Friday, August 26 2022

Nahalat Shalom Inheritance of Peace
3606 Rio Grande Boulevard NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 
call / text: 505-343-8227 Monday-Friday 10 am - 4 pm
call / text: 505-681-8273 After hours and Emergencies
Nahalat Shalom is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization 
Voices of Nahalat Shalom

Hello, Nahalat Shalom!!!

Elul is upon us as of Sunday. It’s that time of year! We are so excited to welcome our community back from our Covid hiatus to our beautiful space for High Holidays (and to services in general).  

Lots is happening around here. Many services are happening in person in our sanctuary. We have a beautiful new portico sprouting over our gorgeous doors. We have a task force looking at our community needs for staffing, and we have people coordinating a survey of you, our members, to see what you all envision as our future. Our wifi is getting an overhaul. Our cheder (religious school) is starting up for a new season! We want to update you about some of the decisions that we’ve been making.

We are asking each of you to renew (or restart, or start) your membership. Human capital is what we are most short of these days, so please find ways to volunteer that make you happy. Inflation is hitting all of us, and we know you may be stretched thin, but so are we, so please give what you can (and you are the best judge of that) to help our community. We want all of you as members. The membership form is available on the website to fill out electronically. It’s also available as a PDF for you to download and print out if you prefer to do it by hand.

Also, in response to the feedback we’ve gotten from you, we are looking for a part time (¾ time) community coordinator to help with programming, outreach, facility rentals, and communication among the various branches of the Nahalat Shalom tree. This is above and beyond the necessary tasks that are being done by our administrative team, and will help us grow our community to be able to get to the exciting visions that you all have shared with us.

Please remember to reserve your spot for High Holidays. This year attendance is limited, so make sure to RSVP, because you won’t get in if you’re not on the list!

I can’t wait to see you all in person very soon!!


Elul, Already?  All….ready!!

Rabbi Min Kantrowitz

Elul always seems to sneak up on us.  One moment we are deep in the heat and dryness of summer, and just a moment later, we realize the High Holidays are approaching.

The month of Elul is the final month of the Jewish year.  It’s a month devoted to transition—we reflect on the year that is drawing to a close and start to prepare for the new year that is coming….ready or not!

During the month of Elul, we sound the shofar every morning.  The mitzvah of Shofar is to HEAR the shofar, not necessarily to play it.  It’s a bit difficult to play…breath control and agile lips are important, but most kids love to learn how to do it.  When else do adults encourage kids to go “PFFT”?  Shofarot have been sounded historically for many reasons: to gather troops before battle, to serve as an alert or an alarm to the community and, in our case, to call ourselves to attention, to remind ourselves that the opportunity to return to our best, truest selves is upon us.

We have a whole month to prepare, which is about what we need.  Like every transition in life, it’s a bit of a balancing act, or like spiritual chemistry: we add a little more of the anticipation of the upcoming year each day, as we allow the year that is coming to a close to slowly drip away.  But, it’s an active transition, not a passive one.  We are asked to examine ourselves each day: are we on the life path we want to be on? Are we being as true to our best inner selves as we can be (given life circumstances)? What do we regret about the past year?  How can we begin to repair the cracks in our relationships with others? With our communities? With ourselves?  Each day, our prayers state “Elohai Neshama shenatatah bi, tahorah hee”—My God, the soul that You have placed within me, she is pure”.  It’s our reminder that our essential spiritual identity is pure and connected with the Eternal Source of All Space and Time.  The work of the month of Elul draws it’s energy from that Source.

May we all be blessed with gentle and compassionate examination of our past year, and with optimistic and positive energy with which to enter the new year that is almost here.  Ll’Shana Tovah Umtukah…to a good and sweet New Year.!



Fill out out our NEW membership form online! PDF is available to print and mail in or drop off. 


We are delighted that Rabbi Deborah J. Brin will be officiating our High Holiday Services. Rabbi Brin along with Canro Beth Cohen create services that honor our tradition while meeting the spiritual needs of our members. No tickets are required. Services will be in-person and on Zoom. Reservations are required. REGISTER HERESee the High Holidays schedule here and find more info here.


