August 2020
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In This Issue
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NGCP Webinar:
Finding and Using High-Quality Digital STEM Resources
August 12, 2020
10:00 AM Pacific/1:00 PM Eastern (90 min)
partner logosEducators all over the world are adapting content and programming to meet the current realities of distance or hybrid learning, but how can we determine which digital STEM resources are high quality and where can we go to find tried and true online STEM learning? Participants will learn tips and tools for evaluating the quality of online learning resources, see a REGISTERshowcase of some tried and true resources, and learn how to make those resources relevant and meaningful for learners.
NGCP National Webinar: Participation in Structured and Unstructured Out-of-School-Time (OST) Activities
August 18, 2020; 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern
What types of STEM activities are today's youth participating in outside of school? The informal science community can easily document enrollment in structured activities, yet less is known about participation in non-structured activities like hobbies, reading science fiction, and online experiences, including games and social media. The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian surveyed over 15,000 college students in introductory college English classes nationally - a mixture of students in STEM and non-STEM majors - about their participation in a variety of precollege structured STEM activities (both in person and online) including group organizations, like Scouts, lectures or talks, and internships, REGISTERand non-structured activities, like tinkering, stargazing, and watching online STEM videos. Join us to find out which activities are particularly attractive to young women and underrepresented minorities.

Sullivan Book Cover and NCWIT Logo combo Gender Equity in Online STEM Learning
September 2, 2020; 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern (60 min)
When engaging girls in STEM there are many strategies and practices that support gender equity and access, but how do those strategies work in online or hybrid learning environments? This webinar will explore what works for girls from preschool and early elementary to middle school and high school, potential adaptations, and new ideas to consider when teaching girls REGISTER STEM online. Participants will learn from experts in the field including Amanda Sullivan, Ph.D., an Early Childhood STEAM and EdTech Specialist, and Lecia Barker, Ph.D., a Senior Research Scientist from the National Center for Women and Information Technology.
Each month, this spotlight will highlight new programs, resources, and role models that are part of the IF/THEN® Initiative, an initiative from Lyda Hill Philanthropies designed to activate a culture shift This is what a scientist looks like posteramong young girls and introduce them to STEM careers.
Images that illustrate professionals in STEM fields have long underrepresented women and gender minorities, making it difficult for educators to develop compelling visual content that allows girls to see themselves engaging in science. In its role as a member of the IF/THEN® Coalition, NGCP is taking a huge step to change that by announcing the release of the IF/THEN® Collection!

Created in partnership with the Association of Science and Technology Centers and the IF/THEN® Initiative, the Collection is a growing digital library of images, videos, and other media of women in STEM fields. This library is an exciting part of the IF/THEN® Initiative's effort to inspire the next generation of girls with learning experiences that encourage their interest in STEM.

The Collection includes thousands of images, videos, posters, and other materials that are available for FREE to educators across the U.S. and can be displayed in classes, social media, camps, museum exhibits, and more. How will you use assets from the Collection?
Stay connected to IF/THEN: Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook View on Instagram  

Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference
Online; September 16-19, 2020
The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to celebrate and promote diversity. This year's theme is "Inclusion Drives Innovation" and reminds us of the critical role that diverse perspectives play in driving innovations in computing and technology. Register.

Virtual Grace Hopper Celebration (vGHC)
Online; September 26, 29-October 3, 2020
vGHC is the world's largest gathering of women technologists. Learn, network, and be inspired to work together to achieve intersectional gender and pay parity in tech. This year's theme is #TogetherWeBuild. Register.

National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Conference  
Online; October 15-16, 2020
The NCPN conference is a professional development opportunity offering informative presentations, keynote speakers, and other timely information for professionals in Career Pathways, CTE, and workforce and economic development. Register.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Conference
AISES 2020 Logo Online; October 15-17, 2020
Conference focuses on educational, professional and workforce development. The conference will include most of the traditional in-person activities through the virtual platform including networking suites, an opening ceremony, sessions for all tracks, research presentations, Indian Country's largest College and Career Fair, and so much more. As a virtual event, AISES can provide conference attendees new ways to safely network, learn, and interact with all conference attendees and presenters. Register.

ASTC2020 Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference
Online; October 19-21, 2020
ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. This year's theme "New Frontiers in Science, Technology, Learning, and Community Engagement toward a more Equitable Tomorrow" will explore the future of our institutions, our work, and our impact in our communities. ASTC has issued a new Rapid Call for Virtual Session Proposals that specifically address the individual, organizational, and societal challenges we are currently facing. Proposals deadline is August 22, 2020. Register.

BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference 
Palm Springs, CA; October 26-29, 2020
The BOOST conference has been rescheduled for October 2020. Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming. Register.

ISTE Conference & Expo
Online; November 29 - December 5, 2020
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is recognized as the most comprehensive educational technology conference in the world. To protect the health and safety of participants, ISTE20 is being transformed into ISTE20 Live, a fully virtual, immersive learning event. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with educators, presenters, and exhibitors in chats, meetups and virtual hallway conversations, as well as hands-on tool demos and peer-to-peer collaborations. Register.

CSforALL Summit
Rescheduled to October 2021
CSForAll Logo CSforALL has announced that the 2020 national CSforALL Summit will be rescheduled to October 2021. Call for 2020 Commitments is still open. Submission deadline is August 31, 2020.
The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for program providers that helps them find partners based on interests, and showcases STEAM opportunities for youth to families.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the shift to online learning. This transition has been especially challenging for the nation's nearly seven million disabled students. Instruction and support for this group of students are not as easily transferred to the internet, and education systems and families are struggling to meet the challenge.

We are offering the following resources to our STEAM Program Providers to help you work towards online learning accessibility

Online Learing Accessibility graphicOnline Course Accessibility Checklist

20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course   

How Designing Accessible Curriculum For All Can Help Make Online Learning More Equitable

Going the Distance: Online Strategies for Helping Students with Disabilities

Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities Resources

Get Started and stay connected to The Connectory:
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STEM ResourcesResources
GSK logo Be a Chemist 
Be a Chemist is a fun free STEM program that aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Includes at-home experiments, videos, and live virtual events with Franklin Institute educators. Created by GSK Science in the Summer in partnership with The Franklin Institute.
With an aim to empower and equip all girls to be catalysts in the fields of STEM by breaking the status quo, PinkSTEM uses three core principles: Mentoring, Tutoring, and Field Experiences. 
Pretty Brainy
Pretty Brainy's vision is to assist two million girls to develop their STEAM abilities. STEAM is Pretty Brainy's forward-thinking concept of "STEM + Art," forming the basis of their program which is designed to teach girls coding, technology, and design, textiles, and TechStyles™. 

The Connectory - Find Online Learning Opportunities!
The Connectory has many online STEAM learning opportunities for youth. Check back often, this list is growing. Steps:
   1) Go to: Find an opportunity
   2) Clear the location field
   3) Select Online Learning under Type of Opportunity and view the results

Global ResourcesGlobal
Women in Tech Africa Logo Women in Tech Africa
Women in Tech Africa carries a three-fold mission: to create positive female leaders and role models, to demonstrate the capabilities of strong African women, and to support African growth through tech. Throughout the year, the organization runs many progressive projects and events all across Africa to encourage youth and women to explore careers in STEM.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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