be rejuvenated every 2-5 years to retain their effectiveness and passion for the mission! Our refresher empowers and supports training professionals with a personal assessment of accomplishments to date, as well as a review of any struggles. All roles and requirements of modern trainers will be reviewed.

With the support of instructors and the training community of the class, attendees will dive into the THRIVE FIVE - HeroLight's combatant to trainer burnout. This course is appropriate for newer as well as seasoned trainers, as well as training supervisors looking for ideas to refresh their own team.

September 23, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement - ARIDE

Course Description Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) was designed to enhance a law enforcement officer's ability to detect drivers that are impaired by drugs. It is meant to bridge the gap between Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training. Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) is a pre-requisite for Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) candidates.

Prerequisites Students must be a law enforcement officer certified in Standardized Field Sobriety testing (SFST) prior to attending this course.

September 27 - 28, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: FREE

Basic SWAT School

This course introduces the student to the fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for operating on a SWAT team. In addition to basic team structure, organization, movements and commands, the student will train in the deployment of chemical and specialty impact munitions and distraction devices. *Officers whose departments do not use distraction devices are not required to bring distraction devices.

Course Objectives: The student will be capable of using appropriate tactics and techniques for warrant service, deliberate and dynamic entries, barricaded subjects, hostage rescue, outdoor searches, and rapid deployment. Comprehension of the students' skills will be evaluated in various high level scenarios at the end of the course.

Required Equipment:
  • Duty Belt with handgun and typical support gear
  • Personal Body Armor / Tactical Body Armor
  • Fire resistant gloves and head cover
  • Eye / Ear Protection
  • 200 rounds of handgun ammo
  • 200 rounds of long gun ammo
  • 50 rounds of marking cartridges (ATK Force on Force brand)
  • 2 distraction devices*
  • Utility uniform and/or weather-appropriate training clothing

Recommended Equipment:
  • Ballistic helmet
  • Long gun
  • Gas Mask
  • Knee / Elbow Pads

September 27 - October 1, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $495

LESB Vehicle Contacts Instructor

This course is designed to meet the requirements for Vehicle Contacts Instructor certification through the WI DOJ-LESB. In this course you will learn the legal basis for making vehicle contacts; how to conduct a threat assessment to help determine the appropriate type of contact; and, how to conduct different types of vehicle contacts, how to coach students, manage the classroom, and manage practical skills training. You will utilize these skills to instruct and conduct vehicle contact scenarios in a safe and effective learning environment.

Applicant must have completed the 32-hour CJ-IDC course within the previous 2 years before attending, or be a currently-certified LESB Instructor, and have 3 years full-time experience. Applicant must use the Form DJ-LE336 to apply for this training. Instructions: 1. Register online below or download the Instructor Registration form at 2. Complete form DJ-LE-336 "Application to Attend Topic-Specific Instructor Course" available at 3. Email completed DJ-LE-336 form, copy of certificate of completion of a Criminal Justice Instructor Development Course (CJIDC), and registration form (if downloaded) to NWTC –Jason Weber no later than 5 days from the course start date. Confirmation to attend training will not be made until these documents have been received by NWTC

September 28 - 29, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $195

Less Lethal Instructor - Impact Munitions
At Milwaukee County Sheriff's Academy

This 8-hour program will provide the student with qualified instructor training in the use of Less-Lethal intervention options including Kinetic Energy Impact Munitions. New and experienced instructors will benefit from this program by being exposed to various deployment systems and scenario applications.

  • Tactical employment of munitions
  • Levels of Force
  • Physiological Effects of Munitions
  • Shot Placement
  • 12 gauge, 37mm, and 40mm Specialty Munitions
  • Less Lethal kinetic energy projectiles

Equipment needed for this course includes:
  • Department issued Less Lethal shotgun, 37 or 40 mm launcher.
  • Duty gear, Body Armor, Training (non-function) handgun and, Flashlight.
  • Nomex® or similar type gloves that cover the entire hand. Long sleeve shirt
  • Wrap around Ballistic Eye and Ear protection
  • Dept. Less Lethal inventory and policy if available for deployment planning.
  • 3-5 Barricade Rounds (12ga, 37, or 40mm)
  • 10 impact rounds

October 4, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $100

Transition to Supervision
Presented by Center for Innovative Change

Making the transition from line level to supervisory positions provides new personal and professional growth opportunities but can sometimes come with unanticipated challenges. Participants will learn about management styles, employee coaching, and ethical decision-making. Through classroom discussion, case studies, and role-plays, this one-day course helps make a smooth transition for those who are newly promoted as well as those who are preparing for supervisory positions.

