January 2, 2024

Weekly Update

announcements & events

Helpful Links to Explore
Connect w/ Staff
Synod Congregations
Call Process
Job Opportunities around the synod
ELCA Churchwide


NWWA Synod Assessment Team Invitation

At Synod Assembly in 2022 the Northwest Washington Synod passed a resolution calling on the ELCA to conduct a comprehensive audit of its governing documents, especially with an eye to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. The NWWA Synod council, believing that such an audit or assessment, if important to be conducted at the Churchwide level, is also important at the Synod level, has begun work with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training to conduct an Institutional Racial Equity Assessment.

The first step of the Assessment is the naming of an Assessment Team. This team will be asked to work with Crossroads facilitators to apply a power analysis to the institution, survey stakeholders, and conduct interviews. It will present a report of its findings, strategic recommendations, and a plan for implementation to the organization’s leadership and decision-making bodies. Crossroads recommends the Assessment Team be created with balance in terms of gender identity, sex, race, ability, and sexual orientation as well as representation from the staff, board, wider community, and historically marginalized communities.

The NWWA Synod is now actively recruiting interested parties for this work. In addition to our synod staff and the Synod Council, we would like to invite others with minds and hearts open to engaging in this kind of equity work. All team members will participate in a full day virtual orientation, as well as several other digital workshops and webinars. It will be a significant time commitment. 

If you are interested in joining our Assessment Team, please fill out this form by TODAY, January 2. THANK YOU for considering this opportunity!

Human Sexuality - Gift and Trust Study Process Invitation

After a seven-year process of discernment and dialogue across the ELCA, the 2009 Churchwide Assembly voted to adopt Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust as a social statement of the ELCA. In 2022, the Churchwide Assembly authorized two reconsiderations (see pages 4-5 and 11) of the social statement:

·       A review of specific text references that “would consider the import that marriage legally is now a covenant between individuals;” review specific wording “in light of public acceptance of marriage of same-gender and gender-non-conforming couples;” and “consider references to diversity of family configurations;” and

·       A possible revision that reconsiders the “church’s current concept of the four positions of bound conscience” found on pages 19-21 of Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust.


In response to these actions, a task force will begin working in 2024 on both reconsiderations. Throughout the process, the task force will be listening deeply and working closely with people across the ELCA. More information about the process and specific opportunities for joining the conversation will be shared as soon as possible.


The first step in this process is to gather a task force from across the church. This task force is intended to represent the diverse perspectives, identities, backgrounds, and contexts of ELCA members, including the diversity reflected in the four conscience-bound positions of the current social statement.


To learn more about these positions, follow the link to the full text of Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust. Below is a link to a description of the responsibilities and expectations of task members.


If you are interested in applying to be part of the task force, a link is provided below.

The application will be open until January 31, 2024. You can also use the link below to nominate someone else for the task force.

To learn more about what it means to be a member of a task force, please click here.

To apply to join the Human Sexuality Reconsiderations task force, please click here.

To nominate someone for the Human Sexuality Reconsiderations task force, please click here.

To read an FAQ about the reconsideration process, please click here.


Join EDLARJ in Minneapolis for:

  • community building
  • racial justice education
  • shaping the future of EDLARJ

Learn more and get registered HERE.


Raise Up White Leaders for Racial Justice

New EDLARJ Board members will be elected at the EDLARJ Assembly March 1-3, 2024. Learn more and nominate someone from your networks and ministries to join this church-wide leadership team.


Here’s a link to an our November call for Board nominees. It describes the roles and responsibilities of EDLARJ Board members. Please email the current Board members at [email protected] to suggest nominees or filling out this Google form by January 7. 

New Group Forming

Open to lay and rostered leaders!

This is a group for congregational leaders, both lay and rostered, to breathe and be renewed by the Spirit this upcoming year. We will meet online, about twice a month, on Tuesday evenings, on Zoom, for up to 90 minutes over the course of 12 sessions. This is a show up and be refreshed experience.

 There is nothing for participants to prepare or produce!

Thanks to grant provided by Lilly and stewarded by California Lutheran University, this experience is free!

Start 2024 with a greater connection to God and the community joined together in Christ! Join Abide, a Thriving Leadership Formation Group for the Northwest Washington Synod.

