Synod Events this week:
Mon & Tues, Dec 30 & 31 - Synod Office Open 8am-3pm
Wed, Jan 1 - Synod Office CLOSED
Thurs, Jan 2 - Synod Office open by appointment only
Fri, Jan 3, 4pm - Service of Remembrance - see below
Sat, Jan 4, 1pm - Kim Unti Memorial Service
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National Day of Racial Healing
Online Educational event
Tuesday, January 21 - 8am-12noon Pacific time
The 2025 National Day of Racial Healing is an annual observance that follows Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This year, the ELCA will join the movement of racial healing for our church and the nation. Join this free online educational event that centers the voices of ELCA leaders of color. This event is open to all ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders and members, as well as the church’s affiliate organizations and ecumenical and interreligious partners.
Learn more, browse speaker bios, and register today.
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From our partners at Faith Action Network:
Deportation Defense with WAISN
Our coalition partner, Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) has created an excellent resource — Four Deportation Defense Actions You Can Take Today that highlights important steps we can take now to protect and advance immigrant rights in light of the incoming federal administration. You are encouraged share it with your faith community so that more people can get involved.
If your faith community has a public resource area, you can also post WAISN's Deportation Defense Hotline flyer as well as their Know Your Rights with ICE flyers, which are available in English, Spanish, French, Lingala, Portuguese, and Somali.
If you would like to get involved in WAISN's Rapid Response, you can learn more here and register for their next online training that will be held on Saturday, January 25 (12-2 PM) over zoom.
Members of immigrant and refugee communities are also encouraged to attend WAISN's Know Your Rights with ICE trainings. You can learn more here and register for their next online training on January 8 (6-8 PM) over zoom.
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Invitation from our partners at Earth Ministry:
In the first half of 2025, Earth Ministry/WA IPL is working with Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG) to help congregations take advantage of the benefits that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides with the Clean Energy Tax Assistance Program (CETCAP). CETCAP provides free legal, technical, and filing assistance to faith and sacred communities across the state with support from funds from Washington's Climate Commitment Act.
The program will help you learn about:
* IRA clean energy tax credits
* Determine eligibility based on project
* How to access the tax-credits
While providing training, fact sheets, and additional resources to help your community increase your understanding on tax credits and direct pay. If you’re in the planning stage, this free legal assistance will best help your community design your clean energy projects and ensure that you will make the most of your IRA tax credits. If you’ve already completed an eligible project, you will be able to receive support in every step of the filing process and have registration and tax forms e-filed on your behalf!
Interested in learning more? Email Multifaith Program Manager, Keah Calluccie, here:
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Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday
This is an annual worship celebration created to share in the commitment our organization and partnering faith communities have in the ongoing work of welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church. While historically this day is celebrated on the final Sunday in January, many RIC partners will celebrate on their date of affirmation, or on other days meaningful to their communities rooted in this commitment to radical hospitality. We hope you enjoy Resilient Community as we join collectively with our 1,140+ partners across the United States and Canada through this celebratory service.
GO HERE to download this free resource in English and Español.
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Living Lutheran is coming back!
Sign up for the ELCA's print magazine
They heard — and listened. They have found a way to bring back the magazine’s print publication in a quarterly fashion. Each issue (spring, summer, winter and fall) will feature the stories you know and love, along with updates on the church and your ELCA community. The cost for one year will be $19.95 for an individual subscription and $17 per year for a congregation group subscription.
You can sign up here ( today to let them know you would like to subscribe for the magazine. Questions? Email or call 800-638-3522.
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Nominate Young Musicians for
Lutheran Summer Music
Enrollment is filling fast for the LSM 2025! Students come together in an immersive musical community that connects the pursuit of musical growth with the joy of Lutheran church music traditions. LSM welcomes musicians of all kinds: brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, piano, organ, voice, harp, guitar, handbells, and more. Know a young person (grades 8-12) who would benefit from this life-giving and joyful musical community? Nominate them for LSM today at
LSM 2025 takes place at Valparaiso University from June 22-July 20 (Half Session through July 6). Standard Enrollment is open now through March 1.
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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Thank you Women of the ELCA f(WELCA) for the following information:
71% of victims of human trafficking are women and girls. National Human Trafficking Prevention Month is an opportunity to educate others about identifying human trafficking, prevention and supporting victims. Here are articles and resources to raise awareness of human trafficking and engage in advocacy in your congregation and community.
This year, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is January 11.
Learn about Wear Blue Day and get involved.
Polaris Project
Learn how to recognize the signs of Human Trafficking.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you or someone you know may be a victim of human trafficking or at risk of being trafficked, help is available. Call 888-373-7888 or Text INFO to 233733 or chat online at The National Human Trafficking Hotline is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
Women of the ELCA publications and resources to end human trafficking
Since 2005, Women of the ELCA has been actively working to end human trafficking. At the Eleventh Triennial Convention (2021), the voting members adopted a resolution setting the four weeks prior to the annual NFL Super Bowl as a time of prayer to end human trafficking and called on women of this organization to engage in prayer. This year, the 2025 Super Bowl is Sunday, February 9.
Download 28 daily prayers to be prayed individually or in a group beginning January 12.
See a list of articles about the issue of Human Trafficking from Gather magazine.
"Commercial Sexual Exploitation and the everyday" by Elizabeth Hunter, Cafe (, 1/2013.
