Below is some information to help your child get off to a healthy start as we begin a new school year! Please put this on your calendar!
Important Reminder for Students Entering Grade 12…
New Regulations from the RI Department of Health now require all students entering Grade 12 to receive a second dose of the Meningitis Vaccine (one given after the age of 16) as well as an updated Physical Exam from their Healthcare Provider.
The Physical Exam Form can be found at:
. Please feel free to call Ms. Manzi, RN if you have any questions or concerns about these new requirements.
It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking About the Flu!
For NHS Students only...
The Vaccinate Before you Graduate (VBYG) Program will be offering all NHS students an opportunity to get the flu vaccine at school during the school day!
This Flu Clinic for NHS students will be held in the morning on Tuesday, October 16th
. A signed consent form will be needed if you want your child to receive the flu vaccine at school. More information will be provided to you in September.
And for everyone in the Narragansett Community……
The Narragansett School System Community Flu Clinic will also be held on Tuesday, November 8th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Narragansett Pier School.
More information will be available soon!
For all other vaccinations for NHS Students…….
There will be opportunities for all NHS students to receive seasonal flu vaccine
as well as other necessary vaccinations
(such as Hepatitis A & B, meningitis, varicella, HPV, etc.) through the
Vaccinate Before You Graduate Program
during the school day on certain dates throughout the school year - at no cost to you. More information will be sent to you this fall or you can visit
or call
for more information. Please consider taking advantage of this great opportunity to protect your child from vaccine-preventable diseases!
Tips for a Healthy School Year….
Physical Exams:
The teenage years are a time of great change - physical, emotional, social, etc., which makes it so important that your child see a healthcare provider every year for a physical exam. Studies show the strong connection between health and academic achievement, so it is important to confirm that your child is healthy and ready to learn! If your child will be participating in an organized sport a physical examination is required. Physical Exam forms for sports participation are available from the Athletic Director, the nurse, or on the NHS website.
Vision Exams:
It is recommended that all students receive a vision exam by an eye care professional. To be in compliance with RI School Health Regulations, students in Grade 9 receive a vision screening from the School Nurse each year.
Dental Exams:
The connection between dental health and overall physical health has been in the news recently. Dental Forms will be sent home with Grade 9 students in the fall. To be in compliance with RI School Health Regulations, students in Grade 9 that do not provide documentation of having had a dental exam within the past year will receive a non-invasive screening by our school dentist in the spring. Please contact the school nurse if you would like information about services from the Thundermist Dental Program for students at NHS. Information about this program will be available in the fall.
Emergency Contact Information:
Please complete and return the Emergency Contact Information form that your child will bring home during the first week of school. This form also includes permission to administer Acetaminophen (generic Tylenol), throat lozenges and/or Tums if needed during the school day. If contact information or health information changes during the school year, please inform the school nurse as soon as possible.
As you know, the RI Department of Health requires certain vaccinations for school attendance. I will notify you if your child is missing any of the required immunizations. If this is the case, you can see your child’s health care provider or take advantage of the VBYG Program at NHS to assure your child has all of the required vaccines. Colleges have vaccine requirements as well, so especially for graduating seniors this is the time to confirm that your child has all required vaccines. If your child receives immunizations, please send a copy of the immunization record to the school nurse so your child’s health record can be updated.
Health Concerns:
Please keep the school nurse up to date regarding any physical or mental health issue affecting your child.
If your child has a chronic condition such as diabetes, asthma, etc. that could have an impact on his/her education, please speak with the school nurse about a setting up a health care plan to help NHS staff meet your child’s needs during the school day. Please notify the school nurse if your child has been diagnosed with a potentially contagious illness (such as the flu, strep throat, etc.). Just a reminder - frequent handwashing with soap & water is the best way for us to keep these contagious illnesses from getting into our bodies and making us ill!
Medications: Please remember: Students are not allowed to carry any medication – Prescription or OTC – without prior authorization, which must be renewed each school year. Please call the school nurse or refer to the Student Handbook for more information.
There is a Medication Form (available from the nurse or on the NHS website) that must be completed by your child’s physician before any medication can be taken or be administered by the school nurse. Some medications, including inhalers and Epi-Pens, may be self-carried and self-administered by a student, but the medication form must still be completed by the physician, who must indicate that the medication may be self-carried and self-administered. The Medication Form (or another one the physician may have that includes the necessary information) can be faxed to the nurse at 792-9410. Please note that students cannot, under any circumstances, self-carry or self-administer controlled substances (such as Ritalin). These must be stored in the Health Office and administered by the school nurse. If you give permission on the Emergency Contact Information Form, the school nurse can administer Acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol), cough drops/throat lozenges and/or Tums to your child if needed on an occasional basis without a Medication Form. All other medications, including ibuprophen (generic Advil), require the completion of a Medication Form by a physician. All medications brought to school must be in their original labeled container. Please call the school nurse for any questions or concerns regarding medications.
I look forward to another great school year at NHS! Again, please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions/concerns.
Yours for a safe and healthy school year,
Marianne Manzi, MED, BSN, RN, CSNT