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January 2023

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National Mentoring Month Spotlight

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NGCP National Webinars


The Impact of STEM Role Models and Mentors

January 26, 2023

3:00 PM Pacific / 6:00 PM Eastern

January is National Mentoring Month

NGCP is celebrating National Mentoring Month in January by highlighting the importance of mentors in empowering girls and young women to actively pursue STEM education and careers. Participants will learn from a panel of STEM professionals and the young women and girls they are mentoring. Speakers will share their journeys and advice on how mentoring can be a tool for supporting sustained career success in STEM. 

Planning for Citizen Science Month

February 1, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

Citizen Science Month is in April. This webinar is designed to help libraries plan citizen science focused events and programming. Participants will gain resources for introducing citizen science to local communities through book displays, activities, highlighted citizen science projects, and subject matter experts. In partnership with Arizona State University and SciStarter, NGCP leads the National Citizen and Community Science Library Network which brings together people and resources to support libraries across the country to engage their patrons in citizen science.


Girls in STEM: A (Data-based) Tale of Confidence & Satisfaction

February 21, 2023, 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM Eastern

Join NGCP in collaboration with Gender Scan as we explore what data tells us about the importance of educators, parents, and peers in engaging, retaining, and fulfilling women and girls in technology fields. This webinar will break down data collected from teenage participants who took the Gender Scan 2021 survey. Participants will gain access to resources and tips derived from survey findings to help them support and inspire youth in STEM.

Exploring Data Graphic

Reminder: The Connectory is now Connected Girls

In November 2022, The Connectory became Connected Girls, a free, curated directory of girl-serving STEAM opportunities, managed by NGCP in partnership with Science Near Me. Providers are encouraged to use this new and improved platform:

  • Add to Connected Girls: Girl-Serving STEAM opportunities and events that are designed for K-12 girls or other groups that have been historically excluded.
  • Add to Science Near Me: General Out-of-School Time opportunities designed for a K-12 audience and adults. Learn more.

National Mentoring Month Resource Spotlight

Mentoring Works

January is National Mentoring Month and we are highlighting resources that help focus attention on the need for mentors to guide youth. Research shows girls benefit from relationships with role models and mentors who can provide valuable information about STEM careers.

  • 500 Queer Scientists: A database of LGBTQ+ STEM professionals and students from diverse STEM fields, provides youth and educators with an easy way to identify LGBTQ+ individuals in STEM to highlight their work and network with them.
  • Career Girls: A comprehensive video-based career exploration tool for girls featuring diverse women STEM role models. It's free to use and contains videos, career quizzes, and resources.
  • FabFems: A collection of resources for role models, educators, and parents to inspire girls about STEM careers. The website includes Resources for Role Models and Resources for Girls.
  • IF/THEN® Collection: Created in partnership with Lyda Hill Philanthropies and the Association of Science and Technology Centers, the IF/THEN® Collection is a free digital library with photos, videos, posters, activities, and other assets featuring diverse women STEM innovators – all available for educational and other non-commercial use.
  • National Mentoring Resource Center: A collection of mentoring resources including handbooks, curricula, and manuals that practitioners can use to implement and further develop program practices.
  • SciGirls Role Model Strategies: SciGirls Role Model Strategies: Encouraging Girls to Consider STEM Careers offers training for role models, introducing them to gender equitable and culturally responsive practices.
  • Techbridge Girls: Role Model Training and Resources are available to help develop skills to engage girls and underrepresented youth in STEM through guides, videos, and questions.
Upcoming STEM Events

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference

New Orleans, LA, February 2-4, 2023

The annual AMTE conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings. Late registration is available until January 21, 2023. Register.

Beyond School Hours

Orlando, FL, February 9-12, 2023

Educators and leaders serving K-12 students in afterschool, summertime, and beyond will have the opportunity to engage in professional development and capacity building, including hands-on workshops, interactive discussions, and exhibits with the latest products and solutions. Register.

International Women in Aviation (WAI) Conference

Long Beach, CA, February 23-25, 2023

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in education sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, a virtual exhibit hall, personal and professional development seminars and workshops, the 2023 scholarship awards, Pioneer Hall of Fame induction celebration, and networking opportunities. Early bird registration ends January 17, 2023. Register.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting  

Washington, D.C., March 2-5, 2023

The AAAS is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. The 2023 theme, "Science for Humanity" highlights the importance and just integration of multiplicity featuring groundbreaking multidisciplinary research. Virtual registration is also available. Advance registration ends February 7, 2023. Register.

