Governor Hochul Announces $13 Million Available to Expand Home-Based Crisis Intervention Services for Children and Youth
Governor Kathy Hochul last Friday announced the availability of more than $13 million in state funding to expand access to Home-Based Crisis Intervention teams throughout New York State. Administered by the state Office of Mental Health, this funding will help create 13 new teams and expand 26 existing ones, enabling them to provide critical mental health services so that at-risk children and youth can avoid psychiatric hospitalization. The Office of Mental Health will provide $6.2 million to create 11 new teams to serve children and youth between the ages of 5 and 21, who are at imminent risk of psychiatric hospitalization. The agency also partnered with the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities and the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council in an effort to establish two teams that will exclusively serve children or youth dually diagnosed with both a developmental disability and mental illness. Read more here.
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Governor Hochul Announces First Recipients of the $4 Million Mental Health Scholarship Program
Governor Kathy Hochul on Tuesday announced the first recipients of the $4 million scholarship program to support underrepresented students entering or enrolled in mental health degree programs at the State University of New York and the City University of New York. The program aims to expand and diversify New York's mental health workforce, which lacks sufficient representation of ethnic and racial minorities, especially in roles requiring advanced degrees or education-based certifications. The program is made possible by a federal grant awarded to the New York State Office of Mental Health. Read more here.
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'Unprecedented Collaboration': Could Innovative Model In Buffalo's Fruit Belt Bolster Region's Mental Health Services?
Kirsten Vincent was an innovative leader who worked to eliminate gaps in the mental health system as the CEO of Recovery Options Made Easy, a peer-run agency in Western New York. Until her unexpected death nearly two years ago, Vincent had pushed for a first-of-its-kind model in New York designed to support crisis stabilization and continued recovery. The model she envisioned included a number of services under one roof, seeking to ensure that everyone had access to the right level of care and that, as a result, fewer people would slip through the cracks of a system in desperate need of repair. Her vision is nearly fulfilled. Read more here.
Related: Buffalo News Editorial Board: New Mental Health Facilities Are Welcome, but More Are Needed
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Inside the All-New State-of-the-Art Addiction Treatment Facility Opening in Tompkins County
The Alcohol and Drug Council of Tompkins County is set to open a state-of-the-art, 40-bed medically supervised withdrawal stabilization facility next month. This pioneering Open Access center is the first of its kind in the Finger Lakes region, providing a critical addition to addiction treatment resources in the area.
It was an eight year process; and Executive Director Angela Sullivan said success came down to a desire to do right by the community and not give up. “I have such a tenacious team,” she said recalling that lengthy process, which included a pandemic in the middle. “We have an internal mantra of ‘We are going to do it, whatever it takes’.” Read more here.
Incorporating Community-Based Organizations in Medicaid Efforts to Address Health-Related Social Needs: Key State Considerations
State Medicaid programs are increasingly connecting the dots between the medical, behavioral, and social components of health to achieve the goal of more equitable, whole-person care that addresses the health-related social needs (HRSN) of Medicaid enrollees. Developing HRSN interventions that are locally focused, culturally congruent, and community-centered requires partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs) that specialize in social care, like food and housing services. This Center for Health Care Strategies report, made possible by the California Health Care Foundation, explores insights from early state innovators to help guide states, HCOs, and CBOs in shaping and navigating successful CBO-HCO relationships.
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Medicaid Episode-Based Bundled Payments Can Improve Health Equity For Justice-Involved Individuals
In 2018, the federal SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act directed the Department of Health and Human Services to provide guidance on how waivers could improve care for individuals transitioning out of incarceration, and in January, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the first 1115 demonstration waiver that expands Medicaid coverage to incarcerated individuals in California 90 days before release; other similar submitted 1115 waivers are pending CMS review. As Medicaid coverage can have a potentially lifesaving impact on individuals post-incarceration—through providing timely mental health and addiction treatment, for example—this policy change should be applauded. Read more here.
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New York Department of Health Recognizes National Minority Health Month
The New York State Department of Health, in observance of National Minority Health Month in April, is highlighting the importance of improving the health and well-being of racial and ethnic minority and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, with a focus on reducing health disparities.
These disparities, often caused by systemic barriers, implicit bias, and the resulting unequal access to services, create poorer health outcomes for certain groups and are apparent in many preventable conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and maternal mortality. These conditions can add to the economic challenges that further perpetuate inequity in health and health care access. Read more here.
