Synod Events this week:
Mon, Jan 13, 1pm - Rostered Synod Staff Meeting
Mon, Jan 13, 4:30pm - Synod Finance Committee
Tues, Jan 14, 2pm - SALM Check In
Wed, Jan 15 - Skagit-Isle Cluster Wee Walk
Thurs, Jan 16, 2pm - DEI Audit Leadership Team
Thurs, Jan 16, 3:30pm - Bishop's Convocation Planning Team
Sat, Jan 17, 9am - Synod Council Meeting at St. John United, Seattle
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Journeying Together
We are journeying together as a synod - to share the love of God across our territory. As you know, this takes partnership and teamwork! As a way of inviting your participation, we will be sharing LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for YOU to consider. This week - THE EVANGELICAL OUTREACH TEAM
The ministry of the Evangelical Outreach (EO) Team includes supporting the work of the Director for Evangelical Mission in:
- Encouraging and evaluating emerging and strategic ministries in our synod - including Synod Authorized Worshipping Communities (SAWCs), Synod Authorized Outreach Ministries (SAOMs), Congregational Outreach Ministries (COMs), and more. Many of these are ethnic or language specific ministries in our synod.
- Supporting and equipping the evangelism and outreach ministries of current congregations.
- Exploring and cultivating new expressions of mission and ministry in our Synod.
- Advising the Synod Council on outreach priorities and funding for ministries.
We want to have at least one representation (lay or clergy) from every Cluster in our Synod who is interested in evangelism and outreach and can help strengthen relationships among ministries in our synod. The EO Team meets 4-5 times a year and members might also help with a Ministry Review once a year. We still need representation from the Stillaguamish, Sno-Isle, Sno-King, North Seattle, Cascadia, and SeaTac Clusters.
If you are interested, please reach out to Director for Evangelical Mission, Rev. Judy Brennan, here: We look forward to your participation!
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Synod Assembly is coming up...
Calling all CREATIVES!
Quilters, knitters, crocheters, weavers, macramé. With a theme like this - "Woven Into God's Story" – the décor plans itself! We need 50 table runners (approx. 12” x 120”) to decorate the tables at our upcoming Synod Assembly. We know we have talent all over the synod, will you share that with us?
The runners can be any combination of colors (great use of scrap fabric and yarn). Please contact Kathy Fisher ( if you/your congregation can supply a few runners. Let Kathy know how many you are willing to create! There will be special recognition for our artists at the event. We need to have them in hand by May 1st. THANK YOU for helping "set the table" for our time together.
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Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday
This is an annual worship celebration created to share in the commitment our organization and partnering faith communities have in the ongoing work of welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church. While historically this day is celebrated on the final Sunday in January, many RIC partners will celebrate on their date of affirmation, or on other days meaningful to their communities rooted in this commitment to radical hospitality. We hope you enjoy Resilient Community as we join collectively with our 1,140+ partners across the United States and Canada through this celebratory service.
GO HERE to download this free resource in English and Español.
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Transforming Our Future through Advocacy
Our partners at Faith Action Network (FAN) have a full slate of opportunities for you to grow your advocacy skills and learn about our policy priorities, an all-liaison meeting - and Interfaith Advocacy Day!
January 9, 12-1pm: *Legislative Preview, Register Here
January 12, 4-5pm: *Legislative Preview, Register Here
January 15, 12-1pm: FAN All Liaison Meeting: Organizing Your Faith Community for Advocacy, Register Here
Feb. 20 - Interfaith Advocacy Day more info coming soon at
*Please note tthere are two time offerings--evening and afternoon--for the Legislative Preview. The content will be the same for both.
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FREE LiVE Project Weekly Online Bible Study
Abide: Going Deeper
Tuesdays at 7pm - RESUMES JAN 14
We invite you to abide curiously in God's Word together. The LiVE retreats and courses are not meant to be stand alone offerings. Go deeper into the Biblical grounding of the course/retreat themes in this weekly synod-wide FREE Bible Study. No need to pre-register. (after the 10th, we will take a break for the holidays and begin again in January)
Join us any week! More info and Zoom link here.
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Advocating for Immigrants & Refugees
How to Advocate with Congress
January 16 at 11am Pacific – Register Here:
Please join Global Refuge’s Policy and Advocacy Team to learn more about best practices and tips for successful Congressional advocacy.
Post-Inauguration Days: Understanding Recent Policy Changes from the Trump Administration and the 119th Congress
February 4 at 11am Pacific – Register Here: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Hear from Global Refuge’s Policy and Advocacy Team about developments in immigration and refugee resettlement policy since the Presidential Inauguration and start of the 119th session of Congress.
