Sandeep (Sonny) Singh Bains, PharmD, BCPS | Alosa Health
"We’ve also benefited from connecting with administrators of health systems. We approach them like business partners; it takes a special skill to communicate and work with an administrator. It’s important to have team members who understand how to communicate with leadership effectively to get that buy-in." Read More

Rachelle Woods, MSN, RN | Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
"Our goal is to collaborate across sectors and provide services within several of our communities. Our partners include pharmacies, pharmacists, clinical providers, non-clinical persons, public health agencies, publicly funded healthcare centers, and other community-based organizations." Read More
Trish Rawn, BScPhm, PharmD | Centre for Effective Practice
"When developing detailing tools, you need to make sure that you’re aware of your own biases and that your tools include the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion." Read More

Adrienne Butterwick, MPH, CHES | Comagine Health
"Be flexible and don’t come in with your own agenda – be sure to let the dentists drive the conversation and let them teach you along the way." Read More
Chirag Rathod, PharmD | Illinois ADVANCE & NaRCAD
"Prior to your detailing visit, think about ways to slow down and limit the amount of information you share with the clinician so that the visit is of most value to them." Read More
We’re reaching out to partners who are conducting virtual AD and may be interested in joining us to study adaptations of 1:1 visits to a virtual platform; the role of stigma in clinician decision-making; and other important topics related to virtual detailing.

If you're interested in learning more and discussing this opportunity,
click the button below and we’ll be in touch.

Please respond by August 1, 2022.

NaRCAD 201 Academic Detailing Trainings
Stay tuned for more information.
NaRCAD offers 1:1 role play sessions to any NaRCAD training graduate who is actively detailing to support them in honing their communication skills. Click here to sign up!

Contains a factsheet summarizing the CDC's 2021 PrEP Update as well as a
webinar led by Dr. Demetre Daskalakis and Dr. Dawn Smith on PrEP for HIV prevention.

Take a look at the updated CDC PrEP guidelines.

Recent publication discussing the advantages and challenges of virtual detailing.

Explore recruitment criteria for ideal detailing candidates.

Check out this resource on field testing key messages.

Learn more about creating an engaging educational brochure or "Detailing Aid".

Share your AD stories!
Contact us for republishing requests
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NaRCAD is a program of the Boston Medical Center, founded at the
Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics [DoPE], at Brigham & Women's Hospital.