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More Girls Are Being Diagnosed With Autism
Morénike Giwa Onaiwu was shocked when day care providers flagged some concerning behaviors in her daughter, Legacy. The toddler was not responding to her name. She avoided eye contact, didn’t talk much and liked playing on her own. But none of this seemed unusual to Dr. Onaiwu, a consultant and writer in Houston.
“I didn’t recognize anything was amiss,” she said. “My daughter was just like me.”
Legacy was diagnosed with autism in 2011, just before she turned 3. Months later, at the age of 31, Dr. Onaiwu was diagnosed as well. Read more here.
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Peer Court Keeps Youth Accountable, Removes Shame and Stigma
On a late afternoon in December, a 22-year-old youth advocate named Rachel is addressing a jury of her peers on Zoom in Marin County, California. Her client: a teen named Leonel, who was caught with two boys after shooting BB guns from a garage. The boys said they were shooting bottles in the driveway, but several BBs hit a neighboring home and passing vehicles, causing damage and broken windows, according to a police report. No one was arrested but police cited Leonel and his friends for vandalism. A virtual room full of teens and young adults listen intently as Rachel talks about how Leonel is changing his life in the aftermath of the incident. Read more here.
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Fidelis Care Begins Member Education Campaign as Federal Continuous Coverage Requirement Comes to an End
Fidelis Care announced last week it will begin an extensive educational outreach and awareness campaign to more than 2 million members across all 62 counties in New York State who will need to update their eligibility information to renew their health coverage for the first time in three years. Based on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, signed into law by President Biden on December 29, 2022, the "continuous enrollment condition" for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Essential Plan and Managed Long Term Care coverage that began in March 2020 during the onset of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) will soon end. Read more here.
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New DEA License Requirement Starts in June
When the Biden administration killed the X waiver late last year, all clinicians registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) learned they would need 8 hours of training on substance use disorder (SUD) management in order to renew their licenses.
The DEA has now issued a deadline for that requirement, and it's less than 3 months away.
Starting on June 27, all clinicians will have to check a box on their online DEA registration form -- whether they're renewing or initiating a license -- affirming they've completed that training, according to the DEA's announcement from last week. It's a one-time requirement that won't be part of future registration renewals, the DEA said. Read more here.
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Biden-Harris Administration Designates Fentanyl Combined with Xylazine as an Emerging Threat to the United States
On Wednesday, Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), officially designated fentanyl adulterated or associated with xylazine as an emerging threat to the United States. Xylazine is a non-opioid tranquilizer approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for veterinary use but not human use. This designation comes after careful review of the impact of xylazine on the opioid crisis, including its growing role in overdose deaths in every region of the United States. Read more here.
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Behavioral Health Parity Training for Service Providers
April 13, 12 - 1:30 pm, NYCDHMH
COD Series: Criminal Justice Involved Peer Support Part 2
April 13, 1 - 2:30 pm, Healthy Capital District
CORE Virtual Regional Learning Session - Long Island
April 13, 1 - 2:30 pm, OMH/NYTAC
Understanding the Expanded Risk-Need-Responsivity Model, Supervision, Programming, and Dosage
April 13, 2 - 3:30 pm, CSG Justice Center
Transgender, Non-Confirming, Non-binary Cultural Competence
April 17, 9 am - 4 pm, OASAS
Implementing a Complex Care Shelter: Opportunities and Lessons Learned
April 17, 2 - 3 pm, National Alliance to End Homelessness
Integrating Community Health Workers into Primary Care to Support the Reentry Population
April 17, 3 - 4:15 pm, The Transitions Clinic Network
2023 Justice Center Summit
April 18 - 19, 25 - 26 - Event Flyer
Focusing on Reentry Housing and Family Engagement in Collaborative, Comprehensive Case Plans
April 18, 3 - 4 pm, CSG Justice Center
Solving for Homelessness Among Older Adults, People with Disabilities, and Other Populations Through Cross-Sector Partnerships
April 18, 3 - 4 pm, Administration for Community Living's Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC)
Considerations for Determining HCBS Eligibility for the SED Target Populations
April 19, 10 - 11:30 am, OMH
Using PSYCKES Quality Indicator Reports
April 19, 11 am - 12 pm, OMH
Housing Supports for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness
April 19, 2 - 3 pm, HHRC
Leveraging County Health Rankings Data to Improve Community Health
April 19, 2 - 3 pm, NACo
OUD and Social Determinants of Health
April 19, 3 - 4 pm, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Trauma-Informed Care for Opioid Treatment
April 19, 3 - 4:30 pm, NAADAC
Utilizing Community Health Workers for SDOH Screening and Housing Navigation
April 19, 3 - 4 pm, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Leveraging Telehealth to Improve Access & Reach in Rural Integrated Care
April 20, 2 - 3:30 pm, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Behavioral Health Trends Affecting Payers
April 20, 2 - 3 pm, PsychU
CORE Virtual Regional Learning Session - NYC
April 21, 10 - 11:30 am, OMH/NYTAC
ACEs Awareness Education Day 2023 (In person)
April 24, 11 am - 5 pm, Empire State Plaza, Albany,
NY Trauma Informed Coalition
CORE Virtual Regional Learning Session - Hudson River / North Country / Capital
April 24, 1 - 2:30 pm, OMH/MCTAC
Changes & Updates regarding the Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) Population HCBS Level of Care Determination
April 24, 2 - 3:30 pm, DOH
Unwinding the Public Health Emergency: Keeping New Yorkers Covered!
