Dear Valued Beauty Professionals,
As NZBPST’s Chair I have been working with Government agencies and advocating on your behalf since 2013.
As we prepare to move out of Covid Alert level 4 to alert level 3 some essential workers are preparing to go back to work. Unfortunately, that is not possible for beauty professionals until possibly alert level 2.
My communication from the MoH yesterday, informed me that they are still working with Alert level 3 and information for Alert level 2 will be issued once they receive a directive from Government.
Meanwhile we have been asked to make sure we have a safety plan in place.
Here are some more facts and points for you to consider before you commence work. This is not an all-inclusive document, but only outlines some of the important things to consider before you go back to work. Please revise, write and adapt your own Safety Plan based on your clinics environment and what you offer your clients.
What is a PCBU?
PCBU - stands for ‘Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking’. In most cases a PCBU will be a business entity, such as a company. However, an individual carrying out business as a sole trader or self-employed person is also a PCBU. So, what is your safety plan?
A safety plan contains written information in easy to understand words that explains important protocols of how to maintain consistent health, hygiene and safety measures for the health and safety of your staff, clients and anyone else who may visit your clinic. Here are some examples of what should be in your Safety plan.
This should include but does not exclude:
- Involve your staff when writing your safety plan as thy will be more familiar with risks and hazards in your work place and update regularly,
- Review your current policies before going back to work and update– encourage staff to tell you when changes need to be made to documents – explaining unfamiliar language an procedures – showing staff the relevant document when you are talking with them,
- COVID-19 Pre-work commencement - Hold a staff meeting before going back to work [non-contact if necessary]. Explain all new changes that are to be put in place for Covid-19 before you re-open your doors for business,
- Signage on front door with social distancing requirements,
- Hand sanitising at the front of house for clients and staff to use,
- Insure correct use of PPE,
- Check re-calibration and servicing expiry dates on equipment,
- Review the correct use of all electrical equipment and treatments performed in your clinic.
- Use Posters to Illustration instructions e.g. Correct hand washing/sanitising, disposable glove application and removal, donning and doffing of face masks etc,
- Appropriate use of client tracing forms [should they become necessary] all persons entering premises must sign in & out,
- Designated person to regularly sanitise all contact surfaces, eftpos machine, phones, door handles in all common room areas (see previous alert bulletins for reminders),
- Therapists must take responsibility for the hygiene requirements in their treatment rooms,
- Extra hygiene protocols on top of health and hygiene regulations must be put into place before treatments can begin,
- All staff members must be familiar with all additional requirements before work commences,
- Signs should be relevant and meaningful. Make sure that everyone can understand what a sign says and what any symbols or images mean,
- Make sure all new staff have a pre-induction session so they know what your policies and procedures are for your business. This must include all contract and casual employees,
- Test your existing staff’s knowledge with work case scenarios to keep them current with action plan procedures. E.g. Fire evacuation plan, earthquake evacuation plan,
- How to manage risks,
- What to do if anything goes wrong.
Reporting accidents:
- All accidents, incidences must be reported to your clinic manager or employer immediately,
- These must be recorded in your clinic incident register log book,
- If a serious incident involves a client who may lay a complaint, you must inform your employer. Notify your organisation that you are registered to and your insurance provider immediately so they can give you added support and advise,
- Examine what happened and implement any changes to prevent it happening again,
- Care for staff so they can return to work as soon as possible,
- Provide duty of care to the client.
When to Report and Accident or Incident to Work safe NZ or MBIE:
A notifiable event is when any of the following occurs as a result of work: – a death – notifiable illness or injury– a notifiable incident. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) you must notify WorkSafe when a notifiable event occurs.
Notifiable injury or illness - An injury or illness that requires the person to have immediate treatment (other than first aid). For example, a serious head injury, a serious burn, an injury or illness that requires, or would usually require, the person to be admitted to a hospital for immediate treatment or to have medical treatment within 48 hours of the treatment.
Notifiable incident - A notifiable incident means that someone has been immediately exposed to a serious risk to their health and safety because of an unplanned or uncontrolled work incident. For example, exposure to a leaked substance, an electric shock, or the collapse/partial collapse of a structure.
As always NZBPST is dedicated to serving you and bringing information to you as soon as possible. We strive to serve, support and inform you so you can be the best professional you can be. So, until our next bulletin stay happy, focused and prepare. We are almost there.
Warm regards, Julie Martin New Zealand Board of Professional Skin Therapies |