To view the schedule of events at Nassau Church, please visit the website calendar: | |
9:15 AM - Livestream & In-Person
11:00 AM - In-Person Only
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Give online using the link provided or by using Church Life on your phone. Checks can be mailed to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, dropped off in the drop box near the base of the ramp by the parking lot or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning. | |
To donate to a specific fund, use the drop-down menu. | |
Lunch & Learn with Karlfried Froehlich | |
This Sunday, February 25, at 12 PM in the Assembly Room. Reserve your spot ASAP. | |
2024 Per Capita Assessment | |
The per capita assessment for 2024 is $40 per member (Confirmation and above). Per capita represents the denominational costs related to the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast, and Presbytery of the Coastlands. The funds are utilized for both mission and administrative expenses. Please consider donating your or your family's Per Capita assessment to help defray this cost. | |
This Sunday, February 25, we will receive the monthly Hunger Offering, a designated special offering for alleviating hunger in our community and around the world. The Mission Committee partners with the following recipients of the hunger offering: HomeFront, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Send Hunger Packing Princeton, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, and Uniting Reformed Church in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Thank you for giving until all are fed. | |
Valentines for Food - 20th Anniversary | |
Through February 29
Arm In Arm is asking for our support of Valentines for Food (VFF), its biggest food and hunger awareness drive of the year. It is now tradition for several Nassau members to provide a matching donation to YOUR donations through the end of February. Please use the special offering envelopes in the pews or donate online. Thank you for your continued partnership with Arm In Arm as they expand food access in Mercer County!
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Deacon Mission Cards & Gifts | |
Sundays March 10 & 17 after each service of worship
Twice a year Cards & Gifts are offered for sale to support international mission partners. You are invited to join the Nassau members who design and create them. Saturdays, February 24 to March 9, 2:00-4:00 PM in the Assembly Room. All materials are provided. Contact Agnes Olah for more information.
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Find out more about Nassau's recently featured mission partners on our website. | |
Celebrating Black History Month | |
Learn more about the special events at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church this month. | |
Lunch & Learn with Karlfried Froehlich | |
Sunday, March 24, 12:00-1:30 pm
Assembly Room with a light lunch, suggested donation $12
Join us to hear Karlfried share about religious art in Florence. RSVP by Wednesday, 3/20, using the link below or contacting the church office.
Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)
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As a vibrant, diverse Christian community, Nassau Presbyterian Church depends on faithful, informed, and visionary leaders. Your Nominations Committee values your suggestions as we prepare the slate of officers to be presented to the congregation for Elder, Deacon, Audit Committee, and the Nominations Committee. Nominees must be active church members and cannot be clergy. Please use the online form below.
Paper forms, found in the narthex, literature rack and church office, may be filled out on Sunday mornings and returned to the church office.
Contact Melissa Davis or Tom Coogan
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You are invited to give an Easter tulip in memory or honor of a loved one. A full listing will be printed in the Easter Order of Worship on March 31. Tulips can be taken from the church after the 11:00 AM service of Easter worship.
Deadline: March 17
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GriefEncounters Support Group | |
Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM, 3/5, 12, 19, 26; 4/9, 16, Conference Room
Wednesdays 10:00-11:30 AM, 3/13, 20, 27; 4/10, 17, Conference Room
Grief is one of life’s most profound experiences. Many of us are simply not prepared for the level of sadness, isolation, and vulnerability that often result after losing someone we deeply love. This spring we have expanded and will offer two separate groups. Please join us as we share our journeys of grief, supported by God’s grace, scripture, and one another.
Contact Lois Foley (Tues. evenings)
Contact Sara Alyea (Wed. mornings)
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Art of Faithfulness: Murals in Motion | |
Saturday, March 2, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Assembly Room
Whether you view yourself as creative or not, you are made in the image of the great Creator. Julie Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, states, "When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God." The disciplines of art and dance will be joined together, creating a playful and supportive morning to explore your view of God and yourself through movement, art, creation, and conversation. Middle School and up!
Contact Carmelle Beaugelin or Annalise Hume
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Art of Faithfulness: Creatio Divina | |
Mondays, Feb 26-Mar 25, 7:00-8:30 PM, Conference Room & Zoom
CreatioDivina, hosted by BeauFolio Studio, combines the spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina with the guided practice of creating sacred visual art. We will utilize various modes of creativity to reflect on our emerging stories as we dwell on the Seven Last Words of Jesus during this Lenten small group.
Contact Carmelle Beaugelin
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The William & Mary Choir in Concert | |
Friday, February 23, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary
This esteemed college choir is coming to Princeton as part of their 100th anniversary tour. Under the direction of Daniel Edward Parks, their free concert will include works of American composers over the last century, such as Barber, Hailstork, and Nova, as well as selections from Fauré’s Requiem. Come enjoy these talented young singers, and spread the word!
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Conference Room Art Show:
Photography by Beatriz Rocha
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In and Out - Churches Across the World, is a collection of church images ranging from Rio de Janeiro to London and Lisbon, with stops in California, New York, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Princeton. Beatriz, a member of Nassau’s photography group, is among the 6th generation of Presbyterians in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church USA, and lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, Gerson. | |
For pastoral news on congregational life including births, deaths, marriages, use the button below. | |
Nassau's Weekly Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional | |
D365 is a Presbyterian Church (USA) website and app offering a daily devotional experience written on a single theme for one week. Through scripture, prayer, and blessing you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of faith. You're invited to let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God.
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While the building remains locked on some weekdays, administrative staff are onsite full time and program staff are in the office regularly. Please use the doorbell at the ramp entrance if you need access when the church office is open. If you need to drop something off, the locked drop box at the bottom of the ramp is checked daily.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Please visit the staff contact page for emails and phone extensions or leave a voicemail on the general office line 609-924-0103 (dial 0) or send an email to
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Updating your Information | |
Please help us update our data base. | |
Nassau Presbyterian Church | Website
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