August 2021 eNews & eBulletin
A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families
Counting down to ALA National Convention
We are excited to celebrate and hope you are too! 
The 100th ALA National Convention is scheduled for Aug. 27-Sept. 2 in Phoenix.

To enhance your experience at convention, we have a new app that will give you up-to-date information in the palm of your hand, along with some other fun features! Convention attendees—watch for an email with details.

If you’re not attending the ALA’s largest national event in person, be sure to watch our livestream at starting Monday, Aug. 30. Follow us on social media @ALAforVeterans for the latest updates.
There are several ways you can give back during ALA National Convention
#GivingTuesday, a silent auction, and shopping for new jewelry are all ways you can give back at ALA National Convention or from the comfort of your home! 
#GivingTuesday at National Convention
If you’ll be in Phoenix later this month, be sure to stop by the #GivingTuesday booth outside of the ALA’s convention hall to honor a loved one on our Wall of Heroes, grab some ALA Foundation merchandise, and make a gift to support veterans, military, and their families for years to come. 
Kendra Scott Gives Back
The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation has partnered with Kendra Scott — a leading fashion accessories brand — in a Kendra Scott Gives Back event. This event will be held online and at the Kendra Scott store in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Aug. 30-31, and by using the code GIVEBACK-1FDI, 20% of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to the ALA Foundation. Start making your list and get ready to shop Aug. 30-31.  
Silent auction to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation
Try your luck at a silent auction fundraiser to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation. All bidding will take place online, so you don’t need to attend convention to be a winner! Take a sneak peek at the at the auction items now. 
Learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary from home at your own pace 
The ALA Academy is an easy way for all ALA members to learn about topics related to serving our mission. The Academy includes recordings of previously held live webinars and self-paced courses. If you missed a live webinar or would like to watch again, all ALA Academy Live webinars are now available for your viewing. Topics available:

  • Using Poppy Funds
  • Unit Fundraising Panel
  • ALA Junior Leadership Training (includes four webinars)
  • Mission Delivery Series (includes four webinars)

Also available: a recording of the 2021 Department Leadership National Conference.

Get started today! Log in with your member ID at

We’d love to hear how you are using these courses/webinars, and which one is your favorite! Email us!
Looking for something to give to children in your community?
ALA Halloween and ALA Poppy Coloring Books are are a great way to spread the word about The American Legion Family. These books are so popular with units that American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales has sold more than 10,000 copies. You can purchase the books or download them for free! 
Good to know
The August issue of Auxiliary magazine is now available online. Missed the magazine in your mailbox? Check out the online copy! In this issue, learn tips on membership retention, read about the good things that resulted from the pandemic, find out about a company making toy Army women … and much more! Did an article stand out to you, or did you learn something new from this issue? Let us know

Want the latest internal news on national ALA happenings? Check out the weekly briefings from Executive Director Kelly Circle, J.D., Ph.D., in the MyAuxiliary member portal. Created to improve communication and engagement among all members — not just those serving in leadership positions — the weekly briefing editions are posted regularly, and archived issues are available. Log in with your member ID today and take a look!

Learn about branding The American Legion Family. Our branding game has been adapted to make it American Legion Family friendly, adding in the Family emblems and changing the wording and logos used throughout to be more encompassing. The senior member version includes 22 logos of well-known company/organization brands, while the Juniors/Sons version has 22 logos but with brands that appeal to a younger target audience. Download the documents to play. Everyone walks away from this game as winners!

You can now shop Lands’ End Business for ALA branded apparel and products. Since 1963, Lands' End Business has provided quality clothing you can count on. They fit everybody with innovative designs made for you. Shop for a wide variety of clothing, luggage, and promotional products all with the American Legion Auxiliary emblem.

Need to renew your Auxiliary membership? Take care of your membership in three easy ways: go to, call (317) 569-4570, or mail in your renewal notice.

Do you shop Amazon Prime? If you do, be sure to use AmazonSmile! Through Amazon’s charitable program, AmazonSmile, you can support the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation. Simply sign in through this special link and select the American Legion Auxiliary. Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase you make to the ALA Foundation. It may seem small, but a little can add up to a lot. 

The ALA in numbers. The Legion Family will soon be gathering in Phoenix for National Convention. The average high temperature in late August/early September is over 100 degrees, but it's a dry heat. The American Legion Family will be occupying eight hotels. To get to convention, many guests will be arriving at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, which serves 45 million passengers a year. The Phoenix area is home to 12 American Legion posts.
ALA In the Know eBulletin
Find ALA program committee groups on Facebook
Click here to stay updated with August reports and timely articles from ALA national committees, programs, and activities: ALA 100th Anniversary Committee, Children & Youth, Legislative, and Public Relations.
Discover what your fellow ALA members are saying in the committee Facebook groups! These easy-to-access forums provide an arena for organic discussion about your local programs or services and present the opportunity to cultivate brand awareness. Find the list of groups here.
On the ALA Blog
Wanting to spread awareness and the meaning of the poppy, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 24 in Lake Geneva, Wisc., had a poppy sculpture created and placed near the local veterans memorial. 
“The community just needs to be educated about those veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us and our veterans need to be honored; they need to be recognized,” said ALA Unit 24 member Mary Schlehlein. 
The project began when Schlehlein saw that something similar was done overseas and decided Wisconsin needed a symbolic poppy sculpture to honor our nation’s heroes. She pitched the idea to her fellow Unit 24 members, and everyone was on board to jump in and help where needed. 
An ALA California Girls State 2020 alumna made history at Dana Hills High School in Dana Point, Calif. Earlier this year, Leah West became the first female in the school’s history to score a point for the Dana Hills Dolphins.
This is not only an accomplishment because she is a female — West hadn’t played football until her junior year.
“I have always had an affinity for sports, but I never seriously considered playing football because I didn’t know girls were allowed to play on the boy’s high school team. However, after attending a football game my junior year, I didn’t care if I would be the only female on the team,” she said. “I had a passion for the game and I had played soccer all my life, so I felt confident in my ability to be an asset for the team. Suddenly, it didn’t matter if I was a girl, because I belonged on that field.”
American Legion Auxiliary members have had to adjust and expand their efforts to serve the ALA’s mission due to the COVID-19 pandemic. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 849 in Richland, Pa., continues its hard work and dedication to veterans in the community, with a special focus on the local veterans hockey team. 
Unit 849 member Kelly Moyer, eligible through her grandfather James Howard Hadfield who served in World War II, is public affairs officer for the veterans hockey team, the Johnstown Generals.

