Vocology is a relatively young field that integrates the medical, scientific, and artistic aspects of voice habilitation. It is, by its nature, highly multidisciplinary and spans multiple professions that study, train, and care for vocalists.
The Certificate in Vocology provides foundational knowledge for anyone engaged in voice habilitation, including singing voice pedagogues, speech-language pathologists, voice and speech trainers, choral directors, and laryngologists. Upon successfully completing this certificate, you will have gained a deep understanding of the principles of voice production, developed practical knowledge and skills in measuring and analyzing the voice, and learned best practices for voice training. Special attention will be placed on the scopes of practice of the different professionals involved in habilitating and rehabilitating voices. Additionally, you will develop skills being a good consumer of voice research and developing your own research project.
Two courses are offered each semester.
This fall, join us for:
Overview of Assessment and Management of Voice Disorders
starting on September 11, 2023
Vocometry: Measuring and Analyzing the Voice
starting on October 24, 2023