Ariel will be in the office this Monday 8/29 from 1-3:30pm. Office hours will change from week to week during the summer. We are looking for volunteers to hold office hours to keep our space open consistently throughout the week. Reach out if you are interested! Call 505-343-8227 (leave a message and I will get back to you!) or email [email protected] if you would like to make an appointment outside of those hours.

Nahalat Shalom Services
Friday, August 26, 6:00 pm MT, at Nahalat Shalom (in the courtyard) and on ZOOM (4th Friday)
Queer Shabbat: Hybrid, Outdoor & on Zoom!
Queer Shabbat is a monthly ritual space for reflection, connection, grounding in the sacred cycles of Jewish time, and to eat together the food we each bring for ourselves. Queer Shabbat is for or anyone on Tiwa or Tewa Land / in New Mexico who identifies as Queer (and Transgender, Gay, Lesbian, Intersex, Non Binary, Gender Non Conforming, Enby, Dyke, etc ... ) and considers themselves part of the broad Jewish community. This summer we will be gathering for a hybrid OUTDOOR IN-PERSON and ZOOM shabbat. Whether you are attending virtually or in person, you're invited to bring: songs, poetry, movement, creative activities, and meditations from your heart. For those who chose to attend in person, please bring: a mask, your vegetarian dinner (we not be sharing food) and everything you need to eat it (plates, glasses, utensils, etc … we will not be doing dishes communally for public health reasons.) We will set up physically distanced seating and ask everyone to be masked when you are not actively eating. This is the zoom link to attend virtually: If you have questions, please reach out to Meagan Morse at [email protected].
Friday, August 26, 7:30 pm MT, ZOOM (4th Friday)
Chanting Kabbalat Shabbat
with Stephanie Sofie Shefia Cohen & Judy Brown
It’s So Hot!
"A river flows from Eden to water the garden" (Genesis 2:10) invokes the river of divine plenty that flows eternally from Source, from the depths of divinity into the garden of reality. This Shabbat, we will water our inner gardens with praise for the life-sustaining liquid we long for. Join us to cool off with water-related chants during the Chanting Kabbalat Shabbat, 7:30 this Friday evening. Sofie Shefia Stephanie Cohen and Judy Brown will be leading the flow of chants invoking rain, rivers, and cooling mist.  
Our cool rooms will connect via Zoom again this month, while we look forward to sharing a hybrid space soon where we can hear all chanters blending our voices in harmonies and rounds. In the meantime, bring your AC, ice water, spray bottles and voices to ride the waves at ID 819 8456 7580, pw SHABBAT
And there’s another opportunity to cool, on the river and even in the river, as a part of the Journey to Elul Green River Canoe Trip in Southern Utah with Rabbis Eli Herb and Shefa Gold, August 22-29. Imagine our chants echoing through the magnificent Canyonlands as we paddle our way down the Green River to the confluence with the Colorado. Imagine living a blessed weeklong break from the news, sheltered by the wilderness. While the full moon of Av wanes, we will welcome Elul, as we wash away this last year and purify our hearts with rituals, simple living, and good company. There are just a few spots left. For more information and to register, contact Rabbi Eli at [email protected] Judy can also share information after our Chanting Shabbat this week, as this will be her fourth time on this chanting pilgrimage.
Stay cool, and join us Friday to dive into the river of chant.

