NGCP Webinar: Bridging the Encouragement Gap in STEM +C
December 6, 2018; 1:00 PM Pacific (4:00 PM Eastern)
Join JeffriAnne Wilder, Research Scientist at the National Center for Women and Information Technology, as she discusses the newest research on encouragement in STEM and computing, and why an "encouragement gap" exists between boys, girls, and girls of color. Encouragement is a major
actor in girls' decisions to explore and pursue careers in STEM, and this webinar will
engaging discussion on how to be more inclusive and to broaden the participation of girls from all backgrounds in STEM and computing.
NGCP Webinar Design Squad Global Inventing Green: Engage Kids in Hands-on Engineering around Sustainability January 10, 2019; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern) This one hour webinar will detail how to bring Design Squad Global (DSG) Clubs to your community, including the support and resources available to make it successful. Participants will learn about the new DSG club guide "Inventing Green" that gets kids thinking about engineering and environmental sustainability. The guide challenges DSG Clubs to think about how to solve environmental problems with engineering, as well as how to create new inventions using a sustainability mindset.
NGCP Blog Highlights Have an idea for a blog post that encourages girls in STEM? Send us an email at Here are a few recent guest blogs that have been popular
Collaborative Network Activities
The STEM Effect Project Help the STEM Effect project better understand the long-term impacts of STEM programs for middle- and high-school age girls. You can help by doing one or more of the following:
- Share examples of existing logic models from STEM programs for girls via email
- Join the conversation! Here is how you can connect: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or on the Web using #STEMEffect to join the conversation
The STEM Effect project is a collaboration between the Intrepid Museum, the Education Development Center, and the National Girls Collaborative Project, funded by the National Science Foundation.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. #1811155 (Division of Research on Learning). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the
Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Lauren Burnell |
Meet Lauren Burnell. She started her STEM journey as an arts major. Through her training in the military, she found her love of quantitative research methods and ended up in cybersecurity. She says "I'm proof that it's never too late to start, but that early education and exposure to STEM can help girls and boys find something they are extremely passionate about and set the stage for a successful career." To learn more about Lauren, visit her profile.
Stay connected to FabFems: |
Upcoming STEM Events
Computer Science Education Week Nationwide; December 3-9, 2018
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of computing, the richness of computing careers, and the critical need for computer science (CS) education. CSEdWeek is a call to action to inspire students and colleagues about CS education, to employ new and better strategies for engagement, and to connect with the broader community around the need for and value of CS education.
Joint Mathematics Meetings
altimore, MD; January 14-19, 2019
Includes the Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. They will host sessions by the Association for Women in Mathematics and the National Association of Mathematicians, the Association for Symbolic Logic, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference
Orlando, FL; February 7-9, 2019
The annual AMTE conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings. This year's conference features an opening session titled "Challenges and Opportunities on our Journeys of Embodying our Commitment to Equity".
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting
Washington, DC; February 14-17, 2019
The AAAS is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. The 2019 theme, "Science Transcending Boundaries" considers how science can bring together people, ideas, and solutions from across real and artificial borders, disciplines, sectors, ideologies, and traditions. Features lectures and seminars that explore a diverse range of recent developments in science and technology.
Beyond School Hours XXII
Atlanta, GA; February 20-23, 20119
At this conference educators and leaders serving K-12 students in afterschool, summertime, and beyond will have the opportunity to engage in professional development and capacity building. Features over 250 hand-on workshops for learning and networking.
National Afterschool Association (NAA) Convention
New York, NY; March 15-18, 2019
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in networking, learning, and inspiration: special events, workshops, daily keynotes, and an interactive Learning Expo all designed to meet the needs of the developing professionals and emerging and current leaders of afterschool. This year's theme is, "Passion. Purpose. Persistence." Early bird registration ends December 31, 2018.
OurCS@UW+AccessComputing Workshop
Seattle, WA; April 11-13, 2019
Research-focused workshop for undergraduate women with disabilities. Female students and mentors with disabilities are being recruited nationwide to participate in group research projects designed to inspire participants to consider research careers and learn about faculty and graduate student mentors' current research.
Application deadline is December 31, 2018.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights tips, resources, program providers, and STEAM opportunities for youth listed in
The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for program providers helps them find partners based on interests, as well as showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families.
In recognition of Computer Science Education Week we are highlighting CS opportunities with a girl focus. Have you entered your girl-focused STEM opportunities? Start today!
CoderGals Start a Chapter (Florida) free afterschool workshops. High school female mentors teach elementary girls how to code. Start a chapter & share your knowledge of coding. No prior coding experience is necessary for mentors.
You Can Code! (Dec 11, New York) hosted by TechGirlz. Participants will use Blockly, a drag & drop language to instruct the computer and try a number of puzzles, mazes, and games to explore sequential events, selection, and repetition.
Future ITGirls (Feb 15-Apr 15, New Mexico) hosted by NCWIT Aspire IT.
 Designed to expose elementary students to computing while also inspiring girls about possible career paths. Students will complete a project on water and its impact on the local community in addition to learning about CS principles.
Join The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Our Getting Started Guide makes it easy!
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STEM Resources
Accessible Hour of Code Hour of Code has an accessible option available: Quorum Hour of Code. Quorum started as an interpreted language designed to be accessible to screen reader users. Eventually becoming a general purpose programming language designed for any user.
An Unusual Discovery
Students use their creativity to code a story about two characters that meet and discover a surprising object. It takes under an hour to complete. Available in both English and Spanish. Includes digital lesson plans and other materials for program leaders. No computer science experience necessary.
Girls, STEM & Careers: Decoding Girls' Futures in an Age of Social Media New findings from a national survey of more than 10,000 girls was recently released. The survey goal was to better understand the relationships among girls' academic and career aspirations and the other factors/variables in their lives. The survey found that while girls' interest in math and science increases, their perceptions of their abilities decrease. The same drop in confidence that is seen from fifth through ninth grade is mirrored in girls' perceptions of their STEM abilities. It also found a relationship between social media use and girls' aspirations and perceptions, where increased time on social media indicated more negative outcomes in other areas. Read the full impact report.
Hour of Code Hour of Code is an introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code" and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator. The tutorials work on PCs, smartphones, tablets, and some require no computer at all. Tutorials stay up year-round and are available in over 45 languages. Ages 4 and up. No experience needed.
The Connectory - Winter Camps! The Connectory is the go-to place to find STEM year-round. Many girl focused winter STEM opportunities are available. Search by location, dates, area of interest, and/or age group. If you are program provider, join The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families.
Global Resources
The Community Bots The Community Bots provides training in STEM-robotics for middle school girls in underserved communities in New York City and around the world. They donate equipment to partnering programs, train the teachers how to use a pedagogy that is student centered, fun, and engaging while celebrating the achievements of women in the STEM-robotics field. If you would like to donate used LEGO Mindstorms NXT equipment they will cover the costs for donations.