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We are excited to announce the launch of the new Narrative.

Introducing the newly updated Narrative, a one-stop-shop for the latest NAACCR news and information, including updates on the association, training, events, cancer registries and cancer surveillance reports.

Our goal is to equip and empower you with valuable information to optimize your cancer registry. Articles are now released on an ongoing basis and, as always, are free to NAACCR members and the cancer surveillance community. NAACCReview blog posts are now integrated with the new Narrative, so you can find everything in one place.

Make Every Cancer Count

Cancer affects thousands of people across North America every year. Each cancer case must contribute to our knowledge and understanding so that we may reduce the burden of these diseases. Narrative provides a platform for the cancer surveillance community to collaborate and share data that will improve health outcomes.

Discover the

most recent updates

and innovations

in cancer

data utilization.

Stay up-to-date with the Narrative by re-subscribing today, as you will not get updates from the previous system unless you re-subscribe. You will receive quarterly highlights of the best of Narrative and other occasional updates.

Get Narrative Updates

Featured Articles

Upcoming Nominations:

2024 NAACCR Board of Director Positions

The NAACCR Nominating Committee is kicking off the annual process of encouraging dedicated individuals to serve the NAACCR community.

Message from the President: NAACCR's Strategic Initiatives

President Wendy Aldinger shares her thoughts on this fall's most important strategic initiatives.

NAACCR Education and Training Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date with industry best practices with NAACCR Talks, CTR exam prep, and our webinar series.

Contribute to Narrative

We strongly encourage NAACCR members to share their expertise by submitting articles at any time. Your contributions are invaluable in helping to further Narrative’s mission.

How to Submit

  1. Login to my.NAACCR. Submit an article through your my.NAACCR account. Click on the Submit to Narrative link in the left-hand sidebar. NAACCR members, staff, committee liaisons and board members can submit an article.
  2. Fill out the article form. Prepare your article separately and then fill out the article submission form. The form will guide you through the necessary fields for successful article submission, including headline, body copy, byline and calls-to-action.
  3. Participate in the review process. The managing editor reviews the article. If any changes are necessary, you will be contacted via email
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