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March 6, 2023

Weekly Update

announcements & events

Helpful Links to Explore
Connect w/ Staff
Synod Congregations
Call Process
Job Opportunities around the synod
ELCA Churchwide


Synod Gatherings!

This year we will not be be holding a Synod Assembly. 

Instead, all members of the synod are invited to attend one of two Synod Gatherings that will be held in May - allowing more participants from our synod to join in worship, fellowship, and forums to inspire, educate, and equip members of our Synod!

Cost is $40/person

While registration will not open until April 10, a promo pack has been emailed to all congregations and rostered ministers last week. Please share the info with your congregations and get ready to register a group from your church! (all information is also posted on our website HERE)

Saturday, May 13, 8:30am-3:30pm - Salem Lutheran Church in Mount Vernon

+ or +

Saturday, May 20, 8:30am-3:30pm - Saint Andrew's Lutheran Church in Bellevue

Grace Grants

We are excited to be able to offer one final year of Grace Grants!

The 2023 Focus Areas:

Ministry Innovation

Equity and Justice for Marginalized Communities

Community, Inclusion and Belonging

Youth and Young Adult

Our online application form will open February 1 and close May 31. 

You will find information and the link for the online application form on the synod website HERE

FROM Earth Ministry/WAIPL Update and Request

Earth Ministry/WAIPL and our partners at Oregon Interfaith Power & Light and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon are collecting signatures on our Idaho, Washington, and Oregon faith leaders' letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) about the GTN Xpress fracked gas pipeline expansion proposal. All Faith Leaders are invited to sign - rostered leaders and congregation members.

We only have about a week more to strengthen this letter asking FERC to deny the GTN Xpress pipeline expansion. If you are a faith leader in ID, WA, or OR (clergy, member of a religious order, or a lay leader) can you sign our letter today? Please also share the letter with your community by forwarding this email or sharing on Facebook. You can learn more about GTN Xpress below, or on our website.


Synod Events this Week:

Tues, March 7, 10am-2pm - Synod Staff Meeting

Tues, March 7, 6:30pm - FREE Synod-wide Online Study of Acts (see below)

Wed, March 8. 2pm Bishop's Convo Planning Team

Thurs, March 9, 6:30pm - Interrogating Privilege (see below)

Sat, March 11, 2pm - Hunger Team welcomes ELCA World Huger (see below)

Synod-Wide Bible Study on the book of Acts

A FREE NW WA Synod LiVE Project Offering!

Tuesdays, 6:30pm - 7:30pm | on Zoom

Continues weekly - drop into any session!

The Synod's LiVE Project is offering this free, weekly online Bible Study Series! Various rostered ministers from around our synod will co-facilitate a study of Willie James Jennings' book, Acts: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Purchase of the book is encouraged, although not necessary to fully participate.

Join any or all Zoom Sessions HERE.  (Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0985 0836 Passcode: Acts)

ELCA Coaching Network - Weekly Sessions

Every Wednesday at 11am (Pacific)


All lay leaders and rostered ministers are invited to join this weekly opportunity to hear from various leaders across the Church - and share in small group conversation - on the theme of COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP.

Learn more about this week's topic and get the registration link here:

Interrogating Privilege

A LiVE Project Course

Class continues to meet THURSDAYS during Lent

Mar. 2, 9, 16

6:30pm - 8pm on Zoom


Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin & Rev. Dr. Beverly Wallace

This 8-week course is designed specifically for lay leaders to open up transparent, and honest conversations around the ways privilege shapes and impacts our lives and communities of faith. If you’ve read anti-racist books, and are looking for the next, best steps as an individual, family or congregation, this course offers additional ways to move forward. Participants will also have an option to explore their own bias through the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

Read about our presenters and get registered HERE!


We give thanks for our partner collaboration with Trinity Education Foundation who, through a generous grant, is helping us to reach and make accessible these learning opportunities to more and more communities of faith. This gift helps us to further expand on the great offerings that we can make available.

Make It Count –

Evangelical Lutheran Education Organization (ELEA) National Conference

March 8-10 – in Seattle

Here in Washington at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport

Join other ELCA School and Center Administrators, and Pastors for our National Conference in partnership with ELEA Region 1! This event is packed with 25 workshop offerings, a keynote from Lesley Moffat, an opening reception with entertainment, a keynote from Deenna Eley, the ELEA Awards Banquet recognizing award winners from 2021 and 2022, an affinity lunch, exhibit hall, worship, and so much more!  Learn more here.

Elementary Retreat at Lutherwood!