For more information, please contact Pastor John Schraan at [email protected] or 360-435-8921.

RIC Sunday 2024!

ReconcilingWorks wants to celebrate with your faith community and is excited to offer these resources. Many RIC communities celebrate RIC Sunday on the last Sunday in January. This year, that lands on January 28, 2024. ReconcilingWorks encourages you to celebrate on a date that is meaningful for your community. Be sure to use this day as a time to recommit to your partnership as a RIC faith community, discern ways to live into your RIC partner commitments, and set new milestones for the year to come.

Learn more and find resources HERE

Stewardship Training Opportunities

You are invited to register for a great courses to grow stewardship and cultivate large gifts with your local church. Here are the three opportunities:

  1. Financial Empowerment for Missional Leaders, a monthly webinar, tailored-to you, starting again January 24, 2024. The cost for 8 monthly sessions for one pastoral and one lay leader is only $200 total. Register today at https://forms.gle/SetAeLvw5sc5yZgx9
  2. Cultivating the Craft of Asking, are series of webinars for 5-session over 10 weeks. You will be equipped to develop a donor base and large donations. Register today at: http://www.myteministries.org/webinars More series will be offered in the near future.
  3. African Descent and African National Financial Empowerment in Our Contexts -Feb. 17 10am Eastern Time (9 am Central) On-Line https://forms.gle/bLofos8MUqa9fZ3z6


The courses are directed by Bonnie Ives Marden, [email protected] author of “Church Finances for Missional Leaders: Best Practices for Faithful Stewardship” in partnership with the ELCA New Ministry Development and Evangelism Team.


Recently an ELCA mission developer in these courses raised $52,000 in a couple months, and increased $530 in monthly giving. Both of these webinars are fun, encouraging and positive. Join in!

Lutheran Community Services Bulletin Insert

Help your congregation connect with our ministry partners at Lutheran Community Services. Find their latest (word version) bulletin insert HERE.

Nominate students for Lutheran Summer Music

Each year, the primary way that music students find their way to LSM is through the encouragement of their church musician! LSM offers opportunities for musicians of all kinds: brass, winds, strings, percussion, piano, organ, voice, harp, guitar, handbells, and more. Know a young person (grades 8-12) who would benefit from the life-giving and joyful musical community at LSM? Nominate them for LSM today at LSMacademy.org/nominate


Synod Events This Week:

Tues, Jan 2, 10am-12pm - Synod Staff Meeting

Tues, Jan 2, 7pm - LiVE Abide Online Bible Study resumes - see below

Fri, Jan 5, 4pm - Service of Remembrance - see below

Sun, Jan 7, 5:45pm - Holden Vespers Event - see below

Abide in the Word Bible Study - continues!

Tuesdays, 7-8pm via Zoom

This is a year-long, Synod-wide weekly Bible Study that takes participants on a deeper dive into the coming Sunday's Lectionary text. Participants will have the chance to experience diverse perspectives and voices from various guest facilitators from across the synod.

This is a FREE LiVE offering! No registration needed!

YES, you may join in any week at this link: HERE.

Service of Remembrance

Friday, January 5, 4pm

A time to remember, honor and pray for those who have died on the streets or as a result of being homeless. 

In person at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seattle (1215 Thomas St. Seattle – limited parking)


Live Streamed at www.youtube.com/c/ImmanuelLutheranChurchSeattle Joining on-line? If you join at 4pm for the service, you will have the opportunity to e-chat during the service. The service will be available any time after 4 but you will not be able to chat with the larger community.

Contact Pr. Kristy Daniels at [email protected] or (206) 474-1007 for more information or to add names to the list.

Bless This Night

Evening with the NEW Holden Vespers '23

Sunday, January 7, 6pm

at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lynnwood

Free event!

5:45pm - Gather - doors open & fellowship time

6pm - Preview Session - hear about the creative process, societal and theological framework

7pm - Worship together

Tea & Treats reception to follow

Come for one portion - or both.

Materials will be available for purchase

Donations will be welcome to support Holden Village

Cannot attend in person?

Watch the livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m2uxZTjItM

Anti Racism Book Study

from our partners at European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice

Using “Ashes to Action” as the backdrop, we gather for the weaving of story and study in this four-part anti-racism workshop.