April 25, 10 - 11 am, OMH/NYTAC
PSYCKES Mobile App for iPhones & iPads
April 25, 10 - 11 am, OMH
Making the Connection: Improving the Referral Pathways to Family Treatment Court
April 25, 1:30 - 3 pm, SAMHSA's GAINS Center
Changes & Updates regarding the Medically Fragile (MF) Population HCBS Level of Care Determination
April 26, 11 am - 12:30 pm, DOH
The Role Of Neurobehavioral Therapies In Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
April 26, 12 - 1 pm, PsychU
CORE Virtual Regional Learning Session - Central
April 26, 12 - 1:30 pm, OMH/NYTAC
Behavioral Health Parity 101
April 27, 12 - 1:30 pm, NYCDHMH
CORE Virtual Regional Learning Session - Western
April 27, 12 - 1:30 pm, OMH/NYTAC
Determining Level of Care within Crisis Services
April 27, 2 - 3 pm, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Harm Reduction Office Hours with Providers
April 27, 2 - 3:30 pm, OASAS
Peer Recovery Support Series, Part 3: Inclusive Outreach for Beginners - How to Create More Diverse Spaces in the Recovery Community
April 27, 3 - 4:30 pm, NAADAC
Investigation Basics for State Oversight and Provider Agency Staff Day 1
May 2, 9:30 am - 12 pm, The Justice Center
Investigation Basics for State Oversight and Provider Agency Staff Day 2
May 3, 9:30 am - 12 pm, The Justice Center
PSYCKES for BHCCs and Other Networks
May 3, 1 - 2 pm, OMH
OASAS SAPT Supplemental Grant Information Session
May 4, 1 - 2 pm, OASAS
WHAT'S GREAT IN OUR STATE 2023: A Celebration of Children's Mental Health
May 9, 9 am - 12:30 pm, OMH
PSYCKES for Health Homes and Care Management Agencies
May 9, 10 - 11:30 am, OMH
Sexual Misconduct: Boundaries and Ethics in Addiction Counseling – “Where’s the Line”
May 10 - 11, 9 am - 4 pm, OASAS
Rural Telehealth & M-Health for Children & Youth
May 16, 2 - 3 pm, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Engaging Families in SUD Services: A Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP 39) Training
May 17 - 18, 9 am - 4 pm, OASAS
Addiction Services & Recovery Committee Meeting
April 13: 11 am - 12 pm
Mental Health Committee Meeting
April 13: 3 - 4 pm
Children & Families Committee Meeting
April 18: 11:30 am - 1 pm
Membership Call
April 19: 9 - 10:30 am
Mental Hygiene Planning Committee Meeting
April 20: 1 - 3 pm
Deputy DCS Call
April 25: 10 - 11 am
Quarterly LGU Billing Staff Call
May 2: 11 am - 12 pm
Executive Committee Meeting
May 3: 8 - 9 am
LGU Clinic Operators Call
May 9: 10 - 11:30 am
CLMHD Spring Full Membership Meeting
May 10 - 12, Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs
Children & Families Committee Meeting
May 16: 11:30 am - 1 pm
Deputy DCS Call
May 23: 10 - 11 am
CLMHD Office Closed - Memorial Day
May 30
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