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January 3, 2023

Weekly Update

announcements & events

Helpful Links to Explore
Connect w/ Staff
Synod Congregations
Call Process
Job Opportunities around the synod
ELCA Churchwide


Synod Staff Update!

As previously shared, Laura Sasaki Norton completed her time on Synod Staff on January 2. As Laura moves to a new adventure, we give thanks to God for our time together and hold her in prayer!

It is with joy that we announce a new Synod Administrator has been selected! We will welcome Tabetha Myatt to this role on January 16. We look forward to introducing her to you later this month. Thank you for your prayers as we make this transition!

Monthly Devotions for 2023

A gift from our partners at Lutheran Counseling Network

Find "Faith and Everyday Life" devotions HERE.

Western States Youth Gathering

Registration prices for the Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) are increasing on January 4! Have you registered your youth group yet? Registration prices increase $100 - so be sure to register ASAP!


Coming to California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA from July 4-9, the WSYG is open to high school aged youth in Regions 1-4 of the ELCA. WSYG will also include the Western States Multicultural Youth Leadership Pre-Event (WYLE), happening July 4-6, with WSYG happening July 6-9.


Learn more about the event and register your group here: https://www.wsyg.com/ 

Stay up to date by following our social media accounts!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westernstatesyg23/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wsyg23 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wsyg23 

Any questions can be directed to info@wsyg.com.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

January 18-25

The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 is “Do Good; Seek Justice” (Isaiah 1:17). The theme was chosen, and the materials prepared, by the Minnesota Council of Churches. Resources including posters, bulletin covers and daily Scripture and prayer guides can be ordered from the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute

You can also access a detailed resource to aid preparations published jointly by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.


Synod Events This Week:


Tues, Jan 3, 10am-1pm - Synod Staff Meeting

Tues, Jan 3 - EO Team Dinner

Tues, Jan 3, 6:30pm - FREE Synod-wide Online Study of Acts (see below)

Wed, Jan 4, 11:30am Staff Goodbye Lunch with Laura

Wed, Jan 4, 1-3pm Staff Visioning Time

Wed, Jan 4, 4:30pm - Gathering Meeting

Thurs, Jan 5, 11am - Convocation Meeting

Thurs, Jan 5, 1pm - Transition Ministers Meeting

Refugees Northwest Foster Care

Virtual Info Session Registration

Tuesday, January 3, 5:30pm-7pm

At these orientations, Refugees Northwest Foster Care staff will share an overview of the youth we serve, the supports we offer foster families, and the basics of the licensing process. There will be time for your questions, too.

Refugees Northwest Foster Care actively seeks individuals and couples from diverse backgrounds to join our program as foster parents. We welcome adults of all sexual orientations, gender identities, marital statuses, and faiths, and we value the strengths a diverse foster parent community brings to help meet the diverse needs of our youth. Our program currently licenses households in or near King County. We are in urgent need of more individuals and couples in King County to become licensed foster parents, and we have several youth in need of affordable rental options (aka host homes) in the area as well. Youth are from countries around the world, with large majorities from Guatemala and Honduras.

If your community would like to stay up to date with our program, including seeing posts about specific youth in need of host homes, follow us on Facebook at  www.facebook.com/refugeesNWfostercare or send us an email at fostercare@refugeesnw.org

Synod-Wide Bible Study on the book of Acts

A FREE NW WA Synod LiVE Project Offering!

FREE | Tuesdays, 6:30pm - 7:30pm | on Zoom

Continues weekly - drop into any session!

The Synod's LiVE Project is offering this free, weekly online Bible Study Series! Various rostered ministers from around our synod will co-facilitate a study of Willie James Jennings' book, Acts: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Purchase of the book is encouraged, although not necessary to fully participate.

Join any or all Zoom Sessions HERE.  (Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0985 0836 Passcode: Acts)

ELCA Coaching Network - Weekly Sessions

Every Wednesday at 11am (Pacific)


All lay leaders and rostered ministers are invited to join this weekly opportunity to hear from various leaders across the Church - and share in small group conversation - on the theme of COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP.

Learn more about this week's topic and get the registration link here:  https://www.elcacoaching.org/

Getting Ready for the Legislative Session

Our attention now turns to preparations for the 2023 Legislative Session, and our legislative agenda is being finalized for approval by FAN’s Governing Board this month. We will release it to you very soon! There will be some continuation of bills we’ve worked on previously, and some new initiatives. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, we are planning for pre-legislative-session trainings that will take place before the legislative session begins Monday, January 9. Please share in your communities:

Thursday, January 5, 6-7pm, online, FAN 2023 Legislative Preview, an overview of what to expect this session and FAN’s legislative agenda. Register for Zoom link here.

Sunday, January 8, 2-3pm, online, FAN Advocacy 101, presenting advocacy tools to use during the session. Register for Zoom link here.

Save the date for Advocacy Day - Thursday, February 9, 9am-3pm, in Olympia.

We will share details and registration soon!

Service of Remembrance

Friday, January 6 at 4pm

Live Streamed and In Person @ Immanuel Lutheran Church

(1215 Thomas St. in Seattle - limited parking)


A time to remember, honor, and pray for those who have died on the streets or as a result of being homeless.  

Joining on-line? If you join at 4 p.m. for the service, you will have the opportunity to e-chat during the service. The service will be available any time after 4 but you will not be able to chat with the larger community.

Livestream will be on Immanuel's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/immanuellutheranchurchseattle

Contact PastorKristy@compasshousingalliance.org or (206) 474-1007 for more information OR to add names to the list.