CLICK HERE for the chant sheet.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 819 8456 7580 Passcode: SHABBAT (same each month)
Friday September 2, 6:30 PM - 8:30/ 9'ish PM
Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Community Klezmer band & Rikud dancers in Nahalat Shalom’s sanctuary.
In person ---and On Zoom: Meeting ID: 818 6684 8120 Passcode: SIMKHE18
6:15 PM - Doors and Zoom room opens. 6:30 PM - danced and participatory service with Rikud to the music of Klezmer band with Cantor Beth. 
7:25 PM - Kiddush and Ha-Motzee. 7:30-8:10 PM - Optional Potluck vegetarian dinner.
8:15-9:00 PM - Recreational Jewish dancing led by members of Rikud to the music of The Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band and jamming musician friends.
For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen: [email protected].You can find more information on our website.  Link to PDF of NEW Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet:
Meeting ID: 818 6684 8120 Passcode: SIMKHE18
Saturday, September 3, 10:00 am, MST, ZOOM (1st Saturday )
Chanting Morning Shabbat Service with Miryam Levy
Going Deep with Davennen
The service will be contemplative as we take time to enter the liturgy through chant, then pause in the silence long enough to allow for an unfolding of possibilities and to develop the skillful practice that allows for Shabbat consciousness to flourish. See this month's chant sheet here as well as the kaddish.
Meeting ID: 801 481 3128 Passcode: Sinai (same each month)  
Friday, September 9, 7 pm MT (2nd Friday) In Person and on Zoom
Sephardic Kabbalat Shabbat 
with Stephanie Sofie Shefia Cohen
Sephardic Shabbat will meet in person this month, for a vegetarian potluck dinner under a canopy in Nahalat Shalom's beautiful courtyard. Please bring a vegetarian dish and join us if you can. We will also be Zooming the event for our out of town friends and others who are unable to attend in person. A monitor will be set up so that those on Zoom can participate and be seen and heard by those who are physically present at the dinner/service. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Please join us as we celebrate Shabbat in the Sephardic tradition. Sofie Shefia will lead us in song and prayer, joined by Hershel Weiss, one of the founding organizers. The evening includes an opportunity for everyone to share from their heart, and Sephardic poetry readings presented by writer, researcher, teacher and translator Héctor Contreras López. During the months of May, June and July we focus on the Ladino poetry of Abraham Zacarías López Penha
[Avatar] by Abraham Zacarías López Penha

Meeting ID: 898 1462 4964 Passcode: 662484

Abraham Zacarías López Penha was born on March 18, 1865, in Curaçao. His parents, Haim

Daniel López Penha (1820-1897) and Rachel Levy Maduro (1818-1875) were both members of

very old Sephardic Curaçaoan families. In 1886 Abraham moved to Barranquilla, Colombia,

where his sister Sarah and his brother David were already established. Unlike David, who was a

very successful businessman, Abraham made a career as a writer, journalist and bookstore

owner. He published several collections of poetry, and novels, and corresponded with a lot of

artists, writers and intellectuals of his time. Among his poetry books are Cromos (1895),

Reflorescencias exóticas, efímeras (1898), and El libro de las incoherencias (1909). We know

that he published at least two novels: Camila Sánchez, novela de costumbres (1897), and La

desposada de una sombra (1903). According to Ramón Illán Bacca, the poetry and prose written

in Barranquilla at the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth, was

indeed Modernista, but still with a heavy Romantic influence. In the words of Josette Capriles,

“[Abraham Zacarías] died destitute and abandoned in 1927 and is buried in the old Sephardic

cemetery of the Cementerio Universal in his adoptive city of Barranquilla” (211).

Saturday, Septmeber 10, 10:00 am MST, In Person and on ZOOM (Usually 3rd Saturday)

Minyan HaLev with Rabbi Deborah Brin & Noach Bloom

Have fun during Shabbat morning services with Noah Bloom and Rabbi Deborah Brin. Learn new Jew-stuff and enjoy FINALLY being in the sanctuary or in the Zoom room with our beloved community. Bring nosh to share. Challah and grape juice will be provided. Shabbat Morning Siddur.

Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha – eBook Siddur (Prayer Book) PDF purchase

Meeting ID: 842 9631 7328 Passcode: 411114

Septmeber 16, 6:00-7:15 pm MT, ZOOM ONLY(3rd Friday)

Kabbalat Shabbat...just when we need Shabbat!!!

Join Rabbi Min for regularly scheduled Kabbalat Shabbat in person and onv Zoom. Gather in community to find connection, to rest from the frantic pace of worry, to sing and welcome Shabbat in our new way of being together. Let's celebrate social & spiritual closeness!!! 

ID: 860 0695 0921 Passcode: 877536

Saturday, September 17, 10 am - 12 noon MST, Zoom (2nd Saturday)
Renewal Shabbat with Rabbi Chavah Carp 
Our Renewal Shabbat is open to all. We embrace prayer with an open heart and imbed the Torah's themes in our services to bring them forward to our daily life and spiritual practice. Prayers for Healing are always included as well as the Mourners Kaddish to remember those who came before us. See Renewal Siddur.
Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 896 7420 2247 Passcode: 912758 (same every week)
Nahalat Shalom Events

Sunday August 28 and Monday August 29, JCC

Joey Weisenberg Concert and Workshop

Multi-instrumentalist Joey Weisenberg is performing at the JCC. Limited seating available.More info here.