National Afterschool Association (NAA) Convention  

Orlando, FL, March 19-22, 2023

NAA exists to inspire, connect, and equip those who work with and on behalf of children and youth during out-of-school time. This year's theme is "You. Us. All." Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in networking, workshops, daily keynotes, and an interactive Learning Expo for professionals and leaders in afterschool. Register.

National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) National Conference

Atlanta, GA, March 22-25, 2023

Educators will share experiences, present new ideas and teaching techniques on topics such as developing scientific literacy, equity, and assessment. The conference includes workshops, share-a-thons, coffee chats, networking events, and an exhibit hall. Early bird registration ends January 27, 2023. Register.

Science Talk '23 Conference

Portland, OR, April 6-7, 2023

Connect with a community of professional science communicators via workshops, panel discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities. Early bird registration ends January 27, 2023. Register.

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) Conference

Minneapolis, MN, April 12-15, 2023

The ITEEA conference is the largest gathering of technology and engineering educators. The 2023 theme is "Learn it, Try it, Teach it!: STEL Experiences to Advance Our Profession". Pre-registration deadline is March 15, 2023. Register.

NAPE logo

National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE): National Summit for Educational Equity

Washington, DC, April 17-20, 2023

The NAPE Summit brings together administrators, teachers/instructors, counselors, and educational leaders to focus on the work required to identify and remove barriers to access and opportunity, foster equitable learning, and support pathways to an equitable workforce. Organized to deliver insights into the latest research and policy considerations, sessions offer best practices on CTE and STEM pathways. Register.

BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference

Palm Springs, CA, April 25-28, 2023

Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school-time programming. Register.

STEM Resources

CAVU's Climate Innovation Challenge 

Climate Advocates Voces Unidas (CAVU) inspires locally-led climate solutions through visual storytelling and educational programming. The free climate challenge includes access to NGSS and ELA Common Core-aligned storytelling curriculum, resources, and classroom support to empower youth in designing creative solutions to climate change. The challenge is designed to meet standards for middle school youth and can be adapted for a diverse age range. Learn more.

EngineerGirl: Better Great Achievements Writing Contest

The 2023 contest encourages youth to write an essay demonstrating how female and/or non-white engineers have contributed to or can enhance achievements in engineering. Guidelines are provided for elementary, middle school, and high school grade levels. Submission deadline is February 1, 2023.

L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship 

The fellowship program honors postdoctoral women scientists at a critical stage in their careers with grants of $60,000 to advance their research and serve as role models for the next generation of girls in STEM. Applications deadline is January 27, 2023.

MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge Logo

MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge

MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge is a free, internet-based applied math competition for high school juniors and seniors in the U.S. and sixth form students in England and Wales. Working in teams, participants have 14 hours to solve an open-ended math-modeling problem focused on a relevant issue. The contest awards $100,000 in prizes annually. The challenge weekend is March 3-6, 2023. Registration deadline is February 24, 2023.

NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge: Pillars of Creation

Youth are encouraged to join NASA's Universe of Learning and participate in the Winter 2023 NASA's Astrophoto Challenge. Participants will capture their own telescope image or work with NASA's images of the iconic Pillars of Creation and the broader Eagle Nebula, their work may receive feedback from NASA scientists. Youth may participate by using an email address to receive images taken with the MicroObservatory robotic telescopes. Participants 12 or younger must have a parent/guardian do the activity with them. The Challenge is open until February 28, 2023.

Global Resources
National Coalition of Girls' Schools text with NCGS written blue, red, yellow, and green block letters

Educating Girls Symposium: Meaning, Mission, & Making Connections 

New York, New York, February 6, 2023 

The National Coalition of Girls’ Schools is gathering educators, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to creating safe and engaging environments for girls to dive deep into conversations related to inclusivity, belonging, and accessibility. Participants will hear from inspiring keynote speakers and engage in collaborative workshops. Register.

About Us

The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth.

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Support Our Work

Help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM. Your support helps NGCP connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. Your generosity allows us to support programs working to increase girls’ interest in STEM by providing collaboration support, professional development, curriculum, and helpful evaluation and assessment techniques. Consider making a recurring donation to maximize your impact!

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