This exciting growth brings a few temporary challenges. August 23-29, our system will be affected while we add Kuna’s items to our online catalog.
During this time:
● Items will still be available for checkout with your physical library card present. (The system will not allow us to use a barcode without a physical card present, please visit a library branch prior to August 23 if you do not have a physical card currently and would like to request one).
● Any items you return will NOT be checked in until after Aug 29 - there will be no late fees during this time.
● Items will not be able to be placed on hold.
● “My Account” and the public catalog for searching will not be accessible.
● Interlibrary Loans (ILLs) will not be available.
● New checkouts on OverDrive will not be available, and other electronic materials will be limited.
● Patrons can only pick up their own holds associated with their card.
● Programs will not be affected.