March 10-11th at Camp Lutherwood, Bellingham

Our theme is “You Have a Friend” for the 24 hours

Cost is $60/camper; $40/adult.

Checkin begins at 7pm on Friday, March 10th with activities beginning about 7:30pm. We’ll have bible encounter, nature hikes, camp games, crafts and activities – all the things we love about camp. We conclude on Saturday at 6pm with closing circle.

Each congregation was to register by March 5th: Questions? check in with the camp!

NWWA Synod Hunger Team Special Event

Saturday, March 11, 2pm

at Faith Lutheran Church in Everett

(6708 Cady Rd, Everett)

ELCA World Hunger Executive Director Dan Rift will be on our territory and will be meeting with our Hunger Team. Dan will share updates with us – and we will share about the activities in our synod.

All are welcome to attend – but please RSVP by emailing Synod Hunger Team Co-chair, Carol, here:

LiVE Community Retreat:

Spirit-Stirring & Creation Care

Saturday, April 1, 9am-3pm

at First Lutheran Church, Bothell

The call of the Spirit is to renew the face of the earth. This call comes with renewing our attention to creation as the very partner with whom God is bringing forth new life in this world. Far too long, many Christians have related to the land, and its ancestors, with domination and neglect. This day-long retreat focuses on how to restore dignity in relationship to creation, to rethink and practice faithfully a life of faith with creation at the center of our imaginations as local congregations. This retreat is a primer to the 5-week LiVE course in April and May with Deacon Jessica Zimmerle. 

About the Faculty Facilitator: Deacon Jessica Zimmerle spent nearly a decade with Earth Ministry/Washington Power and Light. Rooted in community organizing and ministerial leadership, she is passionate about the intersection of faith and environmental justice. She brings professional skills and leadership in eco-theology as well as significant experience in nonprofit programs, outreach, communications, advocacy, and fundraising. Deacon Zimmerle is committed to equity and justice, building authentic relationships, and co-creating new paths forward. 

Learn how to participate here:

Compass Housing Alliance Gala

Saturday, April 1, 6:30pm

MOHAI, 860 Terry Ave N, Seattle

Join us as we celebrate the creativity and resilience of the neighbors that Compass Housing Alliance walks alongside on their journey to home. Enjoy interactive art, performances, entertainment, dinner, cocktails, and dancing. Your participation will provide life-altering services to our neighbors in need and support Compass’s continued work to develop more services and housing in our community.

Compass Housing Alliance develops and operates permanent affordable housing with supportive services, expansive 24/7 enhanced shelter programs, and a robust emergency services hub, for low-income and unhoused individuals and families in our community. Learn more and buy your tickets by March 17 here:

5-Week LiVE Course

Care for Creation as Divine Calling for Congregations 

April 13, 20, 27 (one week off) May 11 and 18

Thursday evenings 6:30-8pm on Zoom

This 5-week course explores how faith lives at the intersection of creating a just and sustainable future within which people of faith can embrace the call to environmental stewardship. The first three sessions unpack the ELCA social statement on Care for Creation, and the latter two sessions work to applying it in your local contexts. Come and learn how you and your congregation can bear witness to God’s movement in creation, and to engage this essential, and timely, vocation. 

About the Faculty Facilitator: Deacon Jessica Zimmerle spent nearly a decade with Earth Ministry/Washington Power and Light. Rooted in community organizing and ministerial leadership, she is passionate about the intersection of faith and environmental justice. She brings professional skills and leadership in eco-theology as well as significant experience in nonprofit programs, outreach, communications, advocacy, and fundraising. Deacon Zimmerle is committed to equity and justice, building authentic relationships, and co-creating new paths forward. 

Learn how to participate here:

Bishop's Convocation

for Rostered Ministers, Mission Developers & Interns of our Synod

April 23-26

at Seabeck Conference Center

We look forward to sharing time and stories with you and our presenters. We will welcome Vance Blackfox, Director of ELCA Indigenous Ministries & Tribal Relations AND local Indigenous Elders and leaders, Jay Julius, Kay Knott, and Jay Bowen.Find all the details and get reigstered by March 17 here:

May Youth Weekend at Holden Village

Friday, May 26-Sunday, May 28

This amazing weekend is for High School Youth in Region One

Our theme this year is Rest Fest: Dwelling in Our Holy Enough

We will welcome guests Ellie Roscher and Lacey Brown

Cost is $265 per participant

Registration is now open - find all the info you need HERE.

Want an item included?
Email Susan Berg, Communications Administrator
All items due by 2pm on the prior Thursday

Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103