To view the schedule of events at Nassau Church, please visit the website calendar: | |
9:15 a.m. - Sanctuary & Livestream
11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary (in-person only)
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Give online using the link provided or by using Church Life on your phone. Checks can be mailed to 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542, dropped off in the drop box near the base of the ramp by the parking lot or placed in the offering plates on Sunday morning. | |
To donate to a specific fund, use the drop-down menu. | |
Voter Registration Drives | |
Thursday, April 25, 6:00-9:00 pm, Assembly Room
Saturday, April 27, 1:00-4:00 pm, Front Portico (weather permitting)
or Assembly Room
Please spread the word! These non-partisan events are intended to educate and provide assistance to eligible New Jersey voters, including how to: a) register to vote; b) request a mail-in ballot; and c) update your voter registration if you have changed your name or moved since you last registered to vote. Registration deadlines: May 14 to vote in the June primary and October 15 to vote in the general election in November.
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Social Justice Authors Visit Princeton | |
Friday, April 26, 6:30 PM, Assembly Room
Sam Daley-Harris, Alex Counts, and Debbie Frisch, three social entrepreneurs and authors, will appear together in the Princeton area and share uplifting stories and lessons learned in their journey to justice.
The “Three-Authors” events will be held Friday, April 26 from 2-4 p.m. at the Mercer County Library Lawrence Headquarters, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Township, NJ, and again in the evening here at Nassau Church. Both events are free and open to the public.
After the discussion the authors will sign copies of their book.
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The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF) is urgently seeking volunteers for: 1) ESL/GED teachers; 2) Tutors for high school students; 3) Mercer County ID Card Support; and 4) SAT prep. While bilingual skills are helpful, they are not necessary for certain volunteer work.
Anyone interested in volunteering can contact LALDEF at: or (609) 688-0881, ext. 110.
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Send a Child to a Ball Game | |
It’s time for the 26th Annual Outing at the Ball Park! In partnership with Westminster Presbyterian Church, help us send students to the Trenton Thunder game on Sunday, June 9th vs. the Williamsport Crosscutters. Dave Bush will be collecting donations during Fellowship or you may make out a check to the church with “Baseball 6/9” in the memo field and send it to the church office before June 2nd. The cost to sponsor one child’s attendance is $10.
Contact Dave Bush (215-435-5151)
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Find out more about Nassau's recently featured mission partners on our website. | |
Learn more about what is happening at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church this week. | |
April Conference Room Art Show | |
Courtesy of the Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC), established in 1922 and based at Princeton Theological Seminary since 2020, this exhibit features a selection of paintings by Sawai Chinnawong (Thailand), Emmanuel Garibay (Philippines), Nalini Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka), Hannah Varghese (India), and Soichi Watanabe (Japan). Since 2001, OMSC has hosted artists-in-residence from around the world to share their gifts as a reflection of God’s creativity expressed across many cultures and experiences.
Last day for viewing: April 28
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Share Your Gifts - Young Artist Showcase | |
Sunday, June 2, 11:15 AM in the sanctuary
Sometimes we are able to witness the gifts of our children and youth in worship, but there are many gifts we have yet to see! Come celebrate the children and youth in this informal celebration of their many skills. Juggling, magic tricks, joke telling, gymnastics, poetry, artwork, instrument playing, solo singing - it is all welcome and encouraged. Come enjoy our church family in our “living room”!
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For pastoral news on congregational life including births, deaths, marriages, use the button below. | |
Nassau's Weekly Prayer Chain & D365 Devotional | |
D365 is a Presbyterian Church (USA) website and app offering a daily devotional experience written on a single theme for one week. Through scripture, prayer, and blessing you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of faith. You're invited to let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God.
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While the building remains locked on some weekdays, administrative staff are onsite full time and program staff are in the office regularly. Please use the doorbell at the ramp entrance if you need access when the church office is open. If you need to drop something off, the locked drop box at the bottom of the ramp is checked daily.
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Please visit the staff contact page for emails and phone extensions or leave a voicemail on the general office line 609-924-0103 (dial 0) or send an email to
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Updating your Information | |
Please help us update our data base. | |
Nassau Presbyterian Church | Website
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