November 2023


Volume 21 | Issue 11

This Giving Tuesday, Give For DV

On November 28, 2023, individuals from across the globe are uniting to harness the strength of human connections, fortify communities, and bring about positive change in our world. Will you be a part of this collective effort?

NYSCADV is actively participating in GivingTuesday, and we invite your support. By becoming a part of the GivingTuesday movement, you demonstrate that even during uncertain times, generosity can unify the entire world.

Here's how you can prepare to make a difference:

  1. Save the date. Add "GiveForDV" to your calendar.
  2. Contribute. On November 28, visit our donation page or the page of your local program to make a contribution. You can support NYSCADV through various other means.
  3. Share the message. Inspire your friends and family to join you in making a meaningful impact on November 28 by sharing what our mission signifies to you and why you endorse our organization (you'll find some ideas by clicking here). Don't forget to include the hashtags #GiveForDV and #GivingTuesday!

Let's unite and work together to construct more resilient communities!

Learn More.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Recap

As we reflect on the remarkable journey we've undertaken throughout Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your dedication to lending your voice to bolster our advocacy efforts is pivotal in amplifying our collective message.

Throughout the duration of DVAM, your steadfast commitment to actively participating in the #Every1KnowsSome1 campaign has empowered us to spread awareness and advocate for survivors. Whether it was by hosting and sharing your community events with us, engaging with and sharing social media content, participating in the Facebook Livestream event on "Realities of Domestic Violence: Raising Awareness in New York," or by sharing poignant stories through the #Every1KnowsSome1 hashtag, your tireless efforts have significantly contributed to our meaningful impact.

While DVAM may have drawn to a close, our mission to eradicate domestic violence persists daily. Your ongoing involvement in our advocacy endeavors ensures that our message resonates well beyond the confines of October, thereby creating a safer world for survivors throughout the year. We encourage you to remain connected, share your valuable insights, and continue championing the cause for change.

Thank you for being an integral part of this movement. Together, we can create change and build a world free from domestic violence.

Support Our Work

Click here to view t-shirt collections and place an order - a portion of sales is donated to NYSCADV

Support our work by making a donation or hosting a fundraiser

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