Jerry Avorn, MD | NaRCAD Co-Founder & Co-Director
The genius of the American health care system
is its fragmentation.
And by 'genius,' I mean evil genius, or demented genius
And sadly, also 'very stable genius,' since that awful fragmentation has been stubbornly resistant to change. It's a great way to maximize revenue and expenditures, but not the best way to provide care to patients - and it leads to much of the poor care and unaffordable costs that we face.
An Interview with Zack Dumont, BSP, ACPR, MS | RxFiles Academic Detailer
"We're coming up on the one-year anniversary of recreational marijuana legalization, but medicinal cannabis has been legal for about two decades. With the legalization of recreational cannabis though, we're seeing fairly rapid change in perceptions of what the truth is. It's tough to keep up with."