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National Day of Racial Healing
Online Educational event
Tuesday, January 21 - 8am-12noon Pacific time
The 2025 National Day of Racial Healing is an annual observance that follows Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This year, the ELCA will join the movement of racial healing for our church and the nation. Join this free online educational event that centers the voices of ELCA leaders of color. This event is open to all ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders and members, as well as the church’s affiliate organizations and ecumenical and interreligious partners.
Learn more, browse speaker bios, and register today.
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From our partners at Faith Action Network:
Deportation Defense with WAISN
Our coalition partner, Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) has created an excellent resource — Four Deportation Defense Actions You Can Take Today that highlights important steps we can take now to protect and advance immigrant rights in light of the incoming federal administration. You are encouraged share it with your faith community so that more people can get involved.
If your faith community has a public resource area, you can also post WAISN's Deportation Defense Hotline flyer as well as their Know Your Rights with ICE flyers, which are available in English, Spanish, French, Lingala, Portuguese, and Somali.
If you would like to get involved in WAISN's Rapid Response, you can learn more here and register for their next online training that will be held on Saturday, January 25 (12-2 PM) over zoom.
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Join us for an information session webinar on Thursday, February 6th at 12noon (Pacific) to learn more about the National Fund for Sacred Places and whether your sacred place (or the sacred places in your community or judicatory) may qualify.
The National Fund for Sacred Places is a grant-making program that provides capital grants ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 as well as wrap-around support services to congregations undertaking once-in-a-generation preservation projects.
To register for the info event, go to:
To learn more about National Fund for Sacred Places, go to:
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Embracing Difference Retreat
Saturday, February 8, 9am-3pm
at Our Saviors Lutheran, Everett
In today’s polarized society, we are daily called to navigate racial, political, and social differences. Engaging with difference means recognizing the inner tension it can create, managing our emotional and reactive responses, and approaching situations from a calmer, more centered place. This retreat is a practical workshop that will help us learn to listen to others, to ourselves, and to connect across difference and diversity.
Who should be sure to attend?
· Church Leaders
· Faith Formation Teams
· Evangelism/Discipleship Teams
· Anti-racism/DEIB teams
Guest Faculty
Fred Oduyoye is the founder of Reachable Reconciliation Ministry and facilitated one of our Faith in Public Life sessions last fall. Reachable Reconciliation is dedicated to building cultural bridges and reconciliation in families, churches, schools, corporations and communities.
Registration is FREE if your church purchased a Congregational Bundle. Ask your church office for the Bundle promo code. Without a bundle, individual registrations are $50.
Register HERE
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Call to Allyship Gathering
Saturday, March 1, 10am-2pm at Calvary Lutheran in Federal Way
Cost is $40, lunch included
Do you wish your congregation was more diverse? Have you encountered conflicts because of cultural or racial differences and didn't know how you got there or what to do next? Then this event is for you!
The NWWA and SWWA synods of the ELCA invite all congregations to join us for a special joint event sponsored by our anti-racism teams.
We will spend a day studying "Called to Allyship," a book written by ELCA rostered leaders of color from across the country. One of the authors, Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin (pastor at Immanuel Lutheran in Seattle's South Lake Union neighborhood), will be helping to lead our discussion. Other discussion leaders are pastors and lay leaders from congregations who have read this book together.
The book can be purchased from major booksellers, preferably directly from Augsburg Fortress:
Says one local congregation member: "This is an important anti-racism book for any congregation to read. Any congregation will benefit from it!"
Register HERE
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“Speaking Truth to Power: What Would Bonhoeffer Do?
Led by Rev. Dr. Rick Rouse with Rev. Dr. Mark Brocker
Offered by Our Savior's Lutheran, Everett on March 9, 16, 23, and 30
in person and via ZOOM on Sundays at 11 am
recordings will be available on YouTube
Is this a Bonhoeffer moment in America and what can Dietrich Bonhoeffer teach us about God’s call to be courageous disciples during difficult times? We’ll explore how we are called to be tellers of the truth as well as messengers of healing and hope. Mark Brocker is President of the Oregon Bonhoeffer Society, translator of Bonhoeffer’s works for Augsburg Fortress, and former PLTS professor. Rick Rouse is retired pastor, professor and author of several books including A Journey Called Hope: Today’s Immigrant Stories and the American Dream (Chalice Press, 2024).
Congregations or individual who wish to participate via ZOOM are welcome.
Please contact Rick at
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Play Ball and Connect: A Desert Sojourn Retreat
March 16-20 in Arizona!
Join us for an inspiring Spring Training experience in Arizona, where baseball enthusiasts and faith-driven individuals unite to explore the connection between sport and spirituality.
This unique retreat, led by Pastor Dave Ellingson, combines fellowship, worship, and the excitement of baseball with opportunities to attend MLB Cactus League games in the vibrant Arizona desert.
Learn more and register here:
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Want an item included?
Email Susan Berg, Dir. Communications & Events
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday
Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
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