What Are We Waiting For?  

For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. ~ 2 Corinthians 7:10 (KJV)


Dear Christian Warriors:

Time for Personal and National Repentance
April 30th, 2019
Are you grieved for our nation's spiritual health? Extraordinary times are upon us. Catastrophes abound, as predicted in Scripture.
"Repent" was the first word Jesus preached (Matthew 4:17). It's the key to come into His Kingdom. Thereafter repentance is a gift from God, a privilege and a vital spiritual discipline to purify as a member of His royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9). The Risen Christ calls each of us daily to be zealous to repent so that we can overcome and sit on His throne as He overcame and sits on His Father's throne. (Revelation 3:19-21).
Repentance, by His people called by His name, is the final step by which the Living God will hear from heaven, forgive sin and heal a nation.
The need for personal and national repentance has never been more obvious. The Lord's Hand is needed to resolve extreme problems in every nation.  His strategy needs to be followed: IF His people called by His name humble themselves and pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN He will hear from heaven, forgive sin, and heal a land. (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Since 2012 in the United States, April 30th has been proclaimed by a growing number of believers as a "National Day of Repentance" for several reasons:  it was the day George Washington ("so help me God") was inaugurated in 1789; it was the day set aside by Congress and President Lincoln in 1863 for a "National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer"; it was the day picked by Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield for the same purpose in 1973 to address spiritually the national crisis over Watergate; and it precedes, and thus supports, the National Day of Prayer to be held this year on May 2nd.  Placing repentance before prayer adds to the power of the prayers, as iniquity is removed (Psalm 66:18; Isaiah 59:1-2; James 5:16).
April 30th this year is a Tuesday.  The volunteers at National Day of Repentance ( www.repentday.com) are encouraging many pastors and priests to declare a "Sacred Assembly" that day in their churches, both in the USA and in other nations.  Books have been written and videos are being prepared to show national leaders the blessings of a National Day of Repentance.  But we don't have to wait for the legislature to act.  In the meantime, those of us at the grassroots level, can initiate such a movement.  It can be held in the USA and in other nations, pleasing our soon-coming Bridegroom in the process.  Now is the time at the grassroots level not just to preach about repentance, but to allow actual time for repentance.  Where church services are not provided, you and I can take time to repent humbly at home.  A sample format for a repentance service is linked to this message.  

Here is a great resource we offer for FREE which many people have found to be quite helpful:

Across denominations and boundaries, believers from other nations such as Australia, New Zealand, India and Malawi will join us on April 30th, interceding for us in their own repentance time and prayers that day.
The currently sleeping Body of Christ, His Bride, will be activated.  When anyone repents, ALL BOATS RISE.  Many will experience the Truth that JOY that follows repentance. The Lord may relent from the judgments we deserve. Proverbs 10:24 tells us: "the desire of the righteous WILL be granted."  The repentance remnant will grow.  More preachers of repentance will surface.
A National Day of Repentance at the grassroots level on April 30th may also act as a preemptive step to avoid any division in Israel's boundaries. The Living God states in Joel 3:2 that He will enter into judgment "on account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land."
May "repentance" be spoken among us more than ever before.  Please pass the word.  Ask your pastor to have a National Day of Repentance Service or organize a Bible Study of believers.  Join many of us, and in other nations, on Tuesday, April 30th, to take time to follow the Lord's call to refocus on Him.
He's knocking on the door of our hearts wanting to dine with each of us. He calls us to be overcomers to sit on His throne as He overcame and sat down with Abba on His throne.

Pastor Jeff 

Pastor Jeffrey Daly

If God is calling you to action, please join us with your support.  There are no insignificant parts to play.  All donations will be used to publish our Devotional Book as a trumpet call to all nations that it is time to REPENT!  Repentance is God's process of snatching souls from the fire and eliminating evil strongholds. 

If you feel called to help rescue those who are perishing, please join us.  Click "Donate" button to respond.

Repentance Prayer:  

Heavenly Father, in Yeshua/ Jesus' Holy Name, help me focus more on You than on myself.  I repent for not always placing You first, Lord.  I confess that I spend more time busy in the world instead of being still with You.  I haven't always responded to You, the Risen Christ, standing at the door of my mind and heart, knocking.  I have not been as passionate as Daniel and Nehemiah to confess my sins, my family's sins, and my nation's sins.  Please breathe on this message so that many of Your people called by Your Name will participate in a Sacred Assembly, repenting in Your churches on April 30.  May our turning from our wicked ways allow You to hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our lands.  In Yeshua's Holy Name. ~ Amen.

The National Day of Repentance (NDR) is a Christian ministry dedicated to encouraging personal and national repentance.  NDR relies on God Almighty, along with the support of His Church Bride, to continue this work.  We welcome and greatly appreciate your voluntary and enthusiastic support. Freewill offerings may be made online at www.repentday.com or sent  to P.O. Box 1302, Middletown CA USA 95461.  May the "fruit of the Holy Spirit abound to your account." (Philippians 4:17). 
National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com