Monday, August 29, 4:00pm MT Zoom

Hebrew Class Taught by Rabbi Min

If you're a previous Hebrew student, let me know and I'll send you a Zoom link.

If you are not a previous student, contact me via email with your phone number and I will call you and talk about your Hebrew level (I'm assuming all people are pretty much beginners). Rabbi Min [email protected]

Thursday, Septmeber 1, 6 pm MT, 7 pm CT, 8 pm ET

KZOOM with Rabbi Shefa Gold

Friends, please come on time (which means a few minutes early). Please find all of the practices we will do together here. Feel free to prepare in advance by learning and exploring these sacred medicines.

Zoom Meeting ID: 815 976 0138 Passcode: 270959

Friday September 2, 11:45 am 1:00 pm, MT, ZOOM 

Beyond the Torah Study Group

Join us every week or as the spirit moves you. Self-led group delves into the entire Bible, book by book, discussing literal, ethical and spiritual meaning of the great writings of our ancestors. All are welcome to join at any point. We hope you will join us!

Meeting ID: 844 6651 3977 Passcode: Neviim

Sunday, September 11, 2:00 - 3:30 pm MT, Zoom (2nd Sunday )
Peer-led Discussion Group for Nahalat Shalom Members
Personal and Jewish Responses to Racism
Please join on the second Sunday of each month for an ongoing, peer-led group to meet and share what we are learning and to reflect on and discuss issues of systemic racism, white privilege, allyship, and the intersection with our own traumas. Our intention is to create a space to ask questions, learn, and hold each other up in support of personal growth and anti-racist actions. All Nahalat Shalom members are welcome. Contact [email protected] for the meeting ID.  
Sunday September 11, 5:30pm MT Zoom
NS Va'ad (Board) Meeting
Nahalat Shalom Va'ad Meeting All Nahalat Shalom members are invited to attend our monthly Va;ad (Board of Directors) meeting. Please email [email protected] for zoom invitation.
Sunday October 16 3-5pm
Klezmer & Rikud dancers rehearsal for Simchat Torah service and Hakafot in Nahalat Shalom's Sanctuary
Rehearsal for current band members only. New dancers are always welcome. [email protected] Beth Cohen for more info.
Community Action / Tikkun Olam

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 22, 6:30 pm 

Community Action Committee Meeting

The committee serves as liaison between Nahalat Shalom and various other faith, social, political, and service organizations in the community. These include groups such as ABQ Interfaith, the Black Lives Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace and ongoing service projects for families and youth in need through St. Martin's HopeWorks and APS respectively. The committee meets on the 4th Thursday of the month. All are welcome! Contact Becky Gordon at  [email protected] for the zoom link if you are interested in attending, 

Human Rights Advocacy Training Project Fundraiser
From Lori Rudolph: There is a new advocacy project for Palestinian youth who live in three different communities in the West Bank. This is a collaborative project with the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association in the UK and the UK/Palestine Social Work and Human Rights Society. This is the first step towards realizing our vision of creating a mental health/advocacy center in Hebron. Riad Arar, former director of Defense for Children International-Palestine’s Protection and Social Mobilization Program is the founder of the UK/Palestine Social Work and Human Rights Society. More info here.
Support Asylum Seekers
 Hi, all. We are receiving asylum seekers from the border in ABQ once again, now that some border policies have expired, and we're helping families on their way to their sponsors by assisting them at the ABQ Sunport. If you speak Spanish, French, or Portuguese (and perhaps soon we'll need Ukrainian and Russian) and you want to help out a couple of hours per week or per month at the airport, please let me know. Otherwise, you can also provide support with donations of items on the attached list or monetarily by donating to St. Therese Catholic Church at 300 Mildred, NW, ABQ, 87107. Please write "asylum-seekers" on the memo line. Feel free to contact Cris Elder [email protected] with questions.

Nahalat Shalom Tikkun Olam Projects

Please contact [email protected] or Kathryn at [email protected] / 505 256 7669 to arrange drop off and with questions about all our Tikkun Olam Projects.