Attendees will take away the following objectives: Classify the characteristics of a good supervisor; Explain the emotional impact of the transition to self and others; Define interpersonal relationships: distinguish between personal and professional relationships; Describe ways to develop and maintain positive self-confidence; Identify seven major transition steps to supervising others; Apply four keys to self-evaluation.

October 4, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $149

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Vehicle Contacts - 1 day course

This 8 hour course is designed for police officers looking to review or improve their tactical skills in a traffic stop environment. Course content will also include a dynamic look at the approach, the return, re-approach, and non-approach considerations to improve officer safety. This class will utilize isolation exercises and high level Force on Force scenarios, as a way to implement the course content into a real world application.

October 4, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $125

Less Lethal Instructor - Chemical Munitions
At Milwaukee County Sheriff's Academy

This 8-hour program will provide the student with qualified instructor training in the use of Less-Lethal intervention options including Chemical Agents. New and experienced instructors will benefit from this program by being exposed to various deployment systems and scenario applications.

  • Tactical employment of munitions
  • Levels of Force
  • Physiological Effects of Munitions
  • Shot placement
  • Chemical Agent Munitions
  • Deployment techniques

Equipment needed for this course includes:
  • Department issued Less Lethal shotgun, 37 or 40 mm launcher.
  • Protective Gas Mask
  • Duty gear, Body Armor, Training (non-function) handgun and, Flashlight.
  • Nomex® or similar type gloves that cover the entire hand. Long sleeve shirt
  • Wrap around Ballistic Eye and Ear protection
  • Dept. Less Lethal inventory and policy if available for deployment planning.
  • 2-3 Pyrotechnic smoke (preferred) or CS grenades with pull pin Fuze.

October 5, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $100

Influencing the Performance of Others
Presented by Center for Innovative Change

Participants in this one-day course will identify key factors that affect employee behavior, describe ways a supervisor can effectively correct employees, and apply strategies to enhance employee performance. The course focuses on generational differences and positive leadership techniques that will support achievers and motivate sustainers.

Attendees will take away: Four keys that define how to influence others; Five key principles of a self-fulfilling prophecy and how it correlates to leadership; Five keys to effective communication; Factors that contribute to the personalities of those being supervised

October 5, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $149

Less Lethal Instructor - Diversionary Devices
At Milwaukee County Sheriff's Academy

This 8-hour program will provide the student with qualified instructor training in the use of Less-Lethal intervention options including Noise/Flash Diversionary Devices (flash-bangs). New and experienced instructors will benefit from this program by being exposed to various deployment systems and scenario applications.

  • Tactical employment of munitions
  • Levels of Force
  • Physiological Effects of Munitions
  • Deployment techniques

Equipment needed for this course includes:
  • Department issued Less Lethal shotgun, 37 or 40 mm launcher.
  • Protective Gas Mask
  • Duty gear, Body Armor, Training (non-function) handgun and, Flashlight.
  • Nomex® or similar type gloves that cover the entire hand. Long sleeve shirt
  • Wrap around Ballistic Eye and Ear protection
  • Dept. Less Lethal inventory and policy if available for deployment planning.
  • 4 CTS 7290, 7290M, 7290T with training fuzes or Def-Tec Distraction Devices

October 6, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $100

DAAT 4 hour refresher

The DAAT Refresher will allow officers to update their current skills and abilities through practical drills and discussions. Our focus will be to compliment officers current skill set and allow them to assess and evaluate their current abilities through demonstrations and hands on training exercises. De-Escalation & Officer Override discussions/activities will also be incorporated into the course. Our focus will be on tactical handcuffing, ground defense, weapons defense, professional communications, & stressed induced exercises

October 6, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Cost: $40

Grant Writing
Presented by Center for Innovative Change

NWTC is pleased to partner with the Center for Innovative Change, LLC to offer its successful 2-day grant writing course. If you are new to the grant making process or wish to enhance your skills, this is the course for you! This interactive training provides abundant samples, templates, and handouts, as well as many resources that will maximize effective grant writing efforts. Plan to leave the course with the framework and tools needed to research and write your next grant application!

