March 12, 2024

To view the schedule of events at Nassau Church, please visit the website calendar:

Website Calendar

Sunday, March 17

Worship Service

11:00 AM - Livestream & In-Person, one service only

Not sure how to find our online worship? Livestream services can be found on the Nassau Church website. You can also watch live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Reminder: Sunday, March 17 is Youth Sunday. One service of worship (in-person and livestream) at 11:00 AM, Education classes for all ages at their regular times: 9:15 / 9:30 AM.

Special Offering - Appalachia Service Project (ASP)

On Youth Sunday, March 17, we will collect a special offering in support of the youth mission trip with ASP, a Christian ministry open to all people. ASP inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair in Central Appalachia. We can buy a box of screws with a $20 donation, $50 stops a leak, $200 replaces a damaged wall, $300 provides a safe new floor, and $500 puts in a new dry roof. With your help, our over 40 adult and teen volunteers will help make homes “warmer, safer, drier” this summer.

Supporting Nassau Church

Give online using the link provided or by using Church Life on your phone. Checks can be mailed to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, dropped off in the drop box near the base of the ramp by the parking lot or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning.

Give Online to Nassau Church

To donate to a specific fund, use the drop-down menu.

Mission and Outreach

Deacon Mission Cards & Gifts

Sundays March 17 and 24 after each service of worship

Twice a year Cards & Gifts are offered for sale to support international mission partners. You are invited to join the Nassau members who design and create them. All materials are provided. Contact Agnes Olah for more information.

One Great Hour of Sharing on Palm Sunday

Next Sunday, March 24, we will receive this special offering of the PCUSA that supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. 

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Mission Monday

Find out more about Nassau's recently featured mission partners on our website.

Mission Monday

This Week at Witherspoon

Learn more about what is happening at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church this week. 

Read More
Staying Connected

Easter Flower Memorials: Deadline this Sunday

You are invited to give an Easter tulip in memory or honor of a loved one. A full listing will be printed in the Easter Order of Worship on March 31. Tulips can be taken from the church after the 11:00 AM service of Easter worship.

Deadline: This Sunday, March 17

Easter Tulips

Camp Johnsonburg Women's Spring Retreat

April 26-28, 2024

Join women throughout New Jersey for rest, refreshment, and renewal at Camp Johnsonburg in Frelinghuysen Township, NJ. From Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, enjoy comfortable lodging, faith-filled fellowship, and nature. Private and shared rooms are available. 

Register with the button below or call 908-852-2349.


Request for Nominations

As a vibrant, diverse Christian community, Nassau Presbyterian Church depends on faithful, informed, and visionary leaders. Your Nominations Committee values your suggestions as we prepare the slate of officers to be presented to the congregation for Elder, Deacon, Audit Committee, and the Nominations Committee. Nominees must be active church members and cannot be clergy. Please use the online form below.

Paper forms, found in the narthex, literature rack and church office, may be filled out on Sunday mornings and returned to the church office.

Contact Melissa Davis or Tom Coogan

Online Form

March Conference Room Art Show

Photography by Ned Walthall

“Who Is My Neighbor” is an exhibition of portraits of individuals passing through the remarkable light and shadow of Grand Central Terminal. Organized around the lawyer's question to Jesus, these pictures put the same question to you in a different way. Whom would you like to exclude? Which picture would you like to take down? Who among these are not your neighbor? 

Nassau Book Group

Next Meeting: March 17,12:15 PM, Conference Room

Join us for a discussion of “The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store”” by James McMcBride, winner of the National Book Award and recipient of the National Humanities Medal. The story is set in Philadelphia's Jewish quarter between the World Wars. Themes include racism, antisemitism, labor organizing, and substance abuse. Coffee and tea provided. If you like, bring a sack lunch and something to share. 

Contact Ginger August

Music for Viola and Piano

Thursday, March 21, 12:15PM, Niles Chapel

Westminster Conservatory at Nassau presents a recital by Conservatory faculty members Dennis Krasnokutsky, viola and Larissa Korkina, piano. The program includes music of J.S. Bach, Franz Schubert, Mikhail Glinka, and Carl Maria von Weber. The recital is open to the public and free of charge.

Lenten Service of Wholeness & Healing

Sunday, March 24, 2:00 PM, Niles Chapel

Healing and wholeness are at the very heart of God's intention for humanity. Join us as we gather in quiet prayer, music, and scripture, longing for healing and compassion. We seek restoration of mind, body, and spirit, as well as wholeness within our relationships, communities, and the world. We gather because God calls us to support, hope, and pray with one another as we seek God’s mending. 

Contact Lauren McFeaters (609-924-0103 x102)

Lunch & Learn with Karlfried Froehlich

Sunday, March 24, 12:15-1:15 PM

Assembly Room with a light lunch, suggested donation $12

Join us to hear Karlfried share about religious art in Florence. RSVP by Wednesday, March 20, using the link below or contacting the church office.

Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)

Sign Up

Summer 2024 - Save the Dates

for Families with Children

Friends encouraged and warmly welcomed.

Vacation Bible School, "Gospel on the Go," will take place each morning, Monday, June 24 – Thursday, June 27, PreK – Grade 5. Many youth and adult volunteers are needed!

Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)


Chancel Drama Week, "In the Image," will take place each afternoon, Monday, August 5 – Friday, August 9, offered in worship Sunday, August 11, Grades 3–12. All interested will be cast in this fantastic musical!

Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)


Splash Camp, day trips (ocean, stream, quarry, pool) Monday–Thursday, July 1–4, rising grades 6–9. 

Find registration forms in the literature racks outside the church office or online.

Contact Lauren Yeh (609-924-0103 x106)

Tending the Flock

For pastoral news on congregational life including births, deaths, marriages, use the button below.

Tending the Flock
Nassau's Weekly Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional
D365 is a Presbyterian Church (USA) website and app offering a daily devotional experience written on a single theme for one week. Through scripture, prayer, and blessing you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of faith. You're invited to let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God
Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional
Contacting the Church

While the building remains locked on some weekdays, administrative staff are onsite full time and program staff are in the office regularly. Please use the doorbell at the ramp entrance if you need access when the church office is open. If you need to drop something off, the locked drop box at the bottom of the ramp is checked daily.

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Please visit the staff contact page for emails and phone extensions or leave a voicemail on the general office line 609-924-0103 (dial 0) or send an email to

Updating your Information

Please help us update our data base.

Update Your Info - Household Survey
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