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Experience Hygge
Mondays in December & January
at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Issaquah
From Advent through Epiphany, we invite you, your families, friends and neighbors, to experience Hygge Hygge is a Northern European concept which aims to uplift coziness, contentment, comfort and conviviality. One opportunity for this will be our weekly knit-ins every Monday, 4-6PM in December and January. You are welcome, even if you don’t knit. This is meant to be a time of rest and relaxation.
(These knit-ins provide opportunity to produce covers for the tall trees in the front of our property. One by one, we are aiming to transform half of the trees into signs of color, coziness and warmth by “Yarn Bombing” them. Yarn Bombing is a form of street art, that employs colorful displays of yarn and fiber art in public spaces. The other trees will be illuminated by strings of light. This project is a partnership between the church and Issaquah Arts.)
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The Outreach Committee at Kent Lutheran Church together with Pastor Tormod Svensson will be putting on a Norwegian Christmas dinner (Pork meatballs, ribs, sausage, sauerkraut and potatoes) in their Fellowship Hall, Saturday, January 4 at 5 PM. The cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children 10 and under. The proceeds will go to support Lutheran Community Services Northwest.
Please RSVP to or (253) 852 2057) no later than December 22.
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Prayers continue for the family of Kim Unti
We continue to hold in prayer former NWWA Synod Bishop Kirby Unti and his family following the tragic death of his wife, Kim, November 27. Surround Kirby and their daughters, Briana, Carmen, Seong & Vanessa - and all who grieve - with your comfort and peace.
We give thanks for the many ways Kim has shared the Good News of Jesus - as a former synod vice president, local church leader, and community work. We are grateful for her compassion, generosity, creativity, and zest for life.
A celebration of life service is planned for Saturday, January 4 at 1pm at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle. The family asks that you come ready to celebrate and wear red. A reception will follow. (1245 10th Ave. E. in Seattle) The service will also be available to livestream here:
An additional Renton community-based event will be January 7, 5:30-7pm at the Renton Pavilion Events Center. (233 Burnett Ave S, Renton, WA 98057)
In this time, rather than phone calls or texts, the family welcomes your notes of care via email or mail: or Rev. Kirby Unti, 4102 NE 22nd Place, Renton, WA 98059
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Transforming Our Future through Advocacy
FAN has a full slate of opportunities for you to grow your advocacy skills and learn about our policy priorities, as well as an all-liaison meeting.
January 5, 4-5pm: Advocacy 101, Register Here
January 9, 12-1pm: *Legislative Preview, Register Here
January 12, 4-5pm: *Legislative Preview, Register Here
January 15, 12-1pm: FAN All Liaison Meeting: Organizing Your Faith Community for Advocacy, Register Here
*Please note that we have two time offerings--evening and afternoon--for the Legislative Preview. The content will be the same for both.
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FREE LiVE Project Weekly Online Bible Study
Abide: Going Deeper
Tuesday at 7pm - beginning again on Jan 7
We invite you to abide curiously in God's Word together. The LiVE retreats and courses are not meant to be stand alone offerings. Go deeper into the Biblical grounding of the course/retreat themes in this weekly synod-wide FREE Bible Study. No need to pre-register. (after the 10th, we will take a break for the holidays and begin again in January)
Join us any week! More info and Zoom link here.
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CYF Cohort: Belonging & Engaging Retreat
Saturday, January 11 | 9:00am – 2:00pm
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Kirkland
How does one belong? Or go from belonging to actually engaging in a community? Engaging and participating in activities both emotionally and physically is a way to increase a sense of belonging, but getting to that place is often hard. This workshop will focus on discussions and activities about how churches and programs can help foster an environment that encourages participants to not only engage, but also provide a sense of belonging for everyone.
All Children, Youth, and Family staff, lay leaders, or general supporters are invited to participate in this combined second part of a two part retreat series. Each workshop will look at creating spaces, events, and opportunities for the youth of our congregations and community. Activities will be interactive and collaborative with conversations revolving around how to foster a long-lasting culture of inclusion, acceptance, and honesty in our youth and families. From the church walls and beyond! Registration is free for this event and we are asking for a $10 suggested donation for lunch.
Please RSVP online at
Questions? Email
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Advocating for Immigrants & Refugees
How to Advocate with Congress
January 16 at 11am Pacific – Register Here:
Please join Global Refuge’s Policy and Advocacy Team to learn more about best practices and tips for successful Congressional advocacy.
Post-Inauguration Days: Understanding Recent Policy Changes from the Trump Administration and the 119th Congress
February 4 at 11am Pacific – Register Here: Meeting Registration - Zoom
Hear from Global Refuge’s Policy and Advocacy Team about developments in immigration and refugee resettlement policy since the Presidential Inauguration and start of the 119th session of Congress.
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Play Ball and Connect: A Desert Sojourn Retreat
March 16-20 in Arizona!
Join us for an inspiring Spring Training experience in Arizona, where baseball enthusiasts and faith-driven individuals unite to explore the connection between sport and spirituality.
This unique retreat, led by Pastor Dave Ellingson, combines fellowship, worship, and the excitement of baseball with opportunities to attend MLB Cactus League games in the vibrant Arizona desert.
Learn more and register here:
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Want an item included?
Email Susan Berg, Dir. Communications & Events
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday
Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
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