The instructor is Beckie Murdock, Deputy Director for the Center for Innovative Change. Beckie, a national speaker, has more than 20 years’ experience in writing and managing law enforcement grants, projects, and cooperative agreements. She is a certified grant writer and has put into practice what she teaches. She has been successful in receiving grants totaling millions of dollars.

Previous attendees of the course have said: “The instructor has a large amount of experience in the field. The handouts were very clear and to the point, and many references and tools were provided.” “The instructor was highly qualified and knowledgeable.” “I learned a lot from the course and know more about the grant writing process now.”

Bring your laptop or tablet and plan to be actively engaged in this training opportunity! Due to the hands-on nature of the instruction, space is limited so you may wish to reserve your spots early!

October 6-7, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $269

Nuisance Abatement

The main purpose of a police department is to enforce the laws and protect the citizens of the community which it serves. Often times, the police are called upon to ‘solve problems’ that affect the community as a whole or just a specific neighborhood. Many times these problems are not criminal in nature and may be viewed by some as minor when compared to other crimes; however these problems affect the quality of life for all of us.

Topics to be covered: · WI Nuisance abatement laws · Landlord/Tenant laws · Creating a local nuisance abatement program · Best practices in addressing problem properties · Drug abatements · Using Intelligence Led Policing tactics for drug houses

October 7, 2021
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $60


The SPEAR System (an acronym for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) is a close-quarter protection system that uses a person's reflex action in threatening situations as a basis for defense.

This is a one day class and NOT an instructor course.

October 8, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

Room Clearing - 4 hour refresher

As policing is evolving rapidly, we as officers must prepare and train for the violent and deadly encounters taking place across the country. This course is geared towards officers who are looking to refresh or learn new skills in team tactics and room clearing.

Topics covered; 1,2,3 officer room entries, Center Fed & corner fed Rooms, Threshold evaluations, Types of Doors, Methodical vs Dynamic clears, Team Movement, Stairwells, Metering or "slicing the Pie", Muzzle discipline, Position SUL, Types of doorways, Fatal Funnels, Use of rifles, Contact Cover, & Hallway movement.

October 8, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Cost: $40

Evidence Based Scenario Training
Presented by Blauer Tactical Systems

The Blauer Tactical EBST course provides a formula for scenario development that will mesh with existing video evidence already in use within the law enforcement and criminal justice system. 

The SPEAR System BMF Model is a methodology that teaches course participants how to reverse-engineer scenarios directly from new video evidence and current events in your area. This makes your training current, relevant and greatly reduces individual and department liability (and especially 'failure to train adequately' concerns). 

October 11-14, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $600


The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in 2008 and requires, among other things, that allegations of sexual abuse and harassment be investigated completely and in a timely manner.

This is a 4-hour class (8am-12pm) that will provide training on how to comply with PREA requirements

October 12, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Cost: $40

Addressing Inmate Grievances

The inmate grievance process in a correctional facility is a very important tool for when an inmate feels that their rights were violated or the conditions/events in a facility are of concern. How those grievances are addressed is just as important if not more so and can resolve issues before they become bigger.

This class will cover the grievance process along with ways to document, address and resolve them

October 12, 2021
12:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $40

LESB Professional Communications Instructor

This class deals with developing effective communication tactics for dealing with the public, your clientele, and fellow staff members to include supervisors, peers, and subordinates, and well as other professionals.

Course Objectives: Display PCS; knowledge and comprehension, skills application and analysis ability, performance synthesis and evaluation /articulation ability in the Professional Communications Skills Curriculum. Professionally and properly instruct Recruit and In-service Law Enforcement Officers using the PCS Curriculum using the latest educational technologies, strategies and learning theories.

The applicant should be currently certified as a WI DOJ Instructor. Please note, a completed DJ-LE-336, DJ-LE-310 and a copy of the officer’s ACADIS training transcript MUST be emailed to at least two weeks prior to the class.

October 13-15, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $200

Low Light Level Tactics - 8 hour course

This course will introduce students to tactical concepts when they are responding to calls and operating in diminished or low light environments. With over 60% of deadly force confrontations occurring during the hours of darkness it is imperative for officers to learn how to utilize low light level tactics. This course will help officers understand the different types of flashlights officers use and how to deploy flashlight techniques to illuminate environments and identify threats. Also, Officers will have the opportunity to practice everyday skills in the dark such as: Handcuffing, 3 point ground stabilizations, and weapon transitions. Room clearing, team Tactics, and officer down strategies and skills will be performed under low light conditions to allow officers to become more comfortable operating when heading into the darkness….

