April 18, 2023

To view the schedule of events at Nassau Church, please visit the website calendar:

Website Calendar

Sunday, April 23

Worship Services

9:15 AM - Livestream & In-Person

11:00 AM - In-Person

Not sure how to find our online worship? Livestream services can be found on the Nassau Church website. You can also watch live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Supporting Nassau Church

Give online using the link provided or by using Church Life on your phone. Checks can be mailed to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, dropped off in the drop box near the base of the ramp by the parking lot or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning.

Give Online to Nassau Church

To donate to a specific fund, use the drop-down menu.

PC(USA) Per Capita

The denomination’s per capita cost for 2023 is $40 per member (confirmed youth and adults). Please consider donating your per capita to help offset this charge from the denomination, which underwrites the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast, and the Presbytery of the Coastlands.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.

Mission and Outreach

Bishop William J. Barber to speak in Princeton

Sunday, April 30, 3:00 pm, Jewish Center of Princeton

Join with community clergy, social justice activists, leaders and elected legislators, and friends as we welcome the visionary and distinguished Bishop Barber to Princeton. This is not a fundraiser; there is no fee for attendance, but pre-registration is required to ensure your seat.

Register https://aasmf2023.eventbrite.com

Contact Ruth Schulman, Chair


Seeking Comprehensive Peace:

Advocating for Human Rights in Israel and Palestine

Washington DC, April 20-21, 2023

Join Churches for Middle East Peace for their first in-person Advocacy Summit since 2019. On April 20, 2023, you will hear from keynote speakers and panelists from Israel/Palestine and the U.S. including Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, and Rev. Dr. Jack Sara. Participants will have the opportunity to take the stories they have heard and advocate on behalf of human rights in Israel and Palestine with their Congressional offices on Friday, April 21. 

Contact Len Scales (609-924-0103 x103)

Learn More

Send a Child to a Ball Game

It’s time for the 25th Annual Outing to the Ball Park! In partnership with Westminster Presbyterian Church, help us send students to the Trenton Thunder game on Sunday, June 11th vs. the W. Virginia Black Bears. Dave Bush will be collecting donations during Fellowship or you may make out a check to the church with “Baseball 6/11” in the memo field and send it to the church office before June 4. The cost to sponsor one child’s attendance is $10. Contact Dave Bush (215-435-5151).

Mission Monday

Find out more about Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center’s “Marked for the Future” fundraising campaign and other recently featured mission partners on our website.

Mission Monday

This Week @ Witherspoon

Learn more about what is happening at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church this week.
This Week @ Witherspoon
Staying Connected

Westminster Conservatory

Thursday, April 20, 12:15 PM, Niles Chapel

Join us for a recital for solo piano by Clipper Erickson featuring music by African-American composers. The recital is free and open to the public, masks are not required.

National Museum of

African American History and Culture

Saturday, April 22, 2023, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Join friends from Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church and Princeton Presbyterians, a campus ministry for undergraduate and graduate students, on a day trip to Washington, DC; $20/person ($50 max/family). The trip is supported by the Bending the Moral Arc Team of Witherspoon Street and Nassau Churches. Seats are limited. 

Spaces still available

Contact Len Scales (609-924-0103 x103)

Sign Up


Saturday, April 22; 10:00 - 11:30 AM; Chapel

Grief can be debilitating, isolating, and surprisingly peaceful, often all at once. It is one of life’s two most profound experiences, directly resulting from the other – love. Join us as we share our journeys of grief, supported by God’s grace, scripture, and one another. 

Contact Lois Foley

Partners in Faith Invitation

The Witherspoon Street Church and Nassau Church Partnership Team are working to chronicle the 175-plus-year history between the two congregations! The design of the project includes the production of a documentary, Telling Our Stories with interviews from members of both congregations, a graphic timeline depicting significant events in the life of the partnership, and a one-time event to revisit and celebrate the historic 250th Year Partners in Faith Celebration of the Presbyterian Presence in Princeton held in 2004-2006.

Contact Barbara Flythe (609-323-7068)

Summer Activities for Children and Youth

Join us this summer!

Registration and volunteer opportunities for adults and teens

open now!

Vacation Bible School – age 3 through rising Grade 6

“Esther in Persia” Monday – Thursday, June 26-29

add on PresbyCamp, 12:00-3:30 pm (grades 4-6)

Splash Camp – rising Grades 6 – 9

Tuesday – Friday, July 4-7

Chancel Drama Week – rising Grades 3-12

“Malice In the Palace” Monday – Friday, August 7 – 11 + Sunday, August 13 in Worship

More Details & Registration

Grown-ups Try Summer Church School

We are thrilled to welcome Josie Brothers back as our lead teacher again this summer, but we need a 2nd assisting adult present each week. Might you be willing to try-on a new role for a week or two? No preparation needed. The lead teacher will manage the lesson plan and logistics, but volunteers provide love for the children of our church and a willingness to try something new. Sign up for the weeks of your choice from May 21 through September 3 below. Youth helpers are also welcome to join in assisting.

Contact Corrie Berg (609-924-0103 x108)

Sign Up
Tending the Flock

For pastoral news on congregational life including births, deaths, marriages, use the button below.

Tending the Flock
Nassau's Weekly Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional
D365 is a Presbyterian Church (USA) website and app offering a daily devotional experience written on a single theme for one week. Through scripture, prayer, and blessing you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of faith. You're invited to let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God
Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional
Contacting the Church

While the building remains locked on weekdays, administrative staff are onsite full time (Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Friday working remotely) and program staff are in the office regularly. Please use the doorbell at the ramp entrance if you need access when the church office is open. If you need to drop something off, the locked drop box at the bottom of the ramp is checked daily.

Please visit the staff contact page for emails and phone extensions or leave a voicemail on the general office line 609-924-0103 (dial 0) or send an email to [email protected].

Updating your Information

Please help us update our data base.

Update Your Info - Household Survey
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