Copies of the book are now available on Amazon


Cost is $10/ session

Please pay at the time of registration:


PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=V8XQKZHBGN33W

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

The theme for the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be “You Shall Love the Lord Your God ... and Your Neighbor As Yourself” (Luke 10:27).

Resources for the week, January 18-25, 2024 or whenever you choose, have been jointly prepared and published by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order, and they can be downloaded HERE.

Hunger Action Day

February 1, 2024 - Registration is live!

Join anti-hunger advocates from across the state by registering (bit.ly/HAD2024) for Hunger Action Day in Olympia! 

Each year more than 150 advocates come together in our Capitol for a morning of discussions about issues facing lawmakers, information about our anti-hunger priorities, and advocacy training so you and your fellow advocates are prepared to meet with legislators in the afternoon.


Once you register, we (Faith Action Network) will do our best to schedule appointments for you with your three legislators. The sooner you register, the easier it is to get an appointment! Once you’ve registered, you will receive information about the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition's 2024 legislative agenda, info about training opportunities before our lobby day, links to policy papers, advocacy tips to use throughout legislative session, and logistics for Hunger Action Day itself.

If you’re new to advocacy, or just want a refresher on how to prepare for Hunger Action Day, we are offering advocates a one-hour training for those who want to join on Wednesday, Jan. 10 @ 9am. 


Bring your colleagues, clients, board members, volunteers, and neighbors - register for Hunger Action Day and make your voices heard! 

Rest & Renewal Retreat:

Ministering in an Age of Mental Health

Saturday, February 3rd, 9am-3pm

at Our Saviors Lutheran, Everett


Many in our congregations and broader communities are experiencing higher rates of anxiety, depression and stress these days. Rooted in our Christian faith, how is the Spirit calling us to wholistic healing for the body, mind & spirit, as well as becoming better companions to those longing for a more flourishing life? 


The retreat will provide space for learning, reflection, and embodied healing practices to accompany all of us who are working toward health and wellness in ourselves, our communities of faith, and the world.  


Hear from various leaders and practitioners in this field, including: Certified Mental Health Therapists, Pastor Kacey Hahn (breath and body work), Pastor Shannyn Fuerst (well-being, nutrition and exercise). 

Registration: FREE for those whose church purchased the Congregational Bundle; $50 otherwise.

For More Info & to Register

Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day

...brings the voices of compassion and justice to our elected leaders. Meeting with your legislators and their staff on this day is putting your faith into action! On Interfaith Advocacy Day, you will be able to:

  • Join plenaries and workshops that will explore the issues on FAN’s 2024 Legislative Agenda.
  • Meet with advocates from your legislative district to prepare for your legislative visits.
  • Meet with your legislator or their legislative assistant! If you register by January 29, FAN will set up an appointment for you and others from your district.
  • Lunch will be provided.

Registration deadline is January 29.

This year we are limited to 200 participants due to regulations at The United Churches of Olympia. We encourage you to sign up early so that we can guarantee you a spot.

Due to the generosity of our donors, there is no cost this year to participate in FAN’s Interfaith Advocacy Day. You are welcome to donate anytime to keep our advocacy moving forward in 2024.

After you register, you will receive more information via e-mail as February 8 approaches, including details on the agenda, workshop topics, and times of your legislative appointments.

We’re excited to have you be FAN in the halls of power on this great day!

Learn more and register hereInterfaith Advocacy Day’s Events

Join the next LiVE Project online course!

Lent with Baldwin & Bonhoeffer

6-week Course via zoom

Thursdays in Lent, 7-8:30pm, starting Feb 15


What might Dietrich Bonhoeffer (a Lutheran German theologian) and James Baldwin (a Black, 20th century author and novelist) together have to prophetically speak to our current time? Through a combination of presentations, and brief selected readings, this co-facilitated course will invite a conversation for how these particular perspectives inform our lives as persons and communities of faith. Come join the conversation!


This 6-week course will meet via zoom Thursday nights during Lent (Feb 15th-March 21st), facilitated by Dr. Edward Donalson III and Dr. Dan Peterson. Registration: FREE for those whose church purchased the Congregational Bundle; $50 otherwise.

More info & to Register

Want an item included?
Email Susan Berg, Communications Administrator
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday

Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103