October 15, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $149

LESB Scenario Instructor

This 16-hour course, taught by a scenario master instructor trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as an LESB Scenario Instructor, including scenario training, testing and force-on-force safety and training techniques.

The applicant should be currently certified as a WI DOJ Instructor. Please note, a completed DJ-LE-336, DJ-LE-310 and a copy of the officer’s ACADIS training transcript MUST be emailed to at least two weeks prior to the class.

October 18-19, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $160

The Incarcerated Female

This session course that will include; understanding the female offender, managing manipulative and difficult behaviors, and learning how to apply trauma informed care in your approach while working with female offenders. In Wisconsin, the number of women incarcerated has increased more than tenfold from 1980 until today. With this number continuously in an upward trend it is important to learn fundamental ways of managing this population in hopes of not only providing safe quality care, but also assisting with reintegration into the community. Through discussions, real life situations/examples and case studies, this course will give you the tools to manage female offenders in secure settings.

October 18, 2021
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $80

Combatting Crime Through Community Policing

The Community Resource Officer (CRO) is one of the most dynamic and influential positions within a police department. A CRO must be highly motivated and have a sound understanding of innovative and creative methods in combating crime. The CRO must be the "Swiss Army Knife" of the police department and have a sound understanding of all aspects of policing.

Topics covered: Collaboration with other agencies, Creating partnerships, Youth leadership, Youth & community programs, Nuisance Abatement, Drug investigations, Community event development, Traffic Interdiction, Leadership, Use of social media, Asset forfeiture, Gang and Drug investigations, Crime prevention through environmental design, Tactics for Patrol, and much more! A CRO is a specialist who is the catalyst behind overall crime prevention within any community policing unit or department.

October 19, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

Correctional Emergency Response Team

This course will introduce the corrections officer to the tactics and techniques of a Correctional Emergency Response Team. Attendees should bring their departments CERT gear (chest, arm, leg protection, helmet with drop shield, gas masks, shields and duty gear.

October 20-22, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $375

Covert Online Investigations
Presented by Covert Media Consultants

This Covert Online Investigations course is designed to teach law enforcement personnel how to start from the ground up in conducting covert online investigations. Students will be shown how to legally begin building a covert identity online using numerous online resources. Students will be shown relevant and current case studies to reinforce the unconventional investigative techniques taught in the course. Students will learn the most current case law that allows them to use these techniques in their investigations. The investigative techniques taught in this class apply to Detectives, Narcotics, Vice, Internal Affairs, Fugitive Units, Crime Analysts, etc.

Included in the tuition, students will be given a smart phone to begin building their covert account from ground zero. Students will also receive a list of investigative resources in the class and shown numerous free databases/resources during the class.

October 21-22, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $325

Find 'em, Hire 'em, Keep 'em
Why Culture Counts
Presented by Command Presence

Across the nation, police agencies are dealing with declining numbers of applicants and alarming turnover rates. Finding, hiring and retaining desirable personnel is becoming more and more difficult for agencies. Today’s employees are shopping for the best “deal” while also looking for agencies with the right culture and opportunities. This course will provide insight as to why today’s top talent are leaving agencies and provides suggestions as to how to keep them. Using guided discussion, case study, and small group engagement our facilitators will guide participants through the process of creating a 21st century style Recruiting, Hiring, and Retention program that is grounded in proven concepts from both the public and private sector.

Those attending will discuss:
  • Why Traditional Recruiting Techniques Are Not Effective
  • The Most Sought After Personal Traits and Characteristics
  • Best Practices Recruiting Plans and Recruiting Analysis
  • Importance of Branding Your Agency
  • Where and What Recruiting “Locations” Work
  • Streamlining the Hiring Process to Meet the Applicant’s Expectations
  • Why Today’s Top Talent Leaves and How To Keep Them

October 25-26, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $395

Live, Love, Serve: Understanding the Police Profession

This workshop is designed to help new & veteran officers, students, and family members understand the complex profession of a career in law enforcement and will help them gain a better understanding of the pitfalls that are not always taught in most police recruit academies.

