August 2023


Volume 21 | Issue 8

Back to School Conversations on Healthy Relationships

As the school year draws near, parents and educators worldwide are preparing to support their children through yet another transition. Every back to school season brings excitement and challenges, but with the right tools and resources, parents and teachers can help children and young people have the skills and confidence they need to navigate any situation.

To aid in these preparations for going back to school, NYSCADV has curated a list of upcoming activities and recommended resources from their Because We're Dads Campaign, available in our Primary Prevention Toolkit. These resources offer valuable support for parents and teachers, enabling them to engage with children, teens, and young adults in discussions about healthy relationship behaviors during various life transitions.

Join NYSCADV on this annual journey as we consider some of the tools and knowledge available to us to engage with parents, educators, and caregivers alike, championing gender equality, consent, and nonviolence in our schools and communities.

With the right resources and a united effort, we can help foster safe, respectful, and inclusive environments for our children - at school and home - and make the back-to-school season a time of growth and positive change.

Learn More.

DV Counts Day is September 6, 2023

Domestic Violence Programs in New York State will join domestic violence programs across the US in participating in the National DV Counts Day on September 6, 2023, organized by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV.) This is a one-day, unduplicated count of adults and children seeking domestic violence services in the United States. This annual survey documents the number of people who sought services in a single 24-hour period, as well as the types of services requested, the number of service requests that went unmet due to a lack of resources, and the issues and barriers domestic violence programs face in providing services to victims.

Each year, the Domestic Violence Counts Report summarizes this data and is instrumental in raising awareness about domestic violence and the incredible work local domestic violence programs do daily, providing lifesaving services to survivors and their families. Year after year, state, territorial, and local advocates, national experts, journalists and reporters, and policymakers rely on the report to understand the realities advocates and survivors face. Click here to view the 2022 DV Counts Day Report.

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DV Counts 2023
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