“The purpose of the team is to give each member a safe environment for stress relief, promote brotherhood and commodity with their peers, and grow mentally and physically to be productive members of society,” said Moyer. 
American Legion Auxiliary members are known for their dedication to veterans, military, and their families. This year, one ALA member is being recognized for going above and beyond to serve veterans.
Donna Ray of Ohio has been named the VAVS National Advisory Committee Volunteer of the Year, an honor bestowed upon those who have given extraordinary service to our nation’s veterans. The award — given by peers — is the highest honor for VAVS volunteers.
“I was in a state of shock, to be honest with you,” Ray said. “I feel that having this honor isn’t really for me. It’s for everyone who has worked with me and supported, and just done everything for our veterans. This award is awesome.” She also said she is proud to be an American Legion Auxiliary member.
Don't miss out on ALA member benefits!
As a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, you are eligible for the highest coverage currently available through our exclusive ALA Allegiance Accident Insurance Plan from The Hartford. With this plan, you are covered for accidents wherever you go: while you’re in a car, in someone else’s car, as a pedestrian, on a bus, train, cruise ship, or taxi. 100% of the money from each of the benefits is paid directly by check to you, unless you tell the insurance company to send your money to someone else. Additionally, your benefit amounts increase by 10% each year you remain a member, up to the sixth year – at no additional cost to you. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing you’re helping to protect your family’s financial future. Get started today.
Save the date!
August 12-17 – The American Legion Baseball World Series
August 14 – Navajo Code Talkers Day
August 15 – VJ Day – Victory over Japan
August 27-September 2 – ALA National Convention in Phoenix
September – National Suicide Prevention Month
September 11 – Patriot Day
September 6 – Labor Day (ALA National Headquarters’ offices closed)
September 16 – American Legion Day
September 17 – National POW/MIA Recognition Day
September 17 – Constitution Day
Tell us about your biggest accomplishment as we close the ALA administrative year.
“Our biggest accomplishment was to learn how to activate and use virtual meetings during the pandemic. Once we learned how to use this new tool, we were able to successfully communicate with each other virtually, allowing us to think outside the box.”

— Charline Gladden, New Jersey
Legion Family News
Help meet the 100 Miles for Hope goal for disabled veterans, military families 

With less than four weeks remaining in The American Legion 100 Miles for Hope challenge, there is still time to reach the fundraising goal for the Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF).

But American Legion National Commander James “Bill” Oxford needs the support of the entire American Legion Family. There are several ways that Auxiliary members can help serve this mission:

  • For those participating in the challenge, finish the month strong! Keep active, engage others, and share your 100-mile journey on The American Legion’s Legiontown web page
  • Join the 100 Miles for Hope Riders Challenge. There are several tier levels that chapters and members can strive for and earn rewards while supporting the V&CF. Like the main challenge, the special Riders one is open until Sept. 6. To participate, register through the Kilter app. Registration is $20, however those who are already signed up for 100 Miles for Hope do not need to sign up again. If you have already signed up for 100 Miles for Hope, please reach out to
  • Visit the Emblem Sales web page to purchase 100 Miles gear to celebrate your accomplishment. All proceeds from sales, donations and registrations go directly to supporting disabled veterans and military families facing financial hurdles. Hurry and place your order now! Once these special tech shirts, hat pins, sweatshirts, baseball caps, Riders patches, and challenge coins sell out, they are gone for good. 

20 stories. 20 episodes. 20 years. The American Legion Tango Alpha Lima podcast presents a special series dedicated to the 20th anniversary of 9/11

“Never forget.”

The American Legion is taking those words to heart as it presents a special podcast series focused on memorable stories in honor of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Starting Aug. 16, The American Legion Tango Alpha Lima podcast will release one episode each weekday concluding Sept. 10. 

Among the special guests:

  • A Legionnaire and ferry boat captain who helped people flee New York City.
  • An Army sergeant major who escaped the Pentagon.
  • A then-18-year-old college student, motivated by the attacks, who became an Army Ranger, a surprise to everyone who knew him.
  • A retired Marine lieutenant colonel who spent the day with the president and vice president as they prepared the U.S. response.
  • Jessica Lynch, the first female prisoner of war ever to be rescued.
  • An air traffic controller for Flight 93 who has not returned to work since 9/11.

Visit to download each episode in audio format or watch on YouTube.
ALA Membership
Where does your department stand in Auxiliary membership? Click here to log in and view the latest reports.

Legion Family Merchandise
Show your support by buying from
American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales.
The American Legion Legislative Alerts
The ALA supports the legislative agenda of The American Legion.
In the spirit of Service Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.