Topics include: post-traumatic stress disorder, shift work, harassment from other officers, ethics, traumatic crime scenes, personal relationships, substance abuse, field training, coping mechanisms for stressors, finances, divorce, on duty police deaths, the debriefing process, suicide, and many more.

The workshop is built in conjunction with helping families and loved ones gain insight of “My Cop” and helps them see what we as officers are going through before it happens.

This is a day that is a roller coaster of emotions. You may cry, you will laugh, and at times, topics will be very serious in nature. We will discuss the negative aspects of a career in law enforcement, but also celebrate what a truly wonderful profession this really is.

October 29, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

PREA Investigations

This 2-day course is intended for those tasked with investigating complaints of sexual abuse in a confinement setting.

Our instructor has over 25 years’ experience with the Department of Health Services and the Department of Corrections and is a certified abuse investigator and PREA Auditor.

Topics covered include:
  • Understand the PREA Standards for investigator training and investigative process for sexual abuse and sexual harassment in a confinement setting (115.34 (b), 115.71, 115.72 and 115.73).
  • Understand the unique nature of investigating sexual abuse in confinement.
  • Know the techniques for interviewing sexual abuse victims.
  • Know the proper uses of Miranda and Garrity warnings.
  • Know proper techniques for the collection of physical evidence (preservation, transportation and SANE)
  • Understand best practices for reaching investigative conclusions.
  • Can describe the level of evidence needed to substantiate both administrative and criminal findings.
  • Know the required reporting of their Investigation findings.

November 3-4, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $149

Responding to Medical and Mental Health Emergencies in the Correctional Setting

Responding to medical and mental health emergencies in the correctional setting is something that happens nearly every day. Yet, academia has yet to address special correctional nursing considerations to responding to such emergencies.

This course will focus on the collaborative effort that is needed between medical and security during medical and mental health emergencies.

The topics covered will include discussion on correctional nursing, vulnerable populations, responding to emergency basics, how to respond to ligatures, over doses, self-inflicted cutting, insertions/ingestions, seizures, anaphylaxis, reported sexual assaults, chest pain, fires, diabetic emergencies, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, restraint assessment, and ending with mass casualty and triage considerations and secondary trauma growth with clinical well-being.

November 8, 2021
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $80

LESB Firearms Instructor

Note – this class is from Nov. 10-12 and Nov. 15-18.

This 56 hour handgun and rifle instructor course will train instructor candidates in the theory and hands on skill development techniques of firearms instruction and assist the instructor candidates in developing skills to provide officers the training experience necessary for successful deployment of the semiautomatic pistol and tactical/patrol rifle, and a continuous program of skill improvement, combined with a working and defensible knowledge of the use of force rules. All new firearms instructors are required to become certified as handgun and rifle instructor through this WI DOJ Training and Standards course.

The applicant should be currently certified as a WI DOJ Instructor. Please note, a completed DJ-LE-336, DJ-LE-310 and a copy of the officer’s ACADIS training transcript MUST be emailed to at least two weeks prior to the class.

November 10-12, 2021 & November 15-18, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $525

Rapid Recovery of the Downed Officer

This training provides officers with practical rescue techniques, discussions, & exercises that will give them skills to evaluate, treat, and evacuate an injured officer to a safe location. Planning is a crucial part of what we do and every department should have an officer rescue plan for a critical event, such as a downed officer!

This 8-hour course is designed for any officers who are looking for additional skills in this area. Course content will include the concepts of target specific directed fire, small team movement, rescue equipment & Gear, tourniquet use, patient assessment, patient movement techniques, Open area rescues, & Officer Down scenarios. This class will utilize isolation exercises and Force on Force scenarios, as a way to implement the course content into a real-world application.

November 12, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $125

Media Relations

Public safety agencies and the media have had a long and storied history. Given the very nature of our profession, it is invariable that we will be the focus of a news story - some good and some not so good.

This class will cover tips and strategies on how to manage these news stories and critical incidents as well as methods to get reporters to cover the positive happenings at your agency. We will also feature a panel discussion with various media representatives so you can learn directly from them on what they are seeking.

Our instructor, Joel Dhein, has over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement and was the national crime prevention correspondent for Fox News. Joel presently serves as the president of the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association and the National Crime Prevention Association.

