To view the schedule of events at Nassau Church, please visit the website calendar: | |
Sunday, January 14
9:15 AM - Livestream & In-Person
11:00 AM - In-Person Only
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Multifaith Service in Honor of
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Monday, January 15, 7:00 PM, Sanctuary & Livestream
Nassau Presbyterian Church will host this Community Service celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, sponsored by the Princeton Clergy Association. Join the pick-up Community Multifaith Choir – rehearsal before the service at 6:00 PM, music room.
Contact Lauren McFeaters (609-924-0103x102)
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Dan + Claudia Zanes Community Concert | |
Saturday, January 13 at 5:00 PM
We look forward to welcoming folk musicians Dan + Claudia Zanes back to Nassau Church this week!
This special evening supports Arm in Arm. Admission will be one boxed or canned food item per person.
Let’s pack the pews, fill the pantry and raise the roof!
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Arm In Arm donation lists are available in the literature rack outside the church office and on our website. | |
Come and participate in this morning of hands-on projects when we act on our Christian commitment to human flourishing in all places. All hands are needed and welcome.
Monday, January 15, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, Assembly Room
We will be making pet blankets for orphaned animals, putting together sack lunches for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), assembling Creativity Kits for HomeFront, collecting personal care products for Arm in Arm clients and making calendars for ABC Literacy. Donation items are listed below.
Contact Kristin Koop
Creativity Kits for HomeFront
pkgs. of crayons (24–48 ct.)
pkgs. of colored pencils (24–28 ct.)
pkgs. of markers (10–12 ct.)
coloring books
coloring pads/sketch pads
individual packages of stickers
Personal Care Products for Arm in Arm
toothbrushes and toothpaste
shampoo and conditioner
razors and shaving cream
soaps and lotion
feminine products
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Monday, January 15, 1:00-3:00 pm,
Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve, 57 Mountain Ave., Princeton
We will work with Friends of Princeotn Open Space to remove invasive species within riparian restoration project areas, as well as install deer-exclusion caging to protect young tree saplings. Registration Required - link below, choose the PM time slot.
Contact Mark Edwards (609-924-0103x109)
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Second Annual MLK Day of Service Teach In | |
Monday, January 15, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Princeton Middle School
Join the Paul Robeson House for a day of learning and vision casting around the theme: Focus on the W: Women & Wives of the Civil Rights Movements. The work of social justice has always been fueled by the power of women like Eslanda Robeson. We will learn more about her life and work in conversation with women from her sorority sisters (Delta Sigma Theta) to her co-author Pearl Buck and through her writings that address issues we still face today.
Registration Required
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Give online using the link provided or by using Church Life on your phone. Checks can be mailed to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, dropped off in the drop box near the base of the ramp by the parking lot or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning. | |
To donate to a specific fund, use the drop-down menu. | |
The Session is grateful for the 2024 pledges received so far. | |
| 2023 | 2024 (to date) | Units | 266 | 235 | Amount | $1,309,319 | $1,274,257 | | |
If you have not yet pledged your support of Nassau Presbyterian Church for 2024, please consider joining us in supporting our daily ministry and mission. Pledge forms can be found in the literature rack outside the church office, online using the button below, or by logging on to My Nassau. | |
Find out more about Nassau's recently featured mission partners on our website. | |
Learn more about what is happening at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church this week. | |
Recital of Solo and Four-Hand Piano Music | |
Thursday, January 18 at 12:15 PM, Niles Chapel
Westminster Conservatory at Nassau resumes with a recital of music for solo piano and piano four hands. Westminster Conservatory faculty members Galina Prilutskaya and Inessa Gleyzerova Shindel will perform music of Franz Schubert, W.A. Mozart, Felix Mendelssohn, and Moritz Moszkowski. The recital is open to the public free of charge.
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We next meet on January 21 at 12:15 pm in the Conference Room to discuss the novel Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry. Please bring a sack lunch and something to share.
Contact Ginger August (609-462-6960)
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Central NJ Interfaith Stitchers for Peace | |
January 21, 2:00 - 4:00 PM, Harlingen Church, Rt 206 Belle Meade
February 18, 2:00 -4:00 PM, Islamic Society of Central Jersey, Rt 1 South Brunswick
We are dedicated to crafting hope, healing, and peace one stitch at a time and are non-violent revolutionaries united in a compassionate fight for hope, healing, and peace for all, no exceptions. Christian, Jewish, and Muslim houses of worship take turns hosting our meetings, including Nassau. We are a Peace Pod of Join us!
Contact Juanell Boyd (732-690-7789)
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2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, 1:30 - 2:30 PM, Stonebridge (Skillman, NJ)
Love to sing, but can’t get to choir? Grace Note Singers is the answer. Open to all and especially welcoming to those with physical or schedule limitations that make it difficult to participate in adult choir. Under the leadership of Noel Werner, we provide a place to minister and be ministered to through participation in a choir.
Contact Julia Coale or Juanell Boyd
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Art of Faithfulness: Poetic Vision | |
Mondays, Jan 22-Feb 19, 7:00-8:30 pm, Conference Room & Zoom
Painting and other visual arts have inspired much poetry, and we will discover the creative and spiritual connection between vision and word, both in the works of others and in our own reflecting, praying, and writing.
Contact Roz Anderson Flood
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HomeFront ArtSpace
Comes to the Conference Room
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ArtSpace studio is located at the heart of the HomeFront Family Campus in Ewing, NJ. Clients learn about and experiment with multiple media in this healing, non-judgmental environment. In the process, they discover personal and truthful content that allows them to explore their feelings, increases self-confidence, restores a sense of personal well-being, and reminds them of their goals and dreams. Details about purchasing are available in the Conference Room. | |
Summer 2024 - Trips for Youth & Adults | |
Splash Camp, July 1-4, rising grades 6-9
Appalachia Service Project, July 7-13, Age 14 and up
Deadline: Sunday, February 4, 2024
Registration forms are available in the literature rack outside the church office. Scholarships are available.
Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)
Adult (21+) volunteers are needed as well.
Contact Mark Edwards (609-924-0103 x109)
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For pastoral news on congregational life including births, deaths, marriages, use the button below. | |
Nassau's Weekly Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional | |
D365 is a Presbyterian Church (USA) website and app offering a daily devotional experience written on a single theme for one week. Through scripture, prayer, and blessing you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of faith. You're invited to let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God.
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While the building remains locked on some weekdays, administrative staff are onsite full time and program staff are in the office regularly. Please use the doorbell at the ramp entrance if you need access when the church office is open. If you need to drop something off, the locked drop box at the bottom of the ramp is checked daily.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Please visit the staff contact page for emails and phone extensions or leave a voicemail on the general office line 609-924-0103 (dial 0) or send an email to
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Updating your Information | |
Please help us update our data base. | |
Nassau Presbyterian Church | Website
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