Donations Needed New
The Red Nation is working on getting books (poetry, books for youth, and other writing/Political Education specifically by Native, Palestinian, and Black/African organizers/authors) to incarcerated folks in the Navajo Nation. ABQ Showing Up for Racial Justice and Nahalat Shalom are working to help gather books for TRN. The books should be in newer condition (i.e. without writing in them, since that might limit the facilities acceptance of the books); magazines cannot be accepted. You can drop books off between Monday, August 1 and Tuesday, August 16th at Nahalat Shalom, where there will be a box in the covered portal of the courtyard by the entrance to the space used by Mutual Aid for drop off at any time.
Homeless APS students
More than 2500 Homeless APS students last year. We want to make sure those students who return have some food when they aren’t at school.  James, picked up another large load of foods and supplies on July 29, 2022.  Needed ongoing donations include protein items, pop top chef boy r dee, tuna snack boxes, easy open small containers of fruit, ramen noodles, mac n cheese, individual peanut butter —but not Jif--, breakfast and energy bars, juice boxes, personal hygiene items especially shampoo and conditioner.  These foods and supplies make a difference to a hungry child and especially to an unaccompanied teenager. These supplies and food help keep a kid going to school. Thank you all so much for donating to this project. 
St Martins HopeWorks Re-homing project and day shelter 
The Program Manager for Hope Village has reported that the residents would appreciate some art supplies!  While the re-homing projects still need small lamps, brooms, mops, cups and bowls, bedding, sheets, blankets, towels and other household goods, please also include some art supplies. No children’s items, please. 
Many thanks to all the donors to these projects. These donations help our community.
Please contact [email protected] or Kathryn at [email protected] / 505 256 7669 to arrange drop off and with questions.
The unhoused/homelessness program has an exciting learning opportunity for you! The attached flyer has all of the details. Stacy Burleson, Executive Director of Women in Leadership will present a training on overdose prevention, recognition and response, including information about Narcan. You will leave this training with Narcan for your facility and an understanding of how to use it. RSVP and get registered today!!

Asylum Seekers: We are supporting close to 100 asylum seekers now resident in our beautiful Albuquerque who have journeyed from devastating situations in countries all over the world. Join others from your and other congregations around town in this transformative work. and contact Elijah at [email protected]
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: One of our members, Alan Wagman, has been working with Vecina, an Austin, TX non-profit (, on their Family Reunification Project. The FRP facilitates the release of unaccompanied children from immigration detention, teaming attorneys (licensed in any state), administrative support, and translators to represent the children's relatives in the U.S. seeking to qualify as sponsors to whom the children may be released.
There are 3 volunteer functions for the Family Reunification Project: Interpereter, Administrative Support and Pro Bono Attorney. Please go to the website if interested.
Care in the Nahalat Shalom Community
Nahalat Shalom Mishpocha Caring Committee
Mishpocha means extended family in Yiddish. We support Nahalat Shalom members in times of need and times of joy (new baby). Services are for those who live alone, don't have other support or whose caregivers are exhausted. We follow current COVID guidelines. Your message to us will be confidential. To volunteer to help, or if you have a need or know someone who has a need, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].
End of Life Resources
Visit our website at for complete information about end of life preparation, support, and cemetery.
We are sending out our prayers, healing energy and thoughts Stephen Feldman.
We are sending out our prayers, healing energy and thoughts to two year old, Nolan Ben Roni.
We ask for healing prayers for
Yael McKeever and her caregiver Rabbi Deborah Brin
Erica Lea-Simka (See Erica's Caring Bridge page to follow her story.)
Please email your requests for Healing Prayers to [email protected]
See VIDEO of Debbie Friedman z"l singing her beautiful healing prayer.
Community Events
Free Food available every 3rd Tuesday of the month -- at Villa Nueva Senior Apartments -- Zearing @ 18th St. off Rio Grande (see more complete directions at end of announcement).
Every month what is brought varies greatly. There can be large quantities of a variety of breads, canned or boxed items, frozen organic dinners and frozen vegetables, dairy, sometimes frozen meats, fruits and vegetables (often in great condition, sometimes needing to be used soon), and much more!!! Take as much as you like - bring a big cart or basket. (A huge truck brings this delivery, so there's always quite a lot!!!) -- What is available can suit many dietary preferences - just pick and choose according to your own needs -- 
Please come after 12:30 (residents only from 11:30 to 12:30) then it's Open to All from 12:30 till @ 4 PM. Staff may start closing up after 3 PM and there is less left by then, so come early-ish, if you can. 
From Rio Grande, 2 small blocks South of I40 (or 1 block north of Bellamah, afterHotel ABQ) \call Varda at 505-553-6693 (cell) or email [email protected]
New Mexico Climate Action
There are many ways to become involvedIf you are interested in receiving their calendar in a monthly email newsletter or wish to add an event, reach them at Contact NM CLIMATE ACTION
Community Resources
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal is a trans-denominational approach to revitalizing Judaism.We combine the socially progressive values of egalitarianism, the joy of Hasidism, the informed do-it-yourself spirit of the havurah movement and the accumulated wisdom of centuries of tradition. We offer many programs of spiritual support during the pandemic. Visit our WEBSITE. Nahalat Shalom is a member of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Bend the Arc is the only national Jewish organization focused exclusively on progressive social change in the United States.
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace is a national, grassroots organization inspired by Jewish tradition to work for a just and lasting peace according to principles of human rights, equality, and international law for all the people of Israel and Palestine.
Learn more at WEBSITE. Become a MEMBER. Email [email protected] to join a local chapter.
New Mexico Jewish Link You can view the latest Spring 2021 Issue as a PDF HERE. To request a printed copy, contact o[email protected].
Financial Assistance for COVID-19 STILL Available
The Jewish Federation of New Mexico has launched the Jewish Community Assistance Fund (JCAF) to provide emergency and recovery support (up to $1,800) to individuals and families within the Jewish community impacted by COVID-19.
For more information, contact Rob Lennick, Executive Director ,Jewish Federation of New Mexico, 505-348-4458 or [email protected].
Relationships Are the Keys to Community.
Every community has unique needs and personalities. Here's a story of how one congregation is responding to the unhoused at their door. ABQ FaithWorks can assist clergy and members discern and develop the appropriate response for their specific situations. Email Amy Malick, [email protected], and make a positive difference in your community. Read about the Friends Meeting at