November 16, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $100

Problem Oriented Policing

Problem Oriented Policing is a strategy that was developed in 1979 by UW Madison professor Herman Goldstein and expanded upon recently by Jerry Ratcliffe a former British police officer and current professor. This strategy is effective for reducing crime and other issues in places that are at an elevated risk. This is a strategy that involves stakeholders to work with law enforcement with addressing the root cause of some of law enforcement’s calls for service. This can also be effective for improving relations with the community.

This 8 hour course takes Professor Goldstein and Ratcliffe’s theories and put them into perspective in today’s policing world.

December 1, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an Evidence-based communication style that involves strategic use of questions and statements to help people find their own reasons for wanting to change behaviors.

Officers who become measurably "competent" in Motivational Interviewing have seen a notable reduction in the use of force and improved results with compliance. Motivational Interviewing will teach Law Enforcement professionals to build rapport with the community with a highly innovative, empathetic style of communication and in turn decrease high risk behaviors.

December 2, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80

Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement - ARIDE

Course Description Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) was designed to enhance a law enforcement officer's ability to detect drivers that are impaired by drugs. It is meant to bridge the gap between Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training. Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) is a pre-requisite for Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) candidates.

Prerequisites Students must be a law enforcement officer certified in Standardized Field Sobriety testing (SFST) prior to attending this course.

December 8-9, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: FREE

The BIG Ones - Critical Call Taking and Dispatching

Public Safety telecommunicators are expected to process and be triumphant when confronted with the most devastating and terrifying calls - from the moment they step from training. These calls may come on the first night shift or 10 years in. They are commonly never faced in training and may come once in a career but all bets - life and death - are riding on the ability of a team member & the team to do it and survive it.

This course is for the new, the seasoned and everyone in between. We built this class to be what we wished we had received right at the beginning to feel empowered to handle the most brutal calls. Burn out is a regularly encountered part of the dispatcher career cycle and this course has the power to reinvigorate those who are tired and/or questioning their choice of 911.

There is a recognized mindset that allows even the newest telecommunicators to prevail when all odds are against them and those depending on the performance of a lifetime. We will teach the THRIVE components of wickedly great 911 survivors! Compacted and rich with audio and video, students will lock in and have a front row seat to navigating mass murder situations, life taking storms, disasters, submerged vehicles, cars with lost braking systems, suicidal callers, mass casualty highway pileups, large fires, childbirth in the moment and other "big ones" that we may fear but are entrusted to handle.

There is no pre-requisite course work but attendees should be prepared to be shocked while learning and perhaps feeling again what first brought them to 911.

December 9, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $80


This class will prepare instructor candidates to teach others in tactical emergency casualty care. Attendees will be familiarized with safety protocols for teaching and testing scenarios and exercises. They will then study common student tactical and medical errors.

To be eligible to attend this instructor course, the instructor candidate must meet one of the following criteria:
• Hold current Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB) certification as a General Law Enforcement Instructor
• Hold a current EMS Instructor II license issued by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS); or hold a current EMT-Basic (or higher) license issued by DHS.

December 20-21, 2021
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Cost: $250


Basic Jail Officer
This 200-hour training meets the requirements to become a certified jail officer in Wisconsin.

May 25, 2021 - June 29, 2021
September 13, 2021 - October 15, 2021
January 10, 2022 - February 11, 2022

Basic Secure Juvenile Detention
24 Hour Course - Co-located Facility
This training meets the requirements for the Wisconsin DOJ 24-hour Co-Located Training. This course is self-directed in an online environment and must be completed within the first two weeks of the session. Students then have to complete the final exam by the identified due date. The student is responsible for scheduling the final exam with an approved proctor and submit all proctor information to NWTC prior to the first day of online training.

Officers must meet the admission requirements as set by the Department of Justice. All NWTC admission paperwork must be submitted prior to the first day of class. An approved proctored location and applicable information must also be submitted to NWTC prior to the first day. More information will be provided to the sponsoring agency upon registration.

Basic Law Enforcement Training
Successful completion of this training will meet the 720-hour law enforcement certification requirement for the state of Wisconsin.

Students who are sponsored must be hired by an agency prior to starting the Academy. Those who are self-sponsored must have 60 completed college credits at an Associate's Degree level or higher. A full list of requirements for this program can be found on the NWTC web site; Law Enforcement Academy program page.

July 1 - November 10, 2021
January 5, 2022 - May 11, 2022

NWTC - Public Safety
Jason Weber Training Coordinator
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