Friday, June 3, 7 pm MT (2nd Friday)
Sephardic Kabbalat Shabbat 
with Stephanie Sofie Shefia Cohen
Please join us as we celebrate Shabbat in the Sephardic tradition. Sofie Shefia will lead us in song and prayer, joined by Hershel Weiss, one of the founding organizers. The evening includes an opportunity for everyone to share from their heart, and Sephardic poetry readings presented by writer, researcher, teacher and translator Héctor Contreras López. During the months of May, June and July we focus on the Ladino poetry of Abraham Zacarías López Penha
[Profética] ([A Prophesy]) by Abraham Zacarías López Penha

Meeting ID: 898 1462 4964 Passcode: 662484