July 2020
News & Updates
Volume 18 | Issue 7
“Because We’re Dads”  

The NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) recognizes the impact fathers and father figures have on promoting social change with respect to human rights, gender equality, and healthy relationships as well as advancing health and wellness more broadly. 

To help to put a spotlight on the impact that fathers and father figures can have on the lives of their children, their families and their communities, NYSCADV announces the launch of the Because We’re Dads: Reaching and Mobilizing Fathers to Promote Gender Equality Initiative. 

Fathers are powerful influencers and play a significant role in the lives of their children. They have the opportunity, and are uniquely poised, to influence attitudes and behaviors, particularly with their sons, that support healthy and equitable relationships premised on respect, consent and nonviolence. To support community level engagement of fathers and father figures in efforts to prevent gender-based violence, NYSCADV is collecting, developing and compiling strategies gleaned from domestic violence programs across the NYS state and across the country. Our goal is to have a member-informed toolkit that will support programs to connect with fathers based on their relationship with their children, their knowledge of the issues and, perhaps most importantly, to connect fathers with resources that are not only easily accessible but also feel appropriate to them and consistent with their values and the values of their communities.  

Please consider joining us in this effort. Over the coming months, NYSCADV will be convening a working group to identify strategies that domestic violence programs and other community based programs have found successful when working with engaging fathers in similar efforts. 

Goals, Outcomes and Next Steps:
As part of our overarching goal to advance primary prevention and our collective work to shift the social norms that allow domestic violence, gender inequality, racism and all forms oppressive structures to thrive, NYSCADV continues to build our online Prevention Toolkit. With the invaluable help of our Prevention Consortium, the Because We’re Dad’s working group and our partner and lead consultant on this project, Rus Funk of the North American MenEngage Network, NYSCADV will be providing additional tools and resources via our online Prevention Toolkit as well as opportunities to participate in a statewide conversation about fathering and the role it plays in primary prevention of gender based violence and violence against women and girls. 

If you are interested in joining the Because We’re Dads working group, showcasing your programs successes with engaging men and contributing to this critical conversation to advance gender equality and prevent domestic and dating violence in New York State, please contact Lorien Castelle at [email protected]

You can learn more about the initiative by clicking here.

 On June 9-10, 2020, NYSCADV joined DV coalitions and programs across the country to advocate for more funding for DV survivors and their families. This year’s virtual event enabled several local DV advocates to participate at meetings with staff from our two U.S. Senators’ offices, as well as 19 Congressional leaders from the NY delegation.
During our meetings, we advocated for the following:
  • Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA): Increase funding and eliminate matching fund requirements to allow programs in every state and U.S. territory to provide emergency shelter, housing, and services for survivors and their children. 

  • Culturally Specific Services Program for Survivors of Color: Provide funding for culturally specific programs to address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on survivors from racial and ethnic minority communities (new program, administered by FVPSA Office). 

  • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA): Eliminate match requirements for VOCA grants and amend the law to include direct penalties and fines from federal deferred and non-prosecution agreements to be deposited into the Crime Victims Fund (CVF).

  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Increase funding for the Sexual Assault Services Program, increase funding for the STOP formula grants to provide victim services in states, territories, and tribes, and increase funding for the VAWA Transitional Housing Program. 
These funding requests are incredibly important for NY’s survivors and service providers because New York relies almost exclusively on federal funding streams for NY’s DV services. To learn more about visit NNEDV's policy center by clicking here.
The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV), the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Prevent Child Abuse New York (PCANY), and the Seven Dancers Coalition released a joint press statement to encourage New Yorkers to support their friends, family members, or colleagues whenever they seek help.

As nonprofit organizations providing essential services related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, our work is more important than ever during this pandemic when people are isolated due to respecting social distancing guidelines.

To read more and to find out how you can help, please click on the image above.
The story “Safe At Home, Not Stuck At Home” features a brother and sister in lockdown, no longer going to school, asking questions that many families all over the world are presented with now. This book can be a useful tool in a time when many parents and families are facing uncertainties in their homes and can possibly use this book as a resource to aid them.

100% of the proceeds of the purchase of this book will be donated to the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

To find out more and to purchase the book, please click on the image above.