November 30, 2023

Articles for This Issue:


November 30, 2023


Nader Tells It Like It Is for Gaza: Israel & U.S. Gone Rogue?

Israel’s Genocidal Antisemitism Against the Arab Civilians of Gaza

Ralph Nader


UNGA Leader Asks for Advice -- We Have It

INTERVIEW: UN General Assembly resolutions represent 'the conscience of humanity', President says

UN News


China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia send new Sanctions to the US and Israel



Palestine's UN Representative Gives a Persuasive Speech

Palestine's UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush Exposes Israel's War Crimes in Gaza

Palestine Deep Dive


Israel's Dirty Tricks to Silence Media & Intimidate Protesters 

Zionist Anti-Palestine Censorship Is Surging

Chris Hedges


Never Stop Being Shocked By the Depravity of the Empire

Caitlin Johnstone

Nader Tells It Like It Is for Gaza: Israel & U.S. Gone Rogue?

Israel’s Genocidal Antisemitism Against the Arab Civilians of Gaza

Ralph Nader


Keep in mind that Israel is an ultra-modern military superpower, with hundreds of thousands of fighters on land, air and sea, going after the few thousand Hamas fighters who have limited supplies of rifles, grenade launchers and anti-tank weapons. Moreover, all of Israel’s supplies are being replenished daily from the U.S. stockpiles in Israel and new shipments arriving by sea, compliments of President Biden.


Why will it take months to clear out the tunnels? Not so, say military experts in urban warfare. Flooding the tunnels with water, gas, napalm and robotic explosives are quick and lethal and would be deployed were it not for the Israeli hostages.


The dominant politicians in Israel have always sought “a Greater Israel” using the phrase “from the river to the sea,” meaning all of Palestine. Year after year Israel has stolen more and more land and water from the twenty-two percent left of original Palestine, inhabited by five million Palestinians under oppressive military occupation.


With Congress overwhelmingly in Israel’s pocket, Israeli politicians laugh at proposals for a two-state solution by U.S. presidents. Recall when Obama was president, Netanyahu went around him and addressed a joint session of Congress whose members exhausted themselves with standing ovations – a brazen insult to a U.S. president, unheard of in U.S. diplomatic history!


Day after day, the surviving Palestinian families are trapped in what is widely called “an open-air prison” being pulverized by Israel and its aggressive co-belligerent, the Biden regime. A regime in Washington that urges Netanyahu to comply with “the laws of war,” while enabling Israel with more weapons and UN vetoes to violate daily “the laws of war” and the Genocide Convention


UNGA Leader Asks for Advice -- We Have It

INTERVIEW: UN General Assembly resolutions represent 'the conscience of humanity', President says

UN News

Editor's commentary - United Nations General Assembly President Dennis Francis disagrees with critics who complain that the UN is "irrelevant." He asks a fair question: What would we replace it with? My answer is for the UNGA to launch Charter Review (Article 109) and replace the outdated and fatally flawed Charter with the Earth Constitution, essentially creating a "new UN." 


The Earth Constitution, designed over 30 years by the World Constitution & Parliament Association, corrects what is wrong with the UN: Its Charter is undemocratic with 188 nations denied voting rights. The UN lacks independent funding. Also, the Charter lacks an adequate World Judiciary System with real Enforcement. Bully nations operate above the Law, their leaders when responsible for world crimes have impunity.  


Tell President Francis to have the UN General Assembly launch (under Article 109) Charter review and to utilize the Earth Constitution as its guide, model and authority for the establishment of a "new UN," one with the capacity to end war itself, and to help introduce an era of world peace and prosperity. -- Roger Kotila, PhD, DWF NEWS


EXCERPTS from the INTERVIEW with President Francis

Mr. (Dennis) Francis assumed his presidency in September and will serve for a year. The veteran diplomat from Trinidad and Tobago recently sat down with UN News to reflect on his priorities, the important role of the General Assembly, and why critics should engage with the UN.


UN News: As you have reminded us, the General Assembly unites all 193 UN Member States. Your resolutions, though non-binding, do carry moral weight.

Dennis Francis: Absolutely. They make a political declaration on the part of the majority of members of the international community. And in a sense, they create a sort of soft law because resolutions of the General Assembly represent, in a sense, the conscience of humanity, the dominant view of humanity.

