DEC Awareness and DEC Approach

Training of Trainers Course

Due to national requests and interest, we are offering this virtual, national Training of Trainers Course. Eligible participants are invited to participate.

*To be eligible you must have attended (and have documented proof of attendance) the DEC Awareness Training and the DEC Approach Training. Contact [email protected] to confirm eligibility prior to registering if you are unsure.

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Trainer, but have not yet completed the pre-requisite trainings you are welcome to participate in the virtual, national DEC Development Academy 101 to meet the eligibility requirements. See information about the virtual DEC Development Academy here.

DEC Awareness and DEC Approach

Training of Trainers Course

This course is designed to support the professional development of Trainers working within their local communities on DEC issues. The purpose of the Training of Trainers (ToT) is to provide participants with competencies that will enable them to effectively train, facilitate knowledge acquisition, application, and skills in use of the DEC Awareness and DEC Approach training materials to use in local communities training professionals and community members on the topics.

Participants must view themselves as facilitators of learning, and as resources as opposed to simple conveyors of knowledge and information. This perspective enables the trainer to assist trainees in thinking deeply about knowledge acquired about the Drug Endangered Children mission, and their appropriate application.

DEC Awareness and DEC Approach Training of Trainers Course Description and Objectives

Dates: May 23, 24 and 25, 2023

Time: 8am to 4pm Mountain Time Daily

Price: $825 (includes training materials that will be mailed prior to the training)

This ToT Course is being offered only virtually. Full attendance (with camera on) is required.

To be eligible you must have attended (and have documented proof of attendance) the DEC Awareness Training and the DEC Approach Training. Contact [email protected] to confirm eligibility prior to registering if you are unsure.


Don't miss this opportunity in 2023 to participate in a virtual, national DEC Training of Trainer Course.

Requests for local, regional and state ToT Trainings can be made by emailing [email protected].

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