Jewish Care Program
The Jewish Care Program is dedicated to the well-being of our most vulnerable community members, moving them from isolation to connection. If you or someone you know is in need of JCP’s services, please visit our website or contact us.
Our Locations:
  • Jen Dennis, Senior Services Manager, at (505) 348-4443
  • Stacey McMullen, MSW, Social Services Manager, at (505) 395-4445
  • Rabbi Art Flicker, Community Chaplain, at (505) 400-7966
Albuquerque On the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Campus
5520 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Santa Fe: 50 Washington Ave, Suite 201 Santa Fe, NM 87501.

Ongoing Every Thursday, 2:30 pm MT, Zoom
Jewish Care Program Well-Being Conversations
Join Stacey McMullen, social Services Manager for the Jewish Care Program, for week gatherings to discuss how you are attending to your well-being and what you are learning from life during these uncertain times.Email [email protected] for Zoom link .
Spiritual Resources in the Renewal Tradition
Rabbi Gold's website is at wonderful resource for chants and teachings in good times and bad. You can find and listen to a chant for any situation, even now.
Rabbi Roth's website offers many meditations and teaching in the Renewal tradition.
Innovative and progressive spiritual programming dedicated to transforming Judaism, the Jewish people, and the world
Jewish tradition offers rich, accessible, and time-tested resources to cope with moments like these. The Institute for Jewish Spirituality, which has pioneered the development and teaching of Jewish mindfulness practices for over 20 years, is offering resources to our community:
Romemu (roh·meh·moo) is a vibrant, innovative synagogue in New York City led by Rabbi David Ingber. They offer many online experience in the Renewal Tradition.
Congregation Nahalat Shalom is a spiritual and cultural center for Jewish Renewal in the Southwest. We affirm and support the discovery and exploration of our diverse identities and heritages.
We are a vibrant community, open and welcoming to individuals, couples, and families of all sizes, shapes and colors. Nahalat Shalom values, nurtures, and needs the creative, spiritual, and intellectual contributions of each member. We cultivate and live our Judaism through worship, learning, dialogue, joyful celebrations, community involvement, arts, music, and dance.
Children are always welcome in our sanctuary and at our celebrations and events, and they genuinely enjoy themselves in our once a week religious school. We are committed to living, sharing and passing on a vital and heartfelt Judaism to those who come after us.
Congregation Nahalat Shalom | 3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW | 505.343.8227