But let me say this: the UN does not exist out there on its own. It is comprised of 193 sovereign Governments. That word ‘sovereign’ is very important because it means that those Governments can and do make decisions based on their national interests and priorities.

What the UN does is create a platform for them to come together to try to agree common approaches to various global problems.

So, I'll ask this: If the UN is irrelevant, what would you replace it with? And so, I say to people thank God the UN exists because it creates a much-needed platform for coordination, consultation, and cooperation among 193 States that would otherwise have no means and no opportunity to meet, to coordinate, to solve global problems and issues. 


China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia send new Sanctions to the US and Israel


...  Chinese President Xi Jinping urged all parties in the Israel-Hamas conflict to stop fighting and release captured civilians, and he proposed an international conference to promote long-term peace. Leaders from the BRICS newest members, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates, also attended the summit on Tuesday. ...


Palestine's UN Representative Gives a Persuasive Speech

EDITOR  This speech (see below) to the United Nations is impressive. Palestinians can be proud. But Israel's Zionist leaders aren't done yet. Much like the U.S. which conducted instant mass murder of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and fully destroyed both cities, Israel appears to believe that if mass murder is good enough for the U.S., it's good enough for Israel. But Gaza will be demolished gradually, day by day, not instantly. Israel's Zionist leadership will pretend to the public that the massive carnage (a war crime) is necessary as the only way to completely eliminate Hamas. -- R. Kotila, PhD

Palestine's UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush Exposes Israel's War Crimes in Gaza
Palestine Deep Dive
Go to video (11 minutes):

Israel's Dirty Tricks to Silence Media & Intimidate Protesters

Zionist Anti-Palestine Censorship Is Surging

Chris Hedges


Trucks circling the campuses of Columbia University and Harvard University publicly list the names and show the faces of students who signed a letter calling on the university to cut ties with Israel. These trucks are now being parked in front of students’ homes. ... Major donors to these universities, including billionaire Marc Rowan, the chief of the private equity giant Apollo Global Management, who donated $ 50 million to the University of Pennsylvania’s business school, have announced they will withhold donations ... 

This public harassment is only a tiny illustration of the widespread campaign to silence anyone who decries the siege of Gaza and calls for a ceasefire. ... Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and TikTok – are censoring accounts or actively reducing the reach of pro-Palestine content, a practice known as shadowbanning. ...


Major conferences on the Middle East have been forced to cancel. The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, for example, successfully pressured Hilton hotels into cancelling the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights event in Houston at which the congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was to be the main speaker, ... Meanwhile, official Israeli spokespeople and politicians, as well as supporters of the Israeli siege of Gaza, are given ample airtime to accuse anyone who objects to Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza as being apologists or spokespeople for terrorists. 

... to discuss this censorship is Dylan Saba, a staff attorney with Palestine Legal. Commissioned by an editor at The Guardian newspaper to write about the campaign to silence voices critical of Israel’s assault, he was informed shortly before the piece was to be published that the newspaper would not run it.


Never Stop Being Shocked By the Depravity of the Empire

Caitlin Johnstone


A friend of mine shared my article about how the Biden administration is worried the pause in fighting will allow journalists into Gaza to show Israel’s crimes to the world, saying he knows he shouldn’t be surprised by how evil these freaks are but somehow he still is.


No longer being shocked by the murderousness of the empire is a counter intuitive sign that something unhealthy is happening to you, like when the body stops shivering as it sinks into the later stages of hypothermia, or when the hunger pangs go away in the later stages of starvation. It’s a sign that your system is no longer forcefully rejecting conditions it ought to reject, and has instead shifted into giving up and trying to conserve energy.


I see it as a sacred duty to keep a flame lit in myself which knows what a healthy world looks like, which knows what sanity looks like, which knows how things ought to be, and which naturally finds it jarring when the sickness of this civilization reveals itself.

I refuse to accept this as normal. I refuse to let the abuses of the empire turn me into a callused, jaded husk of a human who can only respond to each new monstrosity with a deep world-weary sigh. I make sure it still brings up a white hot rage in me. I make sure it still brings white hot tears to my eyes.


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