EPISODE 11: "Adapting the Model: Rising to Meet Health Challenges" featuring Mike Fischer, MD, MS, Founder & Director @ NaRCAD

EPISODE 10: "Amplifying Patient Voices: Transforming Health, Combatting Stigma" featuring Mary Hightower, Regional Health Specialist, ​Iowa Department of Health and Human Services

EPISODE 9: "Harm Reduction in Action: Broward County's Opioid Safety Initiative" featuring Alexandria Stevenson, MPH, Academic Detailer, Florida Department of Health in Broward County

Facing the Unknown: We've Got You.

Bevin Amira, Deputy Director @ NaRCAD

"At NaRCAD, we're particularly lucky--this community is especially empathetic, attuned, whipsmart, creative, and supportive. When one of us is struggling, we're right there with one another, sharing care, compassion, and perhaps the most vital ingredient of all: a sense of humor. So, how do we harness this energy as we commit to our work this year?" READ MORE


January 2025

​Mike's Pick:​

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

“I’ve tried to imagine how she’d feel knowing that her cells went up in the first space missions to see what would happen to human cells in zero gravity, or that they helped with some of the most important advances in medicine..."

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NaRCAD is a program of the Boston Medical Center, founded at the
Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics [DoPE], at Brigham & Women's Hospital.