Free Organ Dedication Recital and Reception

Friday, January 6, 7pm

at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church

2400 NW 85th Street, Seattle


Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Ballard celebrates the renovation of our Opus 42 church organ at with a dedication recital and reception at 7pm, January 6. Two distinguished guest organists, Dr. William F. Bryant and Ms. Susanna Valleau, will demonstrate the capabilities of the Opus 42 organ, rebuilt by Marceau Pipe Organs.


Dr. William F. Bryant received a doctoral degree in Organ Performance from the University of Washington and is the Director of Music at Faith Lutheran Church in Redmond, Washington. Susanna Valleau is a celebrated organist, pianist, and music teacher, and serves as music director of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Shoreline, Washington.


Also performing will be baritone Eric Johnson who will sing from Handel’s Messiah accompanied by Our Redeemer’s Traditional Worship Music Director, Karen Lee.


This concert is a no-cost public offering for the greater community and Our Redeemer’s congregation. A champagne and dessert reception follows the recital.

The organ rebuild was funded as part of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church’s building renovation completed in September 2021.

Online Tranings from ReconcilingWorks!

Find these two online trainings and more here:


Building an Inclusive Church (BIC) training helps you design and implement a journey for your faith community to publicly and intentionally welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, and incorporate a commitment to the work of racial equity. Building an Inclusive Church equips you with ways to create dialogue, deepening relationships throughout your faith community rather than sparking debate and division. The training is 4.5 hours long, and held online through Zoom in real-time; registration is $75 per person.

2023 Trainings: January 7 / February 4 / March 4 / May 6 / June 3

The Let’s Talk About SOGIE training and “Lutheran Introduction to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, & Gender Expression” are complementary resources, to be used side by side in your learning of language, and ways to extend hospitality to our LGBTQIA+ siblings. The training is great for those who are hoping to support their faith community in ongoing education, or for individuals who have an open heart and mind on learning more about God’s diversity of creation. The training is 1.5 hours long and held online through Zoom in real-time; registration is $35 per person.

2023 Trainings: January 5 / February 2 / March 2 / May 4 / June 1

Building a Culture of Generosity


Is your Stewardship Committee looking for new ideas? 

If so, our synod is partnering with ELCA Churchwide to bring you Building a Culture of Generosity (BCG) from GSB Fundraising. This program seeks to help congregations grow revenue by 5-10% and also teaches biblical stewardship principles, helps members discover generosity, and begins to build the foundation for a generous culture. This program is provided in a combination of a document library, video library, and live Zoom sessions. 


Here is what one recent BCG participant shared:

"We are pleased to say we received 39 new and increased pledges, out of 75 giving units

for a total increase of $14,535. I have a new way of looking at our congregation and how generous we are, thanks to your program. It’s more enjoyable to speak with positive affirmations rather than with (our church is dying) wails. You laid out this wonderful plan and had regular zoom meetings to learn more and hear from everyone. Your book, meetings, and documents helped me understand all the moving parts in implementing The Culture of Generosity message."


When and Where:

The first session is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 24, 11am. All sessions will be at this time, with the next 5 sessions scheduled for: Feb 7, Feb 21, March 7, March 21, and April 17.


Curious? Want to learn more?

Join the INFO SESSION on Tuesday, January 10 at 11am



Ready to register for the series?

Register herehttps://gsbfundraising.com/bcg-registration-elca-partnership/


GSB Fundraising Contact for this Winter/Spring 2023 Cohort is Paul Walters, walters@gsbfr.com

Questions? Please reach out to Deacon Dianne Johnson!

Interrogating Privilege

A LiVE Project Course

Class meets Wednesdays Jan. 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8

then Thursdays during Lent: Feb. 23, Mar. 2, 9, 16

6:30pm - 8pm on Zoom


Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin & Rev. Dr. Beverly Wallace

This 8-week course is designed specifically for lay leaders to open up transparent, and honest conversations around the ways privilege shapes and impacts our lives and communities of faith. If you’ve read anti-racist books, and are looking for the next, best steps as an individual, family or congregation, this course offers additional ways to move forward. Participants will also have an option to explore their own bias through the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

Read about our presenters and get registered HERE!

Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at Seattle University presents:

Winter Workshop Series:

The Art of Spiritual Direction

January 19, February 16, and March 16

Learn more https://www.seattleu.edu/thecenter/certificate-programs/webinars-and-more/workshops/art-of-spiritual-direction/

Music that Makes Community Workshop

At The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd in Olympia

Saturday, January 21 from 9:30am-3pm

Join this event for a renewing day of building community through congregational singing, learning, and fellowship on We'll be led by Paul Vasile and Elizabeth Schroeder of Music that Makes Community, a non-profit organization working to empower and liberate communities through singing. For over 15 years, they have developed and shared transformative leadership practices with musicians, clergy, educators, and lay leaders throughout the United States and Canada. During our time together we will:

- Explore a practice of paperless (oral tradition) singing leadership

- Engage models of teaching and leading that welcome our bodies, hearts, and minds

- Experience music reflective of the growing diversity of our communities and celebrating varied spiritual traditions 

Choir directors, clergy, cantors, educators, and those who love to sing are warmly welcomed. Each person will leave with new music to share, as well as experiences of learning and teaching songs applicable to their context.

Registration fees are $30 per person, including workshop materials and refreshments throughout the day. You can bring your own lunch or purchase a sandwich for $15. Scholarship support is available, and we do not want cost to prevent anyone’s participation. Please pay at the door: cash, checks and credit/debit cards accepted.

Register here: http://www.gsolympia.org/music-workshop

Contact conference@gsolympia.org if you have any questions.

Please note the COVID protocols: We will follow the guidelines at The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd in place at the time of the event and will take precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants. The rooms will be well-ventilated, we’ll take regular breaks, and follow the CDC's best practices for in-person gathering.

Want an item included?
Email Susan Berg